Were the KJV Translators KJV-Only? A New Translation of the KJV Preface & Four Lessons Therefrom

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The one thing I'd most love for all my KJV-Only brothers to read (outside of 1 Cor 14) is the preface to the KJV. In this video I translate and condense that excellent and wise essay.

An independent Baptist missionary from a KJV-Only mission board, graduate of a KJV-Only school, read my translation-plus-abridgment and could hardly believe what he heard. He went back and checked to see if what I said was accurate.

It was, he told me. What I say here is just what the KJV translators said.

Original published articles (used by permission):

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The kjv preface was one of the chief instruments for easing my conscience in leaving kjv onlyism while retaining my love and respect for kjv. If only more could simply read with a humble and unprejudiced mind.


Realllly well done my friend!! I’m touched. Can we get this in writing? ❤️‍🔥💌


I read it in full while also listening to the audiobook at the same time just today

And all I have to say is ... I wish I could have personally met those translators, they didnt consider their own translation to be perfect they fully embrace the idea that understanding should be the goal and that doing otherwise is just keeping the text behind chains, because when you dont understand the language of what you are reading you are basically deaf to what it is trying to say

I think that they would love they would embrace modern translations if they were alive today, and how easy it is to access the text everywhere you go ... and I also think they would cringe at the KJV-Onlyists ... who while sticking to their own translation, ignore the purpose for why it was made, the whole reason for the KJV's existence ...

The irony is that this video made me understand what I read earlier a lot better ... because well, I am not familiar with the language of the KJV's preface, oh the irony...


Great work my dear brother! I have recently read your book and bought some copies for others. I grew up in "we're right and you're wrong KJVO" and your work, along with the work of others, has helped me so much!


"We are merely rubbing and polishing something that is already gold." Good word, brother.


Dr. Ward - I am really appreciative of your work (attitude/spirit) - your 'Use/Misuse KJV' book is excellent (coming from someone who is wholly ignorant of the KJV-only world). I have not been able to find your translation of the KJV preface anywhere - the link in the LOGOS article (and links in the notes), "What a 400-Year-Old Bible Preface Can Teach Us about Translations" doesn't go to it. HELP?!


Great content. Thanks! I know you don't solicit likes or comments, but that's how YouTube determines which channels and videos to feature to others and I want to help spread the word about your channel. So I'll do my best to at least comment and like your posts. Thanks again!


I think about some words from this preface at least weekly. There is a lot of wisdom in the preface that apply to more than just bible translation. For those that want a copy within a great copy of a KJV bible I found that the Cambridge Clarion and Turquoise have it included at the beginning.


Thank you for this thought provoking video! Wonder if the word Borrow is considered a false friend in the KJV? In Exodus 3:22 specifically, I wonder if the women were instructed to borrow from the Egyptians or to take from them? Blessings on your work!


Thanks so much Mark, your content has been very helpful to me!


This is so confusing…. you’re looking at the camera- it took me about 5 times through to realize you were reading the from the translators and not just speaking in your own words. Dr. Ward, if you get the time, another video on this subject with less confusing visuals would be great. It just wasn’t clear you were quoting the preface, you know. The preface from the translators is so powerful. —- just humbly requesting a better resource video, not complaining. 💛😂


This was an excellent and helpful video. Thank you!


The real question is whither or not a translation teaches people to stop transgressing the law to be eligible for salvation and or maintain it aside from renewing the mind against the flesh after receiving power to become the sons of God through the free gift.


What do you think of the Sepher Translation?


Excellent video on the KJV 1611 preface. Lessons from the KJV translators from the preface: #1 (7:20) "People don't like change" (So often soooo true. Especially true down through history when it comes to Bible translations. At first, we don't need the Latin, we have the Greek, then we don't want other languages, we have the Latin, then we have this 400+ year old KJV we don't need updated language! And on and on.); #2 (9:23) "Watch out for petty objections" (It is inevitable that petty objections will come if people have as their foundation a translation rather than Christ. 1 Cor 3:11); #3 "No translation is perfect" (The problem is that the KJV translators believed as much, but KJVO people don't. KJVO folks believe the KJV is perfect and probably the biggest reason that they do is a flawed understanding of preservation. They misunderstand Ps. 12:7.) #4 "People must have the Bible" (13:07) (Amen! It is ironic that people have lived and died for the Word to be brought to people in their language to now see some fight to keep it less accessible by insisting that only the 400 year old KJV should be used! If it is a textual concern people have then recommend the NKJV or the MEV or one of the many other KJV updated Bibles. But alas, this takes us back to point #2.) Again, Mark, thank you for a video well done.


nice... a lot of good was said here...


Do you have any unbiased book recommendations that contain strictly facts on the two text types? I'm sick of opinions. I just want the facts that I can make my own decision from.


You fell for a false friend. "Dutch" in Elizabethan English means "German."


Who were the KJV translators, Can any be named?


What would you say in response to this part?

That out of the Originall sacred tongues, together with comparing of the labours, both in our owne and other forreigne Languages, of many worthy men who went before us, there should be one more exact Translation of the holy Scriptures into the English tongue
