Debate Salvation w/ Dr. John MacArthur, Eastern Orthodox Brother Nathanael, and Apostle Guy Gifford

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Dr. John MacArthur, Eastern Orthodox Brother Nathanael, and Apostle Guy Gifford Argue Salvation.

Brother Nathanael says Salvation comes by Eastern Orthodox Church Priest ceremony of water baptism followed by priest sealing the person with the Holy Spirit with a continuation of Orthodox Church prescribed works.

Dr. John MacArthur says Salvation comes by Faith Alone, followed by actions showing the faith, which don't Save.

Apostle Guy Gifford says Salvation comes by Repentance To Jesus, which means Repentance to Non-Obedience to Jesus, Followed by Continual Repentance When Disobedient to Jesus. Jesus teachings are both His teachings in the Old Testament and the New Testament, and Faith is Defined as Repentance To Jesus.
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Brother Nathanael was on a nationally well-known show the other day and, although I don't disagree with everything he says, he did mention how he's going to "rebrand" himself to attract a younger generation. I understand his reasoning & how it would be beneficial for our nation if more young adults followed Christ, but the fact is that "branding" is basically eye candy and setting trends...not following tradition or staying true to what is...true. Branding is for YOU...not necessarily to benefit Christ. A lot of New Age churches do this with their big concerts / shows / dramatic effects; very little scripture is read - let alone understood by the mass. Time will tell, but I hope Brother Nathanael doesn't stray too far from scripture and the truth...if it's not already too late?! On a side note, I do really like John MacArthur's teachings and I listen to his sermons often as he's really good at explaining scripture. John knows his stuff & the way he "marketed" his church when it started-out was handing out a bunch of free Bibles in the 60's and Christian radio stations were taping and replaying his sermons on air...for free. God's will - will be done.


Orthodox priest is right ! Protestantism does not hold water. There are 30.000 Protestant churches, with different ideas, Holy Spirit does not act on them as He does on the apostles and their successors who wrote the Bible


I started life as a RC with luke warm parents of half assed to coin a phrase. They had no personal belief they ever shared with me. I left home at 18 and began my search in the protestent churches. Some of those are apostate too. Word of Faith, and Prosperity Gospel Pentecostals.
John MacArtur on KPDQ 93.7fm Portland caught my attention in 1978 and ever since.


to be fair brother nathaniel has made it a long way so i dont hold these things against him... i still really like the guy


I believe its in Paul's letter to Timothy, where he gives the ranks of the Church and their qualifications. In Acts, the Apostles make deacons to serve the Church, and several Apostles were the first Bishop of their city. There is the Scriptoral justification for a designated preisthood. What Christ was saying pertains, partly, to the individual nature of our relationship with God. Christians are free to call upon God without going through a seperate priest. 2:41


This isnt a debate. Book of James says Faith without works is dead. Also look up the transcendental argument for God's existence. If x is necessary for y to exist. Y therefor x. Logic math philosophy and history are all the holy scriptures. If you change one you change them all for yourself. 2 forms of logic. Pride keeps you away from the church and the orthodox church uses the septuagint. Book of john were told not to break the scriptures. The orthodox church who assembled the holy scriptures for us is also part of the holy scriptures. The orthodox church is also the pillar and ground of all truth as the book of Timothy says. The seed of abraham is also abrahams faith which makes orthodox christians the seed of abraham. You also have translation differences in your bibles guaranteed and your not supposed to interpret the bible yourself. It can only be interpreted by the church because satan tries to trick us away from the truth with delusion as well as pride and other sins. It is prideful to interpret the bible yourself and deny history.


Br Nathanael tried baptist, then jews for jesus then mesdianic before he became a monk anf learned how to pray.


God have mercy on us all.
What is written in the Bible about the sheep and goats being separated? And what does it say he judges them on? Their faith? Or their works? If it was just one or the other it wouldn’t be this confusing in the Bible. It sounds like it’s both.

Faith alone is great in theory but in real life it sounds so self righteous. Can someone who is Protestant help me with this: if you believe in Christ and then you go out and murder, rape, and rob people but you believe Christ is your God do you still go to heaven?


study a little more it will help. The fruit if the spirit is evidence, enough said.


Its a shame. But theres many even in the churches of all congregation that never crossed that river Jordan into salvation


They are both false teachers. Brother Nathaniel mixes faith and works which is a false gospel and John Macarthur holds to John Nelson Darby's heresies that the Jew's are God's people which is a grave error!


I don't eve believe that John MacArthur teaches salvation by faith. He is the kind of Calvinist who puts a man's or woman's faith in with works of righteousness in trying to fulfil the law. What MacArthur and those like him really preach is salvation by election - and in the same error perdition by not being elected.

Actually most people talk about 5 Point Calvinism and use the acronym TULIPS for it . I however criticise 6 Point Calvinism which is STUPID

Sovereignty - In Calvinism this is not one of the 5 normal points but it is the reasoning behind most or all of the other points. Under strict Calvinism God must causally control EVERYTHING to the tiniest amount. Following this to its logical conclusion means nothing ever happened without God CAUSAL CONTROLLING IT. Not even Satan or Adam could have sinned without the god of Calvinism Causing it to Happen.

Total Inability - Man is incapable of meeting God's standard. But unlike what I understood Pastor Guy to be saying about people receiving from the word, not even God himself is able to make you able to respond in faith to the message and grace of God.

Unmerited election - Calvinists only accept this as being in relation to salvation - and can't see it as election to other things not including - whereas in the Bible, people can be elected to many different tasks and fulfilment of God's mission working together.

Perseverance of the saints - again Calvinists, to use the chess analogy, have a god who is playing both sides of the board -

Irresistible Grace - whereas i understood Pastor Guy to be talking about people about people accepting or rejection. The Calvinist doesn't believe you can resist. If the god of Calvinism doesn't choose you to be one of the few that he gives an effective causal call - you can't be saved. Either the god of Calvinism drags you to salvation or there is no way that you are going to saved.

Delimited Atonement - This is the doc trine that denies that Jesus died for the salvation of the the world. This says that the messiah of the god of Calvinism only sent his son to die the sins of those lucky few who have been elected.


The Orthodox Priests of all branches look like the Pharisees to me .
