9 new features for Assignments in Microsoft Teams | Calendar integration, Reflect, OneNote & more

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This step-by-step tutorial shows you 8 new features for Assignments in Microsoft Teams [2021] The new features in Microsoft Teams for education are top requests, and includes Assignments in Calendar, Reflect, OneNote Class Notebook Assignments in Teams improvements, using a photo to submit an Assignment, and lots more.

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I am always creating more quick tip Microsoft Teams teacher tutorials, so let me know in the comments about other features you'd like to see videos for.

📝 Table of contents
0:00 Introduction
0:13 Teams Assignments in Calendar
2:14 Attach photo to assignment
2:59 Reflect for Assignments + Insights
7:21 OneNote Class Notebook page in Insights
8:25 OneNote Class Notebook pages set to read only
10:14 Link Preview in Assignments
10:57 Updated Parent & Guardian Email settings
11:34 Class team Icons are back in the all up view
12:05 Large file support - 500 mb

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Loving the Reflect addition! I will be testing it out on Monday! I love that Microsoft thinks of things I didn't even know I needed. I appreciate this bite-size PD so very much. I also love that your videos are "sectioned" out so that we can watch just the portions we need.

Teams has received SO many wonderful features! It makes me want to keep being virtual now that so many "kinks" have been worked out...


Oh thank goodness for the upload picture from phone to an Assignment!


I love reflect addition. This is really useful especially through these crazy times. I hope there is an option to schedule the reflect posts.


Love microsoft teams because it helps people connect better


These are more of the features I think some of our advanced users will like. I think the first topic, assignments in the calendar will be popular for beginner to advanced users. I am curious about how to start a conversation with my students so I get authentic feedback that I can use from the reflect button. I might or might not use this feature because I am in a f2f environment and might prefer to have conversations with my students that way. This might provide some kids who don't want to talk a way to speak their minds, and so still worth considering.


Hi Mike, great video as always, love the Reflect option. Does the increased file size also apply to student work?


Another load of helpful bits!! thank you once again!!


Any chance that teachers will be able to mark work directly through Assignments without having students post on OneNote? It takes so many clicks for them to upload on OneNote. Add work is so much convenient for them but we can't mark their work from there.


When exactly will the calendar feature be available? Is there some set-up we need to do to get it? I don't see it on mine yet.


Hi Mike
Does assignment feature available to corporate user ???


If I have already sent out an assignment and did not choose to show in students' calendars and then change my mind, is there a way for me to decide to show in calendar once the assignment has already been sent?


What happen if I submit someone file as my assignment will teacher know about it ? ( I rescan the file, do some editing so no one notice)


Brilliant developments and super video to share with my colleagues. Thank you @mtholfsen
