How To Express Your Emotion - Teal Swan

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Emotions are energy, they have to go somewhere and when they are not allowed to release, they rot you from within. Your physical body begins to deteriorate and so does the world around you. The world around you begins to reflect that suppressed emotion. In order to feel our emotions we need to be willing to risk being vulnerable. Vulnerability is the place where healing begins. But many of us equate vulnerability with inevitable hurt; and so it feels like a very scary risk to feel our emotions. In this episode, Teal explains that you can only heal emotions that you let yourself feel and express.

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Beginning Song:
Alchemy - Blake Dyer

Ending Song
Our Game - Yaima

Teal Swan is a personal transformation revolutionary. She was born with a range of extrasensory abilities and is a survivor of severe childhood abuse. Today she uses her gifts as well as her own harrowing life experience to inspire millions of people towards authenticity, freedom and joy and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.

The result when people are restored to wholeness is that the world will be restored to wholeness. Teal Swan's teachings invite people to step fully into their authenticity, knowing that this will bring about the positive change that we want to see in the world.

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this woman is God's blessing and one of a kind


1 Anger blame furt, repelling, resentment
2 Dissapointment sadness hurt
3 Fear insecurity deepwound
4 Understanding empathy responsibility regret
5 Love wishes solutions connecting


My son and I did this exercise together after he was reprimanded for showing lack of responsibility and disrespect. It really helped me see how I could help him get through emotions instead of telling him he should not get angry. So I guess it helped us both. He was able to see how things escalated when he showed disrespect and I saw how if I let him express himself he was more respectful....hmmm weird how that happens. HAHA


I love how you Teal link psychology and spirituality.


I'm watching this 11 years from recording, and I'm learning new things



1 I hate it when …

2 I am so angry that…

3 I am fed up with…

4 I am filled with rage when …

next level

1 I feel so disappointed that…

2 I feel so sad when…

3 the thing that hurts so badly is…

4 This is why it hurts me so badly…

next level

1 I am afraid that…

2 What I am truly afraid of is…

3 It scares me when…

4 it reminds me of…

Next level

1 I am sorry that…

2 Please forgive me for…

3 It is completely understandable that…

4 I regret that…

5 I understand that…

Last level

1 I want to…

2 I forgive you for…

3 I hope that…

4 Thank you for…

5 I appreciate you because…

6 I love you because…


Wow....I am 55 and have never been in a relationship where I was allowed to have express my feelings ....and when I did I was invalidated and dismissed....starting from my mom through 2 husband's n a horrendous 2.5 year abusive interaction .. each one progressively worse than the one I'm now aware of my participation.


its about honesty. Allowing yourself to let it flow through you. Accept that the pain is there first, and not try to fight it. Express it as sincerely as possible and watch how good it feels.


I was labeled the crazy one towards and at the end of a 7 year relationship I was in with another woman. I always expressed my truth and appeared to be really emotional to her as a result of expressing myself (to someone I thought loved and cared about me). Now I know that she was suppressing her feelings and emotions for the appearance of "stability" while at the same time dismissing and denying receptivity (of me, of my emotional truths) of hearing the truth in my voice and what I spoke. She shut me down and out. I was manipulated, lied to, and called paranoid because I spoke up about things I was uncertain about with her, and needed clarity and assurance on. I was made to believe that I was crazy by the person I thought loved me. I started to loose myself to the point of forgetting.. I believed her words over my own heart. I became the emotional conduit who was suppressed, voice denied and hushed. I apologize to myself right now, openly and publically, by saying i'm sorry I lost you, Hunter. I apologize for not believe in you, that I accepted her words over my own truth for the sake of the appearance of love and stability even to my own self detriment. May I never doubt my self and my ability to sense things that may be true but not yet admitted... may I follow my joy and not self sacrifice myself or abandon myself for the sake of another.. Teal Swan, you have proven me right even to myself. Learning of myself as conduit is a valuable lesson. Perhaps there is more for me to learn. Your videos are helping me grow. I hope you read this..Thank you.


I began to cry at 7:39 and more at 8:39 I haven't cried in one week because of being so hard-shelled and numb since last Wednesday when my boyfriend yelled at me on the phone for expressing my emotions to him. I love how I can watch a Teal Swan video and she just cleanses my soul and makes me cry, after not being able to for so long <3 I wonder what I'd do without her videos... #geminilove


I discovered you yesterday and I feel like my whole life is changing already. I can't thank you enough.


Thanks Teal for teaching "how to human" <3


Everything Teal says in this video is spot on.

This is what I would like to add tot his video:
Emotions are a result from thoughts. Changing your thoughts in peaceful situations and making them more positive, or silencing the mind, will alter how you emotionally react to situations. You may feel the (negative) emotion express itself not as powerfully as it did before or the negative emotion will not appear at all.

If your thoughts somehow do let a negative emotion arise, then like Teal says, you will have to express it somehow and feel it to the fullest (do not ignore it). Do not try to figure out what caused the negative emotion to arise within you while you experience the emotion, because that clouds your judgement. Feel/allow the emotion till it calms down and then, when you are quiet, try to see if you get an answer about why you reacted the way you did. 

Love to everyone!


The only emotions you can heal, are the emotions you allow yourself to feel and allow yourself to express. - Profound


Wow... in a five years long relationship, I was the "crazy" "unstable" one... and used to feel bad about it, but yeah now three years after our breakup I know that I was actually just channeling my partner's emotions, because to me is so easy to express things out in general.


I love the gentle piano music at the end.


I love talking it out about whatever is wrong, it's soo healing and brings peace to oneself! They only way to a balanced mind, body and spirit is talking and expressing oneself.


We don't have to be ashamed of our emotions... It is part of life and there is no way of ignoring it...everyone have emotions even animals do... GREAT VIDEO. THANKYOU TEAL. YOU ARE AN AMAZING SOUL.


The last words about glasses and hoses surprised me, im the stable one :) and im already lost my loved friend and now i understand how much i made her suffer with me, thank you teal 🙏🏻


This is the most valuable thing I have EVER seen. Thank you, Teal Swan from the bottom of my heart.
