Lower Back Sprain and Strain Reasons

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Low back strain can be the result of a single injury that pulls or twists a muscle or tendon, or it can occur due to increased stress on the muscles of the lumbar spine.Overstretched muscle fibers may be torn, and a local inflammation occurs.

Poor posture or repetitive and prolonged overuse of tendons and muscles can also result in a strain. Lumbar sprains can be caused by falls, sudden twists, or hard blows to the spine, when spinal ligaments are stretched beyond their normal limits.
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Those who had experienced this injury know that this is one of the worst pain you can feel. Lower back pain makes even the simplest movement of turning around on your bed or sitting down and standing up so difficult


I was doing deadlifts and came back up. I had good form and light weight, but it didn’t matter. My lower back muscle snapped. Went to get x-rays just in case. Pain was 8 out of 10 first couple days.
Treatment- epsom salt 2 cups in a bath in the morning and at night for 20 min each. Also menthol pads on the area to sleep.
God bless whoever reads this.
Everything happens for your good if you love God. Even this.


Once you experience this your life is forever changed, hopefully for the good. I make sure my posture is right. I bend my knees. I come up slow when picking things up. I make sure to suck in my stomach and breathe correctly. Learned so much from physical therapy. One of the worst pains is in the lower back. You don't realize how much you use it until its hurting. I could barely drive, sitting down made it worse. In fact, sitting down is what sent me to the hospital for a pill and shot. It took a couple weeks before it was fully recovered. First few days were the worst, especially before the the shot and pill. And...muscle relaxers did not help. For some reason muscle relaxers only work on me for muscle spasms, I've had spasm twice in my life.


Currently getting trough this myself and from my experience, what helped me the most:
1. In the first few days after the injury - rest, try to move if you can, but dont stretch and avoid putting any load on your lower back.
2. After it gets better, you need to start moving, dont just lay around expecting that it will get better - it will take less time to heal this way.
3. If you can move with minor discomfort, its time to start putting some !LIGHT! load on your lower back to speed up recovery. You can try Air-squats, air-deadlift and later when its better even deadlift with 20kg weight - this will speed up recovery even more and such light load will not damage your lower back.
4. In order to prevent this in the future, you need to start doing exercises that will strenghten your lower back, as deadlifts, squats etc. while focusing or the form


Watching this cause I literally just pulled my back and then passed out from the pain 😅😅 I’ve never passed out from pain before, and the scariest part about it, I was aware of it happening and got even more scared when I realized I was in so much pain I couldn’t even grab my phone that was in my pocket to call anyone. Once I gained consciousness again I was able to take deep breaths and called my apartments I live at to bring my items back inside for me since I couldn’t bring them in 😭


I don’t know how but I did something to my left side lower back and I could hardly move for a couple hours. It’s getting better now after resting and putting heat on it. Can’t wait to be able to stand up without worrying about pain.


I'll get them once or twice a year from an accident I had when I was in my twenties from lifting too much weight. I have never experienced anything so painful and debilitating in my life. Instantly dropping to my knees in blackout pain sweating and not being able to move an inch. It normally lasts from 2 to 3 days.


Injured my lowerback 5 days ago. This is my 3rd or 4th lumbar injury due to squats / leg press.

I was rounding my back and didn't realize it... Legs is the hardest thing to train for me, one bad move and your lowerback is screwed. I've never had any problems maxing out on bench or pull ups or any upper body stuffs. It's rally depressing.

Anyway the same day I hurt my lowerback, I couldn't walk sit or stand. I was bedridden for 3 days straight. The pain was crazy, it was just sharp stabbing pain everytime I moved a little. After the 3rd day I could finally stand and walk a little. 4th day I could walk some more and bend over a bit. 5th day ( today) I can finally sit for long period of time without much discomfort.

I took a ton of painkillers + opiods just to sleep. What helped speed up recovery for me was doing air squats and air deadlift in the shower. I started doing this on day 4 onward.

I would shower with hot water to warm up my body then start doing air squats and air deadlift. It made my lowerback feel much better so give it a try but only do it once you can actually walk sit and stand with minor discomfort.

Don't do it when you can't even get off the bed. Also don't twist ur back or stretch it. You need to do mobility work, not static stretches.

Good luck. It should fully heal within a week or two. If you still feel the same after a week, please see a doctor.


Im literally going through this now I can't stand straight I get jolts of the sharpest pain ever whenever I move to fast or a certain way it's actually brutal it's the 4th time it's happened to me.. any suggestions on what to do at home to possibly relief some tension?? it's my lower left back/buttock... First time me and my brother were lifting a boat trailer onto a hitch and even he heard a loud pop it was something on my back I instantly fell to the ground it was the worst pain I've ever experienced


This happened to me at work. I literally was just bending down to put things in a fridge. And worst part is, i had to finish my shift. Which involves a ton of bending for closing


I was over here crying for a week straight thinking it was my kidney


For all who suffer from this pain... Get in the sauna asap. Will really help!


I've bent over to pick something up and felt like something move and pull in my lower back followed by stabbing pain when putting weight on my foot on the ground. It's so painful can't sit down or do basic movements without sharp pain and aching in the back. Sometimes sharp stabbing pain feels like in the lower spine joint. Awful. Thought I'd slipped a disc. It's that painful


I remember this happened to me 3 or 4 years ago took like 2 or 3 weeks for me to fully recover.


I'm a week in dealing with this crap. Was feeling pretty good yesterday but this morning it's feeling pretty achy again. Funny thing is I didn't even do anything. Usually you can feel it right when you bend the wrong way but that didn't happen.


My lower back sprain taught me just how many movements actually use the lower back muscle 🥰🌸✨


I had to walk with two canes when I hurt my back from bending over. Didn't even know I hurt it until I started feeling pain that got so bad I could barely walk back into the house. It was terrible and took forever to recover.


Remedy: this is the most painful situation ever faced in their lives.but i have gone through multiple times. I will give you best and quickest solution in points.
1. First day right at movement you have to put cold pack for every 2 hr. It will reduce swelling and pain.
2. Consult a doctor he will give you few pills to reduce pain, swelling, stiffness, inflammation in muscle tissues.
3.very important thing is Hot pack for every 4 hrs, apply ontment for after putting hot pack.
FYI hot pack i used in that situation is ( Take two handfull crystal salt and do heat that salt on pan. Take that heated salt into one cloth just wrap it up and put it on lower back)
Thank you
Jai Hind Jai Bharath 🇮🇳


I bent over to pick something up yesterday and when I stood up I got the worst pain in my lower back I’ve ever experienced. I can’t stand it even walk without jolts of pain feeling like somebody’s stabbing me over and over and even just laying here in bed is painful. It’s almost been 24 hours and the pain still won’t go away


It's been 7 months, the pain is there every morning, I can't stand for long
