5 Weird Reasons Not to Smoke

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Hank gives you five MORE reasons why you should probably avoid smoking, or quit if you already smoke - in addition to those big ones you already know about. These are the weird reasons.

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Hank, this video helped me to quit smoking. I haven't had a cigarette in nearly two years. I just thought I would drop back by this video to say thank you.


I once saw a meme that said "Hamsters are a lot like cigarettes. Completely harmless, until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire."


I quit last Thursday, nice to watch videos like this as I go. Cheers to quitting smoking!


Yeah kids don't do school
And stay in drugs


I smoked for 19 years, quit one month plus a few days ago. I do not think I will be going back as the health benefits are so much greater than I thought. I suffered from what I now suspect might have been self-induced dysthymia for as long in my adult life I can remember. You know what else I did for that long? Smoked. Imagine your neutral well being as a zero, the most happy you could every be a ten and suicidal being minus ten, I started every day on a negative two, for no particular reason I could put my finger on, and after about two weeks off the cigarettes after more than half my life on them I don't feel this way anymore. It's such a liberation I could cry. Just BREATHING deep is FUN to me now, wow something happends! And I'm pretty sure I can rule out placebo effect as I did not quit on purpose. I just was so broke I couldn't afford cigarettes. One week in food started to taste again and I started to look forward to the next meal instead of my next cigarette, and closing in on week two I coughed up a bunch of slime and after that I felt so much better, started to sleep better, not feeling under the weather all the time. I still miss it. Especially when I take a cup of coffee on my balcony or as a stress reliever when doing something I don't like, but yeah tasting and breathing is better. I recommend it. Quit.


Smoking is really good for your health, good for the lungs and heart. I also believe in the flat earth theory.


Number 6: Those things are expensive think of all the stuff you could have bought instead of cigaretts


the fact that it hurts my pets is a huge reason I'm quiting. i know it sounds crazy but the risk of myself getting cancer never made me want to quit but the idea im hurting my little guys is horrifying. as always i enjoyed your video. thank you


Number 5 is a given, most people start and/or continue smoking because they are depressed and don't care about their health.


This comment section:

> I smoke, fuck ur opinion
> Weed isn't as bad as smoking


thank God i quit this filthy habit for almost 3 years now, after 8 years of smoking :D


I kinda hope "dying" would be enough reason for people to quit smoking, but no.


I grew up with my mum smoking and two of my brothers smoking and I can tell you how hard it was for my brothers to quit. No matter how many times they tried they just kept coming back to it... I think one has managed to successfully quit, while the other still smokes. As for my mother, she died of cancer 6 years ago when I was 14, that started in her lungs and spread to her brain... Honestly its poison!


18 year 20 a day habit, 10 days in and still havnt had a ciggie, had a few beers on the weekend with smoking mates and managed to maintain, can only get easier, watching stuff like this reinforces my non-smoking, wish I had this will power 18 years ago, never too late I guess, that's my 2 cents, kia ora from nz


I've smoked 2 cigarettes in my life. Lungs hurt, light headed, taste bad. no thanks.


Or maybe sad people are just more likely to smoke cigarettes, and smoking does not necessarily make people sadder?


If quitting was as easy as non-smokers think it is, there would be less smokers. No-one picks up smoking as an addiction and goes "I'm pretty sure this is great for me! It tastes like crap, makes my throat and lungs ache, must be good for me." As far as these reasons go - sagging breasts is aesthetic and therefore moot, the most terrifying thing regarding smoking, in my opinion is the possibility of cancer/emphysema.

The addiction was stronger than my fears, and I haven't quit despite trying 10 times since I wasn't ready then and am not ready now...


I stopped using tobacco three months ago. The first week was absolutely horrible and I felt disgusted that I could feel that kind of abstinence. Now that I hardly think about it anymore I'm so happy that I took that decision. To all you users out there, if you're thinking about quitting my advice is not to "cut back" but to just stop. And maybe get some sleeping meds for the first week since the lack of tobacco will make it very hard to relax.


Here's a story:
A pregnant woman comes to a counter and says: pack of "cigs" (insert brand), please.
The shopkeeper replies: I can't sell to an underage person.
- But I'm an adult, what the hell?
- I wasn't talking about you. Let the person that's inside grow up first and make up his mind whether to smoke or not.
Woman had to leave without the cigaretes.


3 things guaranteed to keep you out of cigarettes if you are in high school and thusly on a pathetically limited income: Video Games, Manga, and Magic: The Gathering. Thanks to those three things I literally never had money to spend on Drugs or Cigarettes, and consequesntly met most of my friends.
