7 Signs Your Ex Still Has Feelings for You

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If you want to get back together with your ex, then you might be looking for signs that your ex misses you or at least still cares about you.
Now, this can be a tricky territory to delve into. After all, my goal here isn’t to just give you a million signs to memorize to determine if your ex still likes you or not
My goal is to help you focus on making interactions feel good so that you can develop a strong connection with your ex.
So with that being said, let’s look at the signs your ex still has feelings for you.
First is that your ex takes and interest in your world. They follow up and ask about things that they know are going on in your life.
The short reason is that you take up a certain amount of “real estate” in the minds of the people who care about you. And if your ex is thinking about you, then it shows that they care about you.
The second sign is that they are willing to inconvenience themselves to help you or to do something for you.
This shows that there is still a part of their icy little heart that still cares for you.
The third sign is that they are willing to cut you some slack when you make a mistake, such as showing up late for a meet up with them because you got the time mixed up.
If your ex is willing to cut you some slack, then it shows that they are willing to see you compassion.
The fourth sign your ex still has feelings for you is that they keep the conversation going. They are looking for reasons to continue to draw out the conversation and to continue talking with you.
Fifth, is that they allow the two o you to go beyond platonic.
Most people’s ex will try to avoid the romantic conversation or context with you because they are aware of the possibility of giving you “false hope.”
By showing that they are willing to go past this barrier, they are showing you that they are starting to get clarity on how they feel toward you and that they likely feel strongly toward you.
Sixth, is if your ex makes plans with you in them. This shows that they see a future together with you in it
And finally, your ex may have extremely strong emotional swings either to the positive or the negative toward you. This one can be surprising to many people, but it is absolutely a sign your ex still has feelings for you.