5 Real Reasons NOT To Get A Boston Terrier

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In this video, I cover 5 real reasons you shouldn't get a Boston Terrier. This video is for anyone who is on the fence as to whether or not the Boston Terrier is the right dog breed for them and their family's lifestyle. If you are trying to choose a puppy watch this video to see if you need to rule out this dog breed over any others you might be thinking about getting.

Need More Reasons? Read this article that covers 12 reasons not to get a Boston Terrier:


Find more information about Boston Terriers on our website!


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My girl Ripley farts like a cow, snorts like a pig and snores like a drunk. I’m so proud of her.


Let’s see....
Likes to stay on the couch
Doesn’t like to go out in heat or cold
Sounds like my husband!
*Bostons are cuter tho*


I have had 3 Boston Terriers in my life time...Only breed I ever want ..its unexplainable how much I love them..


I've had many dogs in my 73 years of life, and many different breeds. Both male and female. But none touched my heart like my Boston Terrier, Bella. She lived for over 13 years with heart disease and in that short time brought me more joy than I could ever explain. And in the end, more heartache at her passing than I've ever known. RIP little girl.


I am on my second Boston now. Learned a lot from my first. I once believed the gas problem was just "the breed." But I learned from experience that you can eliminate a lot of the problem -- maybe as much as 95% of it -- by following two rules. #1 -- Treats are not easily tolerated. Yes, they love them. Yes, many are high quality. Yes you need something to motivate them in training. I tried everything. But even small bits of steamed sweet potato were problematic. Basically the rule is that going "off script" -- giving my dog anything outside of her meals, is raising the likelihood of gas. Commercial treats, even high quality ones, often contain sugars and other ingredients that can ferment in the gut, resulting in gas and probably a tummy ache. I found that using her actual food for training worked great, even though it was a mix of wet & dry food. It also serves to slow down the eating so they're not gulping air. Rule #2 is related to Rule #1. Measure your Boston's food! Guesstimating or feeling generous can easily result in too much food. THIS means that it doesn't get adequately processed in the gut. Loose stool and gas are the result. Lastly (not a rule but just an observation) a gassy dog may just need to be taken out for a poop more often. 2 1/2 to 4 hours after a meal my dog will definitely poop so I make sure she doesn't try to cut and run back inside esp. in the cold weather, and try to postpone the "big business" trip. I live in a small city apartment, and the gas thing HAD to be addressed. These tips WORK. And I should add, no dairy products for her, but most people know that.

Bostons are chow hounds and will eat opportunistically. One training focus has been "leave it" or "wait." My girl has to wait in a "down" with food in front of her until I signal her that it's ok to eat. She's 6 months at this point and we have a way to go yet, but she's making progress. After one $300 vet visit because she chewed a pod from a Honey Locust tree in the park, I have gotten strict about what she puts in her mouth.


I had a Boston Terrier and he was killed. Literally died in my arms. A Rottweiler went to attack my sister and he jumped in the way protecting her. His name was Bebo. He is our angel. 👼


I absolutely love Bostons. Have had several in my lifetime and all led a long healthy life. The Boston I have now I think saved my life. I had a horrible accident 5 years ago that forced me to retire. When I got home from the hospital 5 weeks later...she has been by my side every step of the way. I was depressed going thru this horrible experience. I really feel like she saved my life. I LOVE BOSTONS!!!


I’ve had 5 Boston terriers and there’s nothing wrong with them honestly. If you take care of them and love them they’ll love you too. My oldest is about 15 years and still going strong


I am a professional trainer seeing about 300 family pet dogs a year. I had a Basenji for 16 years and loved her dearly. After she passed i chose a Boston due to how wonderful they always were in my classes. I had seen everything and the Boston topped my list of what to get.


I got Stanley because of my disability and companion! He’s so smart and quick learner. 5 minutes and he learned how to fetch the paper off the end of the driveway and bring it to me. Just with one treat. 3 days later he learned not to take the neighbours paper😂😅😊


My Boston seriously helps me with my depression and other issues I have, love my Boston


The deepest sleep I ever achieved was with a Boston foster. He'd lay right against my back and the vibrations of his snoring were soothing.


My Boston terrier, Gus was a VERY gassy boy when we first adopted him. Things improved GREATLY when we elevated his food bowl so that he didn’t have to stoop to eat from the ground. Something about that reach meant he was taking in more air. I never notice his farts anymore. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was in a car accident back in 2017, i couldnt walk for 6 months and my aunt gave me a boston terrier. He helped me a lot with dealing with depression and frustration. Love boston terrier.


My parents have had three Boston’s, and now I have two. They are such a perfect breed for me. I am allergic to dogs and they make me itchy but I love my baby Boston burritos ❤️


Our Boston is also named Bella! I haven't really noticed her getting gassy since we bought her a slow-feed bowl. She enjoys the challenge, but also doesn't scarf down her food so quickly, which I think results in greater air intake while eating, equalling gas. Maybe I'm imagining things, but no smelly Boston's in this house!


I am absolutely THRILLED by the profile on this dog!! Beautiful!!

I love Bostons, and the fact that people are breeding them to have healthier noses thrills me beyond reason. Our BT was lucky to not be affected by his smushed face too much and never suffered from issues breathing, but the steps taken by responsible owners to make lives for these wonderful pups even better is such a huge boon to the community as a whole!


I ❤️my Boston Terrier. He’s the most loving little dog I’ve ever had


My beloved Ray-Ray, a Boston, passed in November at 15 and a half. I am STILL devastated and miss him dearly. I'm in South Alabama and we get like 5 plus months of 90+ degree heat annually. Early morning and after dark walks in summer are the longer, more fun walks. Middle of the day, he'd do his biz, then lead me right back inside! But for all walks I had what I called "The Ray pack"- a backpack with a full water bottle and collapsible bowl, a spray bottle I kept in the fridge to spritz him if he felt warm, and a cooling bandana.

Only had one real scare with the heat - we REALLY paid attention to time exposure to the sun and made sure he got his "fun walks" in at the cooler times of day.

I've always been an animal lover in general, but Ray changed my life in countless ways- in particular making me fall in love with Boston's. They truly are the best. ❤️❤️


All of these tips are true. What is also true - a Boston will be your best friend, therapist, resident comedian, life coach, stinker, and snuggler for life.
