The Real Reason Why I Don't Want Kids!

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So what is the real reason why I don’t want to have kids? It’s not one of the reasons that are most talked about. If you’ve been a subscriber for a while, you know that this subject is something that is close to my heart, not least because so many of you tell me it’s important for you to hear that you’re not alone in feeling this way.

I talk about:
- how to be childfree
- why I’m childfree
- being childfree by choice
- overpopulation
- sustainability
- health
- being called selfish
- changing your mind
- choosing to be childfree
- following your passions


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As a mom, I'm supporting child-free people even more. If you don't feel totally committed to motherhood, the sacrifices don't worth it. Better to have happy child-free women than burned out shitty moms who hate their life.


At the age of 58 and happily married I can say i never regretted choosing to not have children. I am child free by choice and tell people so.


When I get asked why I don’t want kids (usually by people who have or want kids), I typically ask them why DO they want kids? The usual response is “because I just want them”.

Interesting how that is accepted by society as a full response, but the reverse (“because I just don’t want them”) is not!


Mom of three children here… each of my children was a choice. I cannot imagine what it would be like to not have a choice in the matter of motherhood. Having an unwanted baby is a catastrophe for all involved. I respect choice.


I have a daughter who is now 18. I adopted her as an Infant. People assume I adopted bc I couldn’t have kids, but the reason is just bc it was something I knew I wanted to do since I was a teen. I could have given birth if I chose to. We shouldn’t assume we know what other people are thinking!


Im 48 and child-free. I cannot count how many times I've been asked why. I feel like a monster saying it but the truth is I don't really like kids, I have no patience for them


I'm Japanese woman and i apprecipate you for making this video.
I knew the word "child-free" for the first time.
It sounds really positive! will use it from today.


42, happily married and child-free. No medical reasons, no trauma, no environmental reasons I simply don't want and never wanted children. As you say I love my life the way it is. I openly say when asked (not very often) that I simply do not want kids. No any specific reasons behind. I live in Sweden btw. Great video, great topic, keep on speaking about it.


Preggo mom of 1 soon to be 2 here, in full support of this video and message! Let’s normalize the decision to be childfree and reproductive autonomy in general!


I also never wanted children. I’m 54 now and still have never regretted not having them.


53 and child free. Definitely no regrets. The older I get the happier I am about it.


I am 64 and childfree and like you I knew very young that I did not want to be a parent, in my case by the time I was 12, as I recall. I have no regrets whatsoever.


Mid-50s here. I always felt ambivalent about having children, starting from about when I turned 11 or 12. I didn't have a reason beyond "I just don't want to, " and I felt that way most of the time, so I just never did. I had a brief "wobble" when I was about to turn 40 - not an actual change of heart, just a moment when I fully realized that my reproductive window was closing. Before it was fully closed, I wanted to take a moment to think it through, to make sure I was truly good with staying child-free. Within a few weeks, I had reassured myself. I moved on, did not have children, and I have never regretted it.


I'm child free and never wanted to have kids either. I never pictured myself as a mother. In fact, pregnancy, breast feeding, nappy all disgusts me beyond measure. I even used to have nightmares that I'm heavily pregnant or just had a baby. I always woke up into a panic attack. Funnily enough children are drawn to me like moths to light. Which is very uncomfortable. In my 30s my doctor was trying to gently inform me that if I ever wanted children, I'd need "a little help" since my ovaries are under developed. My reaction was a big smile and a great relieve. I tried not to jump with joy because I didn't want to shock my doctor. The irony of my life is that I've had a child in my life since my late teens, she is my good friend's daughter. We were always close and when my friend died, her daughter became even closer to me. So life found another way to bring a child into my life. Next month I will be attending this young woman's wedding and I will be seated at the table right next to her where her mother would sit had she been alive.


Shared this with my youngest daughter. She never wanted children, and married the Mormon Bishop son, thinking she wanted his kids then found out that she couldn't personally have them. Because of the pressure to adopt she divorced him within a year. She needed to hear this.


I feel you. I find being the child of a mother with zero maternal instinct quite a traumatic experience. Why make someone unhappy?


"People have this impression that women don't know their own mind" Perfectly phrased! ❤


Agreed! I am childfree for that exact reason. People also kept telling me that I will change my mind. But now I’m in my forties and that doesn’t work anymore. I now just get a look full of pity, because they think I’m lying; that I wanted kids but life did not work out. People also often tell me: you are really missing out. I reply with: so are you. It is just a different path. Much love to all childless people out there that have to fave these same unasked for opinions, and feel sad about it.


I am a parent but I do not understand that deciding not to have children can challenge some people. Everyone makes their own choice and this must be simply respected ! Love from France !
