How escaped Alabama inmate and corrections officer were caught

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US Marshals Martin Keeley and Chad Hunt explain how authorities captured escaped Alabama inmate Casey White and corrections officer Vicky White following a chase in Indiana.
The fugitives were taken into custody after a US Marshals task force member drove a vehicle into the Cadillac that Vicky White was driving in Evansville, ending the pair’s week and a half on the run, officials said.

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Let's go back to the beginning:
Lauderdale County Jail doesn't even notice the escape for 6 hours.
Even before they're known to be missing, a school bus driver notices a vehicle w/out tags (the orange Edge) and call Williamson County, TN Sheriff, they dispatch tow.
Another AL local Law Enforcement agency inappropriately / prematurely released the vehicle description, that was meant for law enforcement only, to the public.
The Williamson County Sheriff doesn't connect the dots.
The tow driver sees the Edge on the news and reports it.
Car wash manager notices tall man & TN license plates, calls Evansville police.
Police do nothing.
Car wash manager calls police a 2nd time, they notice there are gun locks in the truck, still do nothing.
Car wash manger orders truck be towed.
Five days later Marshals contact car wash manager & he provides a description of the Cadillac.
An off duty cop notices the Cadillac, LEOs surveil and allow the fugitives to get into the Cadillac and drive away. A high-speed chase ensues, endangering the public, and a suicide occurs.
Both Lauderdale, Alabama and Vandeburg, Indiana Sheriffs hold press conferences saying the fugitives were caught in a truck.
Law Enforcement praises one another for a great job, awesome cooperation, excellent investigative work, ...

Can someone please explain what the hell law enforcement did well?

From my perspective it was all thanks to a school bus driver, a tow truck driver, and most of all a car wash manager.


Vicky White has died from her self-inflicted gunshot wound. It's sad that she threw her life away for a murderer.
I feel for her Mom and friends left behind bewildered by her actions.


Casey didn't escape ... he was released ... there's no reason to use any extra security on him. Spend your money on checking out WTF your guards are up to.


Threw her life away, her retirement, the trust of her co-workers, the love of her family and friends, over a murderer. I'm gonna be nice and just say that was a bad decision.


Why was a woman deputy escorting a male prisoner? Why was there only one officer escorting him? All of these actions go against standard practices. Hopefully this facility will review their policies.


When the jailer falls in love with the inmate, it never ends well.


Couldn’t have happened without James. James better get the reward!!


Give credit to the manager of the car wash. He is the one that found it.


Tell the truth, y’all dropped the ball several times and if Evansville pd would’ve taken the car wash owner’s tip more seriously they would’ve been caught a 6 days ago! He deserves the reward money!!


Ruined her life over a convicted felon SMH⚰️💀


That car washer manager deserves the $25k, he called and reports the vehicle to the police since Wednesday.


"See something and Do something " - James, Indiana (Manager of the car wash who helped to catch them with help of his security cam footage)


Liar, it was the owner of the car wash that fed them all the information to hopefully apprehend those two, not just good police work. They would all still be scratching their butts if it wasn't for James the car wash owner. He did the job for them, all they did was baisically apprehend them after causing that the way, James deserves any and all reward dollars for his helping them out. He could have easily turned a blind eye and done nothing. Thank God for this citizen.


She couldn't face the people she left behind.


This is a paid announcement for how to NOT PAY A REWARD to an alert citizen that gave the tip on where they were ...disgusting ... then you wonder why people don't help. Start paying your rewards to people who assisted.


...and now she's dead!
I can't imagine throwing my life away for a murderer. How does someone fall in love with an inmate? Then plan an escape? Smh. Nowadays you ain't hiding. Especially not a 6'9" man. This whole thing was ridiculous and stupid.


“A lot of good investigative work” HE Completely dodged the original question regarding the tipster AND PROCEEDED TO BRAG ABOUT LAW ENFORCEMENTS INCREDIBLE INVESTIGATIVE WORK! NO. The car wash dude called it in. 🤨


The operator at the car wash in Evansville tried to get the Marshalls to come earlier but they didn’t. They didn’t believe him. So the guy calls a local news station who gets there ten minutes before authorities. The car wash operator had seen them earlier in the week also and the Marshals didn’t believe him then either. I live near Evansville and saw the interview with the car wash operator. It was on S. Weinbach Ave.


She threw her life away...



If they hadn't stayed in the same place so long and the car wash worker hadn't been so determined, they wouldn't have been caught but go ahead and congratulate all your hard work law enforcement
