The King James Translators defended the use of marginal notes, not various translations
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The defenders of modern versions will often appeal to the Translators to the Reader, to defend the idea that the King James Translators would not have been defenders of using only one English translation.
They use a quote that the translators use by Augustine, in which he states that 'a variety of translations is profitable for the finding out the sense of the Scriptures' but the fact is that the translators were not defending using different translations, but defending their use of marginal notes.
The marginal notes showed that the translators understood the alternative readings, but had chosen what was in the text.
It wasn't a justification for reading other versions to disagree with the King James text, as they stated the purpose of their translation was to make a translation which was, 'not justly to be excepted [objected] against' in other words,the final authority.
They use a quote that the translators use by Augustine, in which he states that 'a variety of translations is profitable for the finding out the sense of the Scriptures' but the fact is that the translators were not defending using different translations, but defending their use of marginal notes.
The marginal notes showed that the translators understood the alternative readings, but had chosen what was in the text.
It wasn't a justification for reading other versions to disagree with the King James text, as they stated the purpose of their translation was to make a translation which was, 'not justly to be excepted [objected] against' in other words,the final authority.
The King James Translators defended the use of marginal notes, not various translations
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