The REAL Reason My Show Was Canceled | Candace Ep 2

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I break down the topics I was discussing before I was fired, Jon Stewart reveals he's a STANdace, an obese woman is crowned Miss Alabama, and Nikki Haley is still deranged.



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I am comfortable admitting this - I was staunchly following the COVID mandates, received both shots, wore a mask and stayed away from family for probably the first five or six months. I will never, ever again listen to anything the government says, at least not without doing my own extensive research, talking to individuals I trust. I was stripped of countless things because of COVID including having a wedding ceremony, honeymoon, my parents being able to see my newborn daughter and the family gatherings etc. I will never be a puppet again.


The difference between a conspiracy theory and breaking news is about 6 months.


I stopped shopping at Target, and cancelled my Red Card in 2016, when Target allowed men identifying as women into the women’s restroom. No regrets.


I was a fat girl in the 80s. Was teased all of it.

Instead of insisting on acceptance, I lost the weight and entered pageants and WON. Fairly.


You’re not a real journalist until you’ve been cancelled for calling out the truth in the name of justice. Well done. You’ve made it ❤️


I work at Target, and our break room is decorated to the hilt in pride.... I recently got in trouble for saying love the sinner hate the sin... I was told I can't talk about God. He's offensive to some... but pride isn't? It's disgusting! So I wear my Christian T-shirts... ✝️ the greatest thing that ever happened to us is John 3:16... I love Yeshua ❤️.. and my boss wonders why I get so many customer surveys each week, it's because I share Jesus's love.. they may be able to take my job, but they'll never take my Jesus, Im his.. and he's my heavenly Father.. ❤️ He left the 99 to find me... forever grateful 🙏..


I gave birth in 2020 for the first time and was dealing with trying to breathe through some pretty intense contractions. The nurse came In and started rapid firing questions at me while breathing through contractions and a mask. When I finally flung my mask off the nurse lost her mind and started berating me for taking my mask off. Til that point I had remained as kind as a laboring woman can. After that I fired back and did not care. I was about to pass out while trying not to hyperventilate and this woman was more concerned about me not doing it while choking on a stupid mask.


Covid ruined my life, I still take accountability for my actions because I’m the one who chose to relapse. But after the government shut my business down I fell into a deep depression. I started drinking and using pills to suppress the stress I was under. I had employees to pay and I had a wedding at the beginning of 2021 to pay for.

Well I ended up losing my fiancé, cancelling the wedding and losing deposit, lost my business, lost friends due to my beliefs. And spent quite along time in rehab. All in all I lost around 950k and my depression and mental health only got worse.

The devil controlled me for years and I turned to abusing substances harder than I ever done in my life. I literally felt possessed.

Now today it feels like a dream. I’ve been sober for about nine months, but looking back on the past four years sometimes it doesn’t make sense. I literally had the perfect house, and best friend with the house and a white picket fence. The cliché American dream and I was happy. Like I said I take responsibility and accountability for my actions but sometimes I wonder what things have been different, if 2020 didn’t happen the way it went down. There’s always going to be that little voice in my head that wonders “how would life be different” or did god put me on this path for a greater purpose. I hope to find happiness again in my life.


I am a black man of history, I would have been stupid to take the vaccination in the USA. Tuskagee, Henrietta Lynch, and other situations told me not to be stupid and adhere to the USA government


I have been a LGBT supporter most of my life...until I volunteered at the Pride events a couple of years ago. The things I saw around children disgusted & angered me!! I still feel that 2 consenting adults can do whatever thet want behind closed doors. But pushing that onto children and into the mainstream as normal has gone way too far!!


Gave up Target over 2 years ago. Initially they ditched the Salvation Army bell ringers, then it was Transgenders in the women’s restrooms, THEN the Pride clothes in your face when you entered the store. ENOUGH! They can join the ranks of Bud Lite, for all I care.
Welcome Back, Candace! And they may as well toss out the Miss America pageant, it’s out of control.


My brother is very religious and is NOT at all one of those who practices his religion only when it suits him. He follows God's word to the letter. He lives his life accordingly. He is 70 years old, and does the Lords work in every aspect of his life. He has devoted his life to God. I truly believe that God saved his life and lifted his soul when he was lost after returning from Vietnam.

We are close, and we chat on the phone for hours, as there is a long distance between us. We were discussing politics one day, and he said that he doesn't worry about it because it's all in God's hands. He KNOWS how it will turn out because he read 'the book' (meaning the Bible).

What Candice said about keeping the faith and that good will win brought me back to the conversation with my brother. We are in the End of Days. We all need to get right with God, for there is no time to waste! 🙏


Never got the jab. Never wore a mask. Lots of people claim it, but I remember how alone I was at the time.


I remember watching the TV show Scandal and thinking these plots are so far fetched…..after these past 8 years, I no longer think that.


Regarding the whole Target thing…yeah, I’m a Conservative/Libertarian who stopped shopping at Target after the whole Childrens “tucking” bathing suits thing. Haven’t gone back, won’t go back.


I USED to be a liberal. I voted for Hilary and when Trump won I was so upset. Then I shortly started to look for Christ . After I was baptized and started my journey; everything changed for me. It's almost like a Vail was lifted off my eyes. Thank you Candace for standing firm in your beliefs. I DIDN'T GET the JAB. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO IS PRESENT BECAUSE CHRIST IS KING.


Candace Jesus Christ turned me into a sober married homeowner. I was living in hotels drinking my life away still lost in the war I fought in. Yet after finding and accepting Jesus I’m now blessed beyond words. Catholic. Christian. It’s all about Jesus.


I got 2 COVID shots and got COVID several months later. Then I got the second one later on. I got the shots due to extreme family pressure. I never trusted the pandemic craze and didn't want to get the vaccine. I refused to get any more and didn't care who pressured me. I pray there aren't going to be any long-term effects from the shots. I don't always agree with your opinions, but I like you and have become a follower. You speak some truths unapologetically, no matter the repercussions. In my opinion, neither party has the best interest of the majority of the people in our country. It's a shame what has happened to our country. I pray Jesus turns things around!


Candace your kids are very lucky to have a mom like you. I truly mean that.


As I listened, this verse came to mind "‭Ephesians 6:12 KJV‬
[12] For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
