9 new features in Microsoft Teams meetings for 2021 🚀

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In this step-by-step tutorial video, I walk through 9 new features in Microsoft Teams meetings. These new updates in Microsoft Teams meetings are out in 2021, and include Reactions in Teams meetings, Presenter View in Teams meetings, Microsoft Teams View Switcher. Microsoft Teams new features are always rolling out and updating, so if you don't yet see the new Teams Meetings updates, it can take a few weeks to rollout out across all data centers.

NOTE: Many of these features are rolling out right now, so if you don't see them yet, it could take a few days or weeks to roll out globally everywhere.

📝 Table of contents
0:00 Introduction
0:10 Reactions in Meetings
1:24 CTRL-SHIFT-K to Raise hand/lower Hand
1:45 View Switcher
2:22 Turn off Notes and slide picker Presenter View
3:12 High Contrast Mode in Teams Presenter View
3:59 Click on Teams calendar time slot to create meeting
4:11 Meeting response options (Request and Forwarding)
5:18 Invite Only meeting options
6:12 New 1,000 person meeting limit

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Appreciate you taking the time to add all the time slices, makes it nice to scrub from feature to feature 👍


You do such a great job of communicating all of these updates across M366, which in turn makes my job a lot easier. Please keep it coming!


Are you inspired by Kevin Stratvert? He is a legend!!!


Thanks, Mike! Another very useful video!


I have a few questions as a high school math teacher.

1) I primarily use OneNote since it uses less RAM and doesn't slow down my SP7 like PowerPoint does. My question is: can I utilize those new dynamic view options while using a standard share screen 2? I keep large gallery on screen 1 (my primary monitor) and OneNote, etc. on screen 2 (SP7). I would prefer to have a more engaging view method since large gallery is fairly basic

2) Will there be an update coming where ALL students are shown in large gallery and not just those with camera on? Zoom has this feature and allows easy notice of students who leave theirs off. As of now, I only tell if I look at the members list and compare who is showing and who is in the list.

3) If using PowerPoint mode, will I be able to write on the PowerPoints. That is something I noticed wasn't possible beginning of the school year and that they were only animations and slides. Instead, I would share my entire screen 2 (SP7) and just open up the direct PowerPoint there so that I could write. This was before I decided to stick to OneNote due to not slowing down my computer.

4) Will reactions be available on large gallery? I prefer to see all my students at once, but reactions aren't visible then.

5) Will there be an update to whiteboard so I can designate who is allowed to write? Giving free reign to a class of students will lead to some inappropriate images lol... Current options are all or nothing for student's ability to write.

6) Will we have the ability to switch breakout room access to students? For example, I auto assign all students to 4 groups but want a few specific students in group 4 for example and need to make some changes. This is currently not allowed.

7) Can we allow all teachers in the Teams to have access to breakout rooms? I have a coteacher who can not leave her breakout room or else she can not get back in. She is considered a non-teacher by the teams meeting even though she is a teacher in the actual Teams class.

8) Will there be an update to the "pin message" option in the posts section? Currentlty, when pinning a message, it is not pinned in the actual post but pinned on the sidebar by needing to click the information button and scrolling down. This is definitely unnecessary.

9) Will there be an option to create grade categories, weighted categories, and an overall grade? Will there also be an option to easy-transfer to Aeries similar to Google Classroom?

Currently I like Teams. However, there are these intricacies that happen when actually using the program. Unnecessary steps, new "innovations" not fully thought out, etc. Most likely things will return to a semi-normal in under a year, and I feel Teams has to step up their features to not just be dazzling at first glance, but to actually be effective. Similar to buying a Jaguar...looks fancy but once driving, there are tons of issues that pop up.


Great to see those useful features roll out! One thing I noticed in your video is that your participants are on the top of the screen instead of on the bottom. Is this a new feature that will roll out soon, or is there a trick to getting that to happen?


Thanks sir. Found this tutorial very helpful


I wonder if they will add more reactions, btw nice video!


I wish teams would add a way for users to draw on a shared screen. That is critical for software engineering and troubleshooting issues for my team


Such a keen group of colleagues. Adam in particular seems to be having a blast all the time. 🤣


Hello Mike, thank you for your tutorials, again always helpful. I'm currently looking for a tutorial for the feature where the presenter can stop sharing and resume again from the same spot. Apparently, MS rolled it ou on Feb 12, 2021, but I couldn't find a way to make this work on my app. Do you happen to plan on doing a video on this feature ? Many thanks


Mike, thanks for the update. Do you have any insight as to if MS is going to improve the video quality of Teams recording? 8 Fps just doesn't cut it. :)


Thank you, Mike! Your tutorials are always very helpful! I noticed that your video fees are on the top. May I know how to set it up that way?


Nice video but enjoyed more watching Adam's expression throughout the video🤣


Hi @mike, I have an issue. my ppt embedded video does not play for the participants on Ms Teams presenter view.
Kindly assist with this. Thanks,


Can you guide how to get list of attendes


Hi Mike, for A3 SKU user, they can host 1000 attendees meeting, when will this feature going to be launch? April or May? do this 1000 attendee can share/commucation/speak just like now 300 attendees?


Wish they add the option to set a meeting into a specific channel directly from Outlook


How can i make icons of people to be below the slide or in the side of slide ?


I do not have the view switcher option at the top left hand corner. All I have is the timer. Please advise. Thanks!
