Man captured after escaping from jail is back in court

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Tory Gee was charged Monday with escape and criminal mischief in connection with escaping from the jail in Jefferson County on October 11.

Charging documents allege that Gee escaped from his cell in the Jefferson County Detention Center in Boulder by cutting a hole in the ceiling. He then crawled through the attic space, broke through the ceiling in the janitor’s closet, and left the facility through a south door of the Sheriff’s office, according to court documents.

Gee remained at large for a week after his escape and allegedly stole several vehicles in three counties. He was arrested Friday in Lake County after a chase near the town of Charlo.He was found hiding in an outbuilding east of town and ran across a field, and was arrested by US Marshals, with the assistance of Lake County Sheriff's deputies and CSKT police.

Gee made an appearance in Gallatin County Justice Court on Monday and was given a $200,000 bond on the criminal mischief and escape charge.

During his court appearance, Gee also heard charges he's facing in other Montana counties, including assault with a weapon, revocation of a suspended sentence, and contempt/failure to appear.

No subsequent court dates were set as the charges fall outside Gallatin County Justice Court's jurisdiction.
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