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This is how you stop autism meltdowns in the most effect way possible!

We all have things in our life that become triggers that then create autism meltdowns and anxiety. This is a typical experience that is magnified for people on the autism spectrum.

I have created 3 simple steps to help you stop autism meltdowns in your day, and they are easy to follow.

1.Identify Your Triggers
First you need to look at the things in your life that are causing you to be triggered and that can create a trigger to make you have an autism meltdown.

This could be things like, deciding what to wear the next day, or remembering to take something to a certain place. What ever it is you need to identify and write down these triggers.

2.Create Habits
The next step is to create habits to change these triggers from something that makes you meltdown to something that causes you to change your pattern and adjust to the solution.

This is as simple as, laying your clothes out the night before, creating a reminder on your phone, tablet or smart devices to remind you to take something to a certain place. By creating these ritual habits it creates a stress free experience for the triggers that would have been causing your autism meltdowns.

3.Implement Habits
Now you need to create a list of these new habits and stick to them like a ritual, every single day so that you are saving yourself the next day, kind of like future proofing yourself to reduce and stop any and all meltdowns caused by these triggers identified in step 1.

Why not drop a comment below to help out the community if you have anything you’d like to add!

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#autismmeltdown #autistic #autism


Рекомендации по теме

What do you do to help prevent Autism Meltdowns?


1. Identify triggers
2. Create habits
3. Implement these habits


I get triggered when my brain doesn’t give me a break from certain memories that I don’t even want to remember. So it sometimes causes me to have meltdowns. I know that might sound crazy that I have meltdowns just because of something like that. I either try to hide my emotions and mask it by telling the people around me that nothing is wrong. But a lot of times, I use coping skills such as music, sensory items, or even finding something that I know will make me laugh. I also try to do breathing techniques.


My kid brother had all these struggles. And it wrecked havoc in everyone’s life.
> It’s sad that we don’t understand ourselves & others who suffer from these things.
> I’m doing better now that I live alone, bc I don’t have to explain my little coping techniques to other people- who have a phobia to be around others who are “ odd “. My biggest thing is maneuvering around people who see my “quirks” & handling their issues about why can’t I be more like everyone else ?!
Ugh !!


Aspie meltdowns have directly set me on the slippery slope to losing three jobs. I literally can’t remember what I said or did until piecing it together days later from what other people told me I said.
It’s usually a trigger from me being appalled at the unfair double-standards applied to myself vs a colleague who seems to get away with murder.


Had an awful meltdown this morning due to increasing depression and felt like I wanted to end my life, this video is honestly such a lifesaver so thank you for making content like this !


I use music to help me to calm down and it helps a lot for me. My psychologist she was surprised music helps me


In our family noise, clutter, and social time tend to be triggers regularly


At the moment I'm just trying to identify my triggers. I just figured out a few months ago that I am autistic and I am seeking a diagnosis. Till then I'm trying to find as many ways to cope as I can. This video was very helpful.


I use to get bad ones in high school (idk I had autism at the time) and learned later a big trigger for me is loud chaos if that makes sense. Those bad ones always started from the teacher not able to control the class and kids screaming and talking over everyone and the place got to loud in such a small space I freaked out. (These classes were like 30-40 kids on a small room). Wish I knew these tips back then, I would have avoid large classes like that.


My life feels like one meltdown after another, and I can't do anything to stop them. I have pdd-nos, I got diagnosed 1995 before it was apart of the Autism spectrum, and none of the family but my mom, believe that I have it, they just think that I am lazy and need to grow up


Thank you for this . I think this will help my daughter.


Thank you so much for this. I will try these!


I have struggled doing these things for myself and my children, because I have adhd. I have found it impossible to create new habits. I can do something new for like a few days but then I can’t continue the energy it takes to keep it up. I have kids with adhd as well and one with autism. Yargghhh


I have meltdowns all the time but my mom has always yelled at me for having meltdowns so I have figured out a way to mask them so well that no one even knows I'm having a meltdown not even my closest friend I mean I'll tell them but they visibly have no idea


Love this. So beneficial x I have just moved too and establishing a routine is just forming


Any suggestion on travel issues. I get insomnia for 2 days before any trip. Even to see best friend, or Dr day


I have just started looking at building in more good habits and I'm calling them directives.... can't ignore must complete the directive. I have to use reverse psychology on myself all the time to get stuff done.


Thank you for the tips of forming habits!


I had watched and listened to your video, the coolest thing was, I had put this into practice preparing the night before going out to do something that mean a lot to me.

All thanks to your video content, can somebody please stop me for being too much in a good mood because this threw me into an extremely good mood just following your instructions.
