Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) Explained in 4 minutes

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The ACNA is the more theologically conservative Anglican denomination in the United States and Canada. In 4 minutes you'll learn all you need to know about their theology and practice.
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Started attending and getting ready to join an ACNA church. I can from SBC. I really enjoy the focus on the liturgy and sacraments. I feel they better represent the church of the first century.


Our church, priests, and bishops absolutely do believe in the inerrancy of the Scriptures.


Catholic here.
Noticed a lot of parallels of the ACNA to my church, such as, notably, infant baptism and a sacrament doctrine that somewhat parallels what we have.


JI Packer who was an Anglican priest taught inerrancy and there are many Anglicans who believe in it. At the very least the majority affirm infallibility. Anglicans can be Dispensationalist since the church itself predates the debate. H. Griffith Thomas who wrote the most popular evangelical commentary on the 39 Articles and co-founded Dallas Theological Seminary was a dispensationalist. They will still ordain dispensationalists to the priesthood I know this because I know a few of them.


have to disagree when the video says they dont believe in the innerrancy of the bible. it is THE reason they left the episcopal church in the first place. they may have differing interpretations but they do believe it is inerrant in the original languages


Fantastic site and really great videos!!! A+++


It’s so hard to find traditional conservative churches with young people. If it’s hard in San Antonio, I can’t imagine in other states.


I’m considering either the ACNA or Catholicism. This is helpful.


Very erudite lesson! Very informative.


There are definitely many ACNA members who affirm transubstantiation. I grew up in an ACNA parish and the opinions were varied. The Anglican clergy in my view let the individual decide on that part. Many affirm every Roman Catholic belief except papal authority, with some even advocating for the Book of Common prayer to affirm all sacraments the RC church affirms. This is just my experience, though, and you’ll get a variety of opinions on this topic!


Can you make a video about Anglo-Catholics, ie those who identify with the Anglican Continuum. One of the larger churches are the Anglican Catholic Church or United Episcopal Church of North America


The first section of Article 6 of the 39 Articles of Religion, states and I quote,

"Holy Scripture containeth all things necessary to salvation: so that whatsoever is not read therein, nor may be proved thereby, is not to be required of any man, that it should be believed as an article of the Faith, or be thought requisite or necessary to salvation. In the name of the Holy Scripture we do understand those canonical Books of the Old and New Testament, of whose authority was never any doubt in the Church."

So with regard to the ACNA not requiring to believe in the inherency of the Scriptures, yes, it is required according to the Articles. In fact, one of the very reasons the ACNA became the ACNA, is because of the denial of the inherency of Scripture within the Anglican Communion and the Episcopal Church. Because they reject the Authority of the Scriptures and the inherency thereof, the ACNA split from such, to return back to True and Historical Anglicanism. And true, we are continuing to weave out a few things, nevertheless, we strive to be as faithful to the Word of God as we can. 👍🏻


Can you do one on GAFCON?
Part of GAFCON is outside the Anglican Communion (e.g., ACNA) and part of it is inside?
Are there GAFCON churches within the Episcopal Church in the USA?
It seems like some Episcopal Church dioceses have both secular post-Christian 'mainstream' churches AND traditional orthodox Anglican churches within them. Strange setup.


Be careful with the use of the term "open table" as the Episcopal Church (TEC) defines that as the table is open to unbelievers, unbaptized, everyone, due their belief that they are welcoming, inclusive, diverse, etc. So, for most of the Episcopal Church, the table is open to atheists, Satanists, etc. ACNA refers to the table being "open" to baptized believers no matter their denominational background. Important distinction. Thanks


I have a question, what's the difference between sacraments and ordinances?


What about the ACA and at the ACC. Fees to continuing Anglican bodies may not be in existence anymore but I would like to know if they are. I have been a member it of both.


By taking the ordination oaths you basically are affirming infallibility.


Good general summary, but as has been noted there are Charismatics in the ACNA (I'm not one of the them).


You should talk more about GAFCON, as it is 10x larger than the ACNA, I always wonder why it gets so much attention when its becoming less and less Anglican as each year passes.


where can I get a list of organizations the doctrines and practices of which you have described in a dedicated video?
