3 Ways Blood Sugar and Diabetes Can Cause Blurry Vision

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Learn how diabetes and blood sugar affects the eyes. Diabetes and blood sugar can have drastic effects on the eyes, causing blurry vision, both temporary and permanent. These are the top 3 ways blood sugar levels can cause blurry vision.

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The top 3 ways Diabetes and blood sugar can change your vision include:
1) change your glasses prescription: blood sugar can cause an increase in thickness of the crystalline lens in the eye, causing a change in vision. Luckily this can temporary.
2) can cause cataracts: diabetes can double your risk of cataracts, especially in the early ages.
3) macular edema: more serious effects of diabetes can be swelling, thickening, and bleeding in the back of the eye. This can cause macular edema, causing central blurred vision.

👉It is very important to have your eye exam, especially your diabetic eye exam at least once a year, or sooner if recommended.


0:00 Intro
0:19 How Diabetes can change your prescription
1:31 Cataracts
3:06 Macular Edema

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About This Video:
Dr. Neal Guymon, O.D. how diabetes affects the eyes and can cause blurry vision. There are many different ways blood sugar can cause blurry vision unfortunately. Also, a lot of people may not even experience blurry vision as a symptoms of diabetes or uncontrolled blood sugar levels. Diabetes can cause cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, macular edema, clinically significant macular edema, spots in the vision, retinal detachment, and much more. In this video, you will learn the top 3 ways diabetes and blood sugar may affect the vision.
#diabetes #bloodsugar #dreyeguy
Рекомендации по теме

I have a question; can someone who has already have cataract surgery have another one?


Thanks for the video. I am a type 2 diabetes and trying to reverse it!


Since I became a diabetic, I fell like I am looking through water. Also, I have a hard time reading because I also have mild cataracts, yet I am told in my annual eye exam that my eyes are fine.


Thank you so much for explaining how diabetes affects vision. My blood sugar isn't too high but apparently my eyes are sensitive to it. My healthcare professional didn't explain it as well as you did but now I understand! Thank you!


Im getting this more and more often, time to get checked out




Brother, keep moving forward in your career like this. This is what I pray to God. 🙏🇮🇳


Hello, I'm 26 and have had blurry vision for a few years. I didn't notice it before, but I've been using computers and phones for about 5 years. I can't remember when my vision was good. A few days ago, my vision got worse, and now I can't see well beyond 2 meters. I can see clearly up close. My eyes feel like they are bulging. When I wear my prescription glasses, I can see clearly from a distance. Is this myopia, glaucoma, diabetes, or something else?

I didn't tell him that I've been consuming too much sugar for about a year, drinking Coke up to three times a day. He told me it was astigmatism after a test where he put me in front of a machine with a small illuminated picture. Could he have misdiagnosed me because I didn't tell him about my sugar intake this year? All i can remember is that my eyes is blurry few months ago but I'm used to it. But this last few days my eyes just suddenly more blurry.


I need an opthalmologist to answer this: What is a safe post prandial sugar level prevent eye problems? I hear some people say 180, others say 140, or 120? I hear that at 180 epithelium starts to get damaged. Are the tiny vessels in the the eyes the same ? Or more delicate? Please make a video on this doctor!


Keep it up .... short simple and effective information help life's


My husband had this before he was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. It was the final straw for him to go get checked out. I also have type 1 and when my blood sugar gets very low, I start getting a strange, silvery disk in my vision. I call it "silver Pacman", it's hard to see through and it gets larger and larger and eventually will cover my entire field of vision until my blood sugar comes up and it recedes and disappears. Diabetes can do all sorts of weird things.


I need and opthalmologist to answer this. What is a safe post prandial sugar level prevent eye problems? I hear some people say 180, others say 140, or 120? Please make a video on this doctor!


thank you for all your personal involvement and hard work you share w/us!


Im diabetic Type 2 and I took my reading glasses off and my vision was blurry just for a sec.


Great video! I'm a Type 2 diabetic and I always make sure to take great care of my eyes because of the obvious risks. This video was very informative. Just a general question regarding blocked tear ducts. I have an appointment in a few days with my eye doctor and I'm wondering if it's safe to get my pupils dilated if my tear ducts are still blocked? Reason for my question is that I fear that if the drops do not successfully drain through my tear ducts and later through my nose then my pupils could be dilated indefinitely. And to make things even more complicated, I often suffer from dry eyes when my tears are not overflowing. Should I be worried about something as routine as pupil dilation even under these circumstances? Please help me in dispelling my ridiculous fear regarding this matter. Thank You!


My husband is diabetic, and will need cataract surgery soon. His vision is really bad.


Do tired eyes or allergens cause blurred vision with watery eyes? I wake up and my eyes hurt, sting, water, and blur. I can't see a screen well. And it gets better some times but like today terrible. I try to focus 9n the screen and everything blurs and feel like I'm looking through water.


I am 24 years old and I am barely starting to experience diabetes. The thing that bugs me a lot is that my 2 eyes sometimes can't align to see clearly my phone and/or my computer, the episode lasts about between 15 to 35 mins. I have to close one eye to see better


I have had a really bad time over the last few years looking after my Mother, and she went in
to a Nursing Home and eventually died, just a bag of bones, not even able to speak in the end.
I have not been able able to get my blood sugar down, and have now began to get blurry vision
in my left eye, which I first noticed watching TV. The problem is, I have not been to tolerate
the diabetic tablets that my GP prescribed, and feel dreadful after taking them. I am on
Sitagliptin 100mg, Glimeperide 2mg, and Jardiance 10mg, which make me feel terrible.
Can you recommend any medication that my body can tolerate to reduce my blood sugar?


I am newly diagnosed diabetes
fasting 128
now my vision starting blurry
how to save my eyes
please guide
