The Dumbest Death Game Anime

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Tonight, we roast the most hilariously cursed horror story the Anime Industry has ever crapped out - King's Game: The Animation

#anime #roast #horrorstories

00:00 Welcome to HFIL
06:44 The Games Begin
29:10 WHAT A TWIST!!!!
42:21 Endgame

Validate me!

In the depths of his Mother's Basement, Geoff Thew creates videos analyzing the storytelling techniques of anime and video games. He has been named the number one Worst YouTube Anime Reviewer by The Top Tens.
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I actually find the idea of "protag-kun actually knows there's no hope but has deluded himself into thinking he's the hero as a fucked up coping mechanism and subsequently led everyone to their ultimately pointless deaths" really interesting. A shame it's just another edgy twist in a hilariously bad anime.


The idea of someone calmly explaining their tragic backstory while actively on fire (and with a massive water source nearby) is the exact kind of batshit insanity I come to anime for


29:53 that dude getting killed because he accidentally said his name in conversation ergo "naming him" is literally the same logic as that Total Drama episode where Leshawna gets eliminated because everyone said her name outloud too many times even though they didn't want to eliminate her. If your gore horror show works on Total Drama logic, YOU'RE DOING SOMETHING WRONG!!!


Spoiling Natsuko’s heel turn with the OP literal MINUTES before it happens in the show is really just the perfect metaphor for this entire show: turning unbearable levels of edge hilarious through incompetent execution.


The delivery on "what are the fidget spinners for?" was outstanding. Perfect mix of fear and confusion.


47:19 I like how she ran straight, tripped moving forward, and then proceeded to fall backwards off a cliff that suddenly appeared behind her.


I know I should be morally mortified, but a guy knocking his friend out cold with a punch only to then tearfully turn to his girlfriend and sadly ask her to bang his now unconscious friend is just utterly absurd to the point that all I can do is laugh.


Damn, that one dude cared more about the bro code than he did about his own life. I strangely respect that even as I decry it as utter idiocy.


I get that it's shocking to be ordered to Do The Deed with someone you aren't attracted to, on pain of death. But I feel like after the 2nd or 3rd time it happened, everyone would loosen up a bit, buy a dozen boxes of condoms for the group and ride it out. Telling people to slam hams is just not all that compelling of a Death Game task!!


"What are the fidget spinners for?!" That line killed me, phenomenal! 😂


My favorite part is when the Hacker girl spontaneously combusts and for no reason just starts casually taking off all her clothes as she calmly goes on for 5 minutes about her backstory WHILE ON FIRE. That's when this anime went from enjoyably bad horror anime to a god tier comedy.


This thing did, in fact, influence my brain, because it took me two days to realize that a BLIND girl has left a written message on the sand.


Dear god, the irony of Nobuaki objecting to Natsuko seemingly wanting to do it out in the open when nobody was objecting to her being forced to do it against her will out in the open mere seconds before is MIND-BOGGLING.


You know the plot twists in Kings Game feel like the writer wrote the plot twist got bored in the middle of writing it so he made a new one and repeated the process five times in a row.


picking to continue the game instead of punishment is extra funny because we know the punishment could be as simple as become disabled or even just do something embarrassing(and not even like, that black mirror episode where the guy had to fuck a pig on national tv, it could just be a confession), imagine if that was the twist, after picking to live and dooming the whole class he picks punishment the second time, and then that punishment is just "eat this gross bug"


The plot of this series can be summed up as "Everyone dies and more people will die in the future." It's the most nothing story I have ever heard of.


"What if Final Destination's parents were cousins" hits different when you know what happened in the prequel manga


Mother's Basement can just throw out sentences like
"loadbearing flashback"
"both found cosplaying Sayori"
"so naturally, it's lynching time again"
"Danganronp-ish scenario"
"she really doesn't take him not taking that well well"


I’m stuck on the detail that the kings game hides a hidden message only decipherable over three iterations of itself and the big secret revealed by such an arduous decoding process is information that anyone able to decipher the message would already know


I still can’t believe they made a manga explaining everything that happened at the village. They somehow explained it as “So we made super hyper poison, and because we didn’t let the cousins bang, one of them opened it, and now, the village is super fucked, and now it’s a virus also fuck you.”
I also can’t believe I managed to read that whole thing and thought it was sort of compelling. God, how many brain cells died to make me think that was good?!
Geoff, I blame you for that set of memories resurfacing.
