The King James Translators Were Calvinists!

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I don't only assert it, I provide proof.

In that period of history, the Church of England was very Calvinistic ('Calvinism' being a nickname for a particular view on Soteriology and sovereignty etc.) and held to the 39 Articles of Faith (see link below). The King James scholars were all members of the Church of England and apparently even King James himself was a Calvinist.

Ironically many King James Only believers today harshly and mercilessly condemn Calvinism as heresy and of the devil. Yet their beloved translation was brought to us by many Calvinist men. Therefore these King James Only Christians should at least show more respect and grace toward their Reformed brethren. God must have used godly men, who had the Holy Spirit, as instruments to bring forth the infallible, inspired Word of God in English, right? Is it possible for God to use 60+ heretical unbelievers to bring forth His Word? And if you're going to condemn modern translations for having alleged heretics on their translation committees, then you're going to have to condemn the King James.

Additionally, the King James translators would totally disagree with the Easy Believism commonly held to by many King James Onlyists. They believed a living and true faith is demonstrated and proven by good fruit and a changed life. A dead faith cannot save us (Jam. 2:14-26)! Indeed any good works that we do are only AFTER salvation and cannot add or minus ANYTHING from salvation by grace alone through faith alone on the merits of Christ alone. They are the fruit of salvation and not the means of salvation. But every Christian has some measure of sanctification (Heb. 12:14, Eph. 2:8-10, Rom. 6:1-14).

Sources used:

39 Articles Of The Church Of England (1562):

Other videos of mine on Soteriology:

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As neither a calvinist, nor arminianist, but a BELIEVER; I Agree, that from My limited study, it seems that the majority of the translators were calvinist, and as a ONCE KJB ONLY individual, I now study from different translations. In short, it seems HIGLY PLAUSIBLE to Me that the calvinist doctrine was inserted into the KING JAMES TRANSLATION because calvinists are "tied" to axioms and paradigms. They filter the Scriptures through their paradigms, instead of filtering their paradigms through the Scriptures. Calvinism is DEFORMED THEOLOGY at best.


The most literal translation of Romans 4:3 is, "For what does the Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and IT REASONED him unto righteousness.”

Romans 4:5: A more accurate translation is, “However, the one who is not working but believing on the one righting the ungodly, [his] faith is reasoning him unto rightness.”

The verb "believed, " "episteusen", is in the aortist indicative ACTIVE tense. “Credited, ” “logizomai, ” is a verb in the aortist indicative PASSIVE tense. This is critical because it shows that “logizomai” is CAUSED by "episteusen." This means that Abraham's belief is CAUSING the action of “logizomai.” "Logizomai" actually means to reason, to use logic, not to credit.
Also, the word "to" in the phrase, "to him as righteousness” is not in the Greek! It would be the Greek preposition "pros". This is indeed necessary IF Abraham's faith is causing God to credit the righteousness of Christ to, "pros, " him. However, this verse can be translated as it is, as it does NOT need this additional word, and is actually more faithful to the text to leave it out.
In the phrase, "to him AS [eis] righteousness” the Greek word "eis" means "unto, " but most translations use the more ambiguous word "as" or "for."
Therefore, the most accurate rendering of the phrase, "to him as righteousness" should be, "him unto righteousness."

Never forget – most Bibles have been translated by CALVINISTS! There are other atonement-related verses where words are added or there are other tricks like the above.


The KJV was not written by only Calvinists. Just because there were some Calvinists doesn’t mean they all were. Look at these kjv verses that say “Freewill”

Ezra 7:13 (KJV) I make a decree, that all they of the people of Israel, and of his priests and Levites, in my realm, which are minded of their own freewill to go up to Jerusalem, go with thee.

Psalm 119: 108 (KJV) Accept, I beseech thee, the freewill offerings of my mouth, O LORD, and teach me thy judgments.

There are so many other verses that say freewill but these are just two. I bet you didn’t know the the Bible says “Freewill”


The Anglicans and Calvinists weren’t the same group of people! The Anglicans were Catholic by faith except they regarded the king as the head of the church and not the Pope. The Puritans were the Calvinists of England whereas the Presbyterians were the Calvinists from Scotland and Huguenots were the Calvinists of France.

The parliament at the time of King James I as far as I know consisted of Puritans and not Anglicans.


oh, what a great translation it is. The only one I use, although I would use the Geneva translation if I could proficiently read the old English. Great job on the video, I find it amazing the Kjv is established in 1611 and it's right after the Senod of Dort, don't know if there is a connection there, but would love to see a video on it if you find one?


I'm not a Calvinist, but the title of the video is true "The King James Translators Were Calvinists" Here is some evidence I have for it.

The KJV was a Calvinist bible, written in the 1600s, banking off of the reformation theology, and pushing doctrines of predestination along with the rest of TULIP.

The Prevailing Doctrine in 1600's England under which the KJV was translated:

- Immutable God, never changes His mind or experiences feelings
- Chooses from foundation of world elect and non-elect
- Works all things in accordance with His holy will but isn’t responsible for man’s rebellion
- Imputes guilt and corruption of nature on all mankind for Adam’s sin
- Man has no free will or ability to seek Him, God must grant man repentance and faith to believe.
-Justification in Sin, Righteousness and Obedience of Christ transferred by proxy
- Sin pre-forgiven Paid for in advance by Christ's finish work on Cross, died in your place became sin for you
- Elect can never stop sinning in this life, but outcome of Salvation is secure.

The KJV Translators believed in the TULIP:

- Total Depravity of man - Unconditional election and reprobation from foundation of world
- Limited Atonement applies only to the Elect
- Irresistible Grace for the elect, they will be Saved in spite of their unwillingness
- Perseverance of the Saints (eternal security in our lingo)

Here is what the KJV translators believed about the Nature of man:

Article VI Westminster Confession of faith

Our first Parents fell to temptation according to the wise and holy counsel of God to permit having purposed to order it to His own glory. By this sin they fell from their original righteousness and became dead in sin wholly in all parts and faculties of soul and body. The guilt of their sin was imputed to all (future) mankind with the same death and corruption of nature. Due to this corruption man is utterly indisposed, disabled, and made opposite of all good, wholly inclined to all evil. (can never stop sinning!)

This corruption of nature remains in those during this life even after regeneration and although Christ has pardoned and mortified (Provisionally) this corruption it still truly and properly sin. All sin both original and actual is Transgression of God’s law and bares the guilt and wages thereof.

Man fell from the original covenant with God by transgression of His perfect law thereby rendering himself incapable of obedience to any law. Thus God does give him a Second Covenant of Grace where He freely offers the helpless sinner Salvation in Jesus Christ by faith, which He also provides to those ordained to be made willing to enter into this relationship. This Covenant although administered differently under the law was also available to those elect through the operation of the Spirit to instruct them as to the promised Messiah in whom they would have remission of all sin.


100 billion percent agree! Thank you for this video, you nailed it. <3 Just subbed your channel, dear brother in Christ. Keep up the excellent work and keep preaching the good word of truth.


I'm Calvinist and also King James only. I believe it is the written word of God. Why do I believe this? Let me explain. Other versions speak to the intellect but when I read the King James it speaks to my whole being - my heart (the seat of my affections), my mind (my intellect), and my spirit (the place of communion with the Holy Spirit where faith was born in me). There is no other book that speaks like this when read. The manuscripts for the translation came from Antioch, not Alexandria where the Catholic translations come from. Outside of the Geneva translation it is the only Bible not owned and translated by Rome. The written Word of God was truly preserved and faithfully translated in the King James Bible and I can trust that the same Spirit which inspired men to write the original manuscripts is alive in the translated work as I read it.


Actually the 41 year Douay Rheims translation is then most accurate of all English translations. KJ was a mason, 33rd Degree....huge issue.
9) The One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church: by name in Scripture chapter/verse is declared in Acts 9:31, "[31] Now the church had peace throughout all Judea, and Galilee, and Samaria; and was edified, walking in fear of the Lord, and was filled with the consolation of the Holy Ghost."  Catholic is derived from late Latin (Universa) via the Greek, "Katholikos, " meaning universal. Katholikos comes from the Greek adjective, "Katholou meaning "on the whole, " "according to the whole, " "throughout all" or "in general."  Universa means "for/of all nations" as in KJV Mark 11:17 "Is it not written my house shall be called of ALL NATIONS the house of Prayer?"  Thus in Acts 9:31: we have Church: EKKLESIA "KATHOLES" Church of the Whole, aka Church Universal or the Universal Church. Our Blessed Lord said he would found "My Church" in Matthew 16, aka one Church. Thus formally, you have One (Matthew 16: singular unit) Holy ("consolation of the Holy Ghost, " the soul of Christ's Church) Catholic (Katholes-Unvisersal) Apostolic (One who is sent, going back to the great commission of Christ to his Apostles (Matthew 28:16-20*)) Church (EKKLESIA).  The word of the Lord.
*"[16] And the eleven disciples went into Galilee, unto the mountain where Jesus had appointed them. [17] And seeing him they adored: but some doubted. [18] And Jesus coming, spoke to them, saying: All power is given to me in heaven and in earth. [19] Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. [20] Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world."


I really don’t sense Calvinism in the KJV. The KJV contains verses that most Calvinists that I know of would disagree with (1 John 5:7, Mark 116:9-20, etc). Also, 1 Pet 2:6, in telling the truth that Christ is the ELECT & not just ‘chosen’ in the KJV, those translators MUST have realized that putting away their biased belief of Calvinism for the sake of the truth of the gospel is necessary. Calvinists typically believe that it is only the elect that are saved, but it is as though they deliberately reject 1 John 2:2. However, even the elect can perish! Hint: The Jews.

Calvinism, along with Arminianism, are dead belief systems to Jesus Christ and to myself. God beholds you with his eyelids as a Christian, or as an unbeliever. We are sinners, NOT by nature but by the carnal mind that we loved from the very beginning. Confess Jesus is Lord and that God hath raised him from the dead (Rom 10:9-10), and God shall save you. From this moment forth, the old man is crucified and a new creature is born!


The KJV Only-ists hype up the importance of the translation committee. The truth is over 80% of the New Testament translation (and much of the Pentateuch) was the earlier work of one man, William Tyndale, who as far as I know, was not a Calvinist. The KJV translators actually introduced some errors that Tyndale had right the first time around (they also corrected a few too though).


Wow. How do they even respond to this? They claim the KJV is their only standard and was inspired by the Holy Spirit. Then how did the translators hold to a view they see as heresy?

Автор starts with a NKJV quote...and just because the Church of England held to the 39 Articles doesn't mean some translators were not Arminians---or even drunks for that matter...whether they were Calvinists or not has no bearing on the translation as much of it came from prior bibles one of which was Tyndale's who was before John Calvin, who, by the way did not hold to Limited Atonement and so could not himself be a "Calvinist" as the whole flower falls to pieces if one peddle is removed. Pay careful attention when reading Calvin and you will see he promoted will worship.


A lot of kjv onlyists that a non-calvinists are just ignorant of basic Christian doctrine, proper hermeneutics, and how their view of soteriology is a man-made tradition.


I can't say Calvinism is or isn't true. I could never prove it.

But it seems to me that if a being with all power and influence exists, nothing can happen unless his power does it.


Wow praise Jesus..

I thought I was the only one who opposed the " word of God paradox "( by that word I meant the disbelief of people that the bible in our hands is 100% unaltered word of God) .

my parents were Hindus and we came to know about the Lord Jesus Christ through a great miracle.

it was shocking for me when I saw Christians literally become atheists due to the simple mistakes in bible that came due to translation .

And the church is doing absolutely nothing to solve this problem.

When I tried to convince some people about this they got offended .

They believe that the bible in our hands is 100% word of God and it is a terrible sin to " alter " it ..

what is WORD OF GOD ?
John 1 says it is Jesus who is the word of God .
can we equate the word of God to the pages of a book which is in dispute ??

bible never mentioned about itself and in many places in the writings of Paul we see that ( example 1 Corinthians 7:25 ) we see that the writer had included personal opinions which is not from the LORD .

These mistakes are the only upper hand Muslims have over us . Muslims say that the Quran is from the mouth of Allah . Any mistake of Quran is the mistake of Allah . But that's not the case with Bible.

could you please make a video about "WORD OF GOD ".

I've shared your videos to my friends.


Erasmus, himself, was a Catholic Priest. This has little relevance...assuming it is all true...


It doesnt matter what the translators were, they had a set of rules in order to maintain the translations accurately. God used them for his glory, even though God used a few heretics for his glory in the bible.


Thank you for standing up for the truth


so funny that calvinism is a damnable heresy but the translators believed it. truly God's providence :) :) :)
