Why I Left Mormonism (Mind Control Tactics)

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Here's my Mormon story! From pioneer stock, to spiritualist, I talk about what it was like growing up Mormon, why I left and what I aim to do with this new channel. I give an explanation of the BITE model which describes attributes of a Cult, so you can clearly discern if you too might be unknowingly be in one. Find your independence, find your peace, find your sovereignty and come into true awareness which is what I define as consciousness.

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I understand so much of this. Left 5 years ago. Had a realization in singles ward. Bothered by the temple. Bothered by the nature of God the way it was taught in the mormon church. Thought maybe I'll go back someday. And then I learned about the CES letter, down the rabbit hole I went, and now I have plenty of reasons to never go back. Thank you for sharing your story.


I like that you pointed out a cult doesn’t have to be religious. People are not really conscious of that.


How anyone in the Mormon church can find your content offensive is a mystery to me, but what you are saying and how you are saying it is extremely powerful.
You are helping many people to break free from destructive cults.


Sometimes I really wish I left as early as you. I left 4 years ago at 33. Did the temple, did the mission, temple marriage, did the “provider” education and career path and had kids young.

I have no regrets about leaving. Thanks for sharing your story.

I also love the intellectual and spiritual freedom that has come from leaving. It’s great to not feel shame about being curious 😅 now I am really making up for lost time and having a blast.


I'm currently stepping away and it has been very isolating. My family is still under the belief that I am a selfish sinner for leaving and that has been very difficult for me. Thank you for sharing your story. Its comforting to know I'm not alone.


My wife was 20 when we got married. The Marriage lasted 15 years and 4 kids later. For at least 14 of those years I knew I had not made a good choice, but at the time it was pretty much the only way I could have sex. My libido is pretty high. This is what damage the purity culture does to members. I then had kids way too soon as I was just a student at college hence I never really did have enough money to support them all. So much pain came from following the prophets advice. Now I am out of the church bringing up my kids on my own and it is soooo great. I can now have quality time with my kids and my relationship with them is so much better because of it because I am actually there for them.


I finally left at 60! I was mentally out for years and years after finding out the true history of the church and the manipulation in talks ect! Good job getting out. I feel your story and I’m so glad my kids are out young 🙏🥳. And they are amazing beautiful wonderful people. The church is the wolf in sheep’s clothing!


I lost so many lifelong friends when I left the church, even though they had been my friends when I wasn't a member before joining. I felt like their friendship had been a means to recruit me. Yeah, they considered it "saving" me, but still...


Thank you so much for sharing your story. I have recently left the Mormon church and everything you have said resonates with my story so well. Especially the push for perfection and never feeling good enough. This video had me in tears because of how much I relate. It’s so nice to feel validated in my experiences.


Hey I started binge watching your podcast interviews a couple days ago and I'm genuinely so proud of you for getting out and sharing it with us.

I have to admit tho, that when you started talking about the holistic kin that helped you "recover" trauma memories. Then you talked about the coincidence with the Gaia documentary and ending up being picked. And seeing it as divine timing.... I gotta be honest, I feel like the whole new age spirituality / holistic healing industry is kinda like a cult itself. Be safe ❤


My mom (3rd gen mormon) had me convinced that every single person who wasnt mormon was leading a more miserable life than we were simply because they weren't mormon. Like our shit was bad, but leaving held a threat of it being worse. It held me to it in fear a very long time after i knew that i wanted no part in the religious side. Its very hard to overcome the thought loop that breaking the rules has caused every bad thing thats happened to me since i left. Mormonism bestowed me with severe ocd 🙏 thank you god


I have no idea how or why this video popped up on my feed, but I watched the entire thing. This is a very interesting and inspiring story, and I am glad you shared it with us. Thanks!


I remember the blood oaths as part of the temple ceremony. 20 years later I started to wake up and requested my name to be removed. Thanks for your important work and clarity.


I'm pretty old, but had a unique Mormon experience. I was born up in Wyoming where Mormons were active, but my parents were not rigorous, and neither were others in the sparsely populated area. Many just went to church on Sunday and the bar on Saturday. I was always a skeptic, yet gave it a hard try. It never took. I'm a naturalistic and skeptical person.


The BITE Model of Authoritarian Control:
Behavior Control
Information Control
Thought Control
Emotional Control
Though the Mormon Church does all these they still claim to not be a cult.


Shelise, I really enjoyed the introduction to your new podcast. I am all in when it comes to being a listening participant to your upcoming episodes. It sounds extremely fascinating. I too was a part of the same church you spoke of. Working on deconstructing the mess.


FINALLY!!! I watched your first podcast. Love it!! Congratulations on your rebirth and success in your show, which helps so many people!!!


My favourite Anthony Bourdain quote is "Your body is not a temple. It's an amusement park: enjoy the ride!" Love how your channel is evolving.


You are a very brave and secure woman to speak of this in such a self disclosing manner. Thank you, it takes courage to talk about what you may see as errors in your life. Most of us are too proud and lack the self assurance to admit we led lives where we fooled ourselves.


YESSSS!!!! This is just so ... YOU!!!! Sola is spreading her wings solo and it just feels so right 💜
