5 DEVS Make a GAME without COMMUNICATING! (DOUBLE cycle edition)

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(Music by Stevia Sphere)
Gerard Belenguer:

5 game developers create a video game without communicating using Unity. Discover what we make, how we did it, and the many challenges, struggles and successes along the way!

0:00 - Intro
0:30 - TheShelfman Cycle 1
1:55 - Rugbug Redfern Cycle 1
3:32 - Phibian Cycle 1
4:34 - Gerard Belenguer Cycle 1
5:32 - Blackthornprod Cycle 1
6:40 - TheShelfman Cycle 2
8:39 - Rugbug Redfern Cycle 2
9:52 - Phibian Cycle 2
10:55 - Gerard Belenguer Cycle 2
11:57 - Blackthornprod Cycle 2
11:58 - Conclusion
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This man's obssesion with adding bosses and centipedes to games that don't need them astounds me.


Sees any game: "This needs more centipede, & also a big giant monster boss"


I love how Phibian fixes the inconsistency of the art style between his pixel art and the art that was introduced at the end of round 1, and then the same thing happens again hahaha


Phibian: i tried making the art consistent so that people dont gouge their eyes out while playing
Noa: so anyways, 3 new enemies that i didnt even attempt to make consistent to the artstyle even after seeing that my art has been made more consistent, add a new plant and make them all cover the screen so the player cant appreciate the art of the other devs


I really liked Phibians take on the art for this game. As much as like Noahs art, it does get very samey when he's the one that handles the art in all these top down sort of games.


Noah's an evil genius. He knows that adding a centipede and a big boss monster at the end every single time will cause people to comment about it, raising the interaction on the video and getting it recommended to more people.
He also knows that even if it annoys us, the 5 devs concept is too interesting so we'll keep watching it anyway.


I think taking the double cycle approach for this series is super interesting


As a pixel artist, (and as an artist in general) Phibian is my hero.


I think this series is actually a commentary on the production process in the modern game industry. 4 people putting love and care into, then the final guy comes along and adds the formula he likes and erases half of the work done.

The only reason this is a joke is because I don't think it's an intentional commentary


Noah should not be allowed to go last. He just cannot stop himself from tarnishing the other developers hard work with last-minute suggestions. All the other developers understood that the second round was for polishing -but not Noah! He just had to change the entire game loop (boss, rather than endless) and mess up the art (little respect for the pixel art theme).


Noa try not to add completely irrelevant bossfight to every game challenge [impossible]


Noa : I like what they have all done with the game so far.

Also Noa : I went ahead and changed the entire aesthetic to the game as well as added all these extra components no one asked for.


No need to "redesign" thoughtful character art at the final minute of development. You decimated the cohesive enemy design previous devs had worked really hard on. The point of this series should be to "yes, and..." the progress previously made.


Why is there always a need for a boss? This is a survivor type game, it doesn't need a boss to be 'complete'...


Noa, as much as I adore and love the effort you put in your projects. You have to understand what the other devs were trying to go for. The whole big bad boss in the end was extremely uncalled for. Though I don't think adding a boss to the project was a bad decision. It could work as a wrap up at the end of each wave. But the devs were obviously going for an "endless, survive as long as possible" type of game, meaning an endgame is not a necessity.


i almost feel like blackthornprod shouldnt go last, it feels like he always has the most control over the end result. nothing wrong with him but its him every episode! give someone else time to shine!


of course noah adds sCoRe, monsters straying completely from the water+fire theme, and a boss, making the game as formulaic as possible..


In the earlier videos of this series TaroDev was heavily criticized for stomping over peoples work and not respecting what was made. He responed and you could see he really put in effort into working with what he got and he ended up always addding so much polish and creativity to each of the games. Noa has been being criticized for this too but has seemingly not listened at all! You run a studio and this but if you want to be part of the process you need to learn to work with others and not on top of them.


I was loving this game concept, astounded by how all the devs were working together super cohesively- and then the last guy turns it from a cool “survive as long as you can” to “beat this big boss I just made up”

Could we get a version without the time limit please??


Love the videos, cannot stand Noah's additions each time in them. Cluttered the game immensely with his first round. As soon as he added the bosses and centipedes in the second, I rolled my eyes. The boss plants and timer were just such trash add ons. Hate hating on someone, especially someone who is bringing great videos, but please, you are consistently my least favourite dev.

Also advice to the first dev. If the game had stayed as is where you had to click on individual enemies, I'd have never bought the game. As someone who has RSI from mouse work, clicking 1000 times is my own version of Hell. Vampire Survivors does it well by automating it all.
