Understanding Shoulder Pain - What Causes It & How To Fix It

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Shoulder pain is THE most common problem I see in clinic. In this video I try to help you understand the causes of the most common shoulder issues I see in clinic.

This is an updated version of my previous shoulder pain video.

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00:00 Intro
01:37 Anatomy of Shoulder Pain
10:!2 Assessing Your Shoulder Pain
16:41 So you need an MRI?
17:30 3 Phases of Shoulder Injury & Recovery
20:30 What You Need To Do Next


This content (the video, description, links, and comments) is not medical advice or a treatment plan and is intended for general education and demonstration purposes only. This content should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. Don’t use this content to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. Consult with your healthcare professional before doing anything contained in this content. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Precision Wellbeing Group Ltd, its officers, employees, and contractors for any and all losses, injuries, or damages resulting from any and all claims that arise from your use or misuse of this content. Precision Wellbeing Group Ltd makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this content. Use of this content is at your sole risk.
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Brilliant video. You are not only very knowledgeable but can explain the information in a clear and articulate manner. Thank you.


Comprehensive and concise - I wish any of my doctors or physiotherapists would have been able to give such an overview. Keep up the great work and regards from Germany!


Thanks for this. The diagnostic tests are very helpful. I enjoy your videos and straightforward approach and info.


Thank you so much for these useful and crystal clear details. This video is highly recommended 🙏


Thank you for the outstanding explanations!


I have been checking out your videos. I am suffering chronic pain all over my left side due to job related posture( dental hygienist). After unsuccessful treatments from therapists, doctors… I turned to YouTube and found you… and subscribed. Watching your explanation, the best course of anatomy I’ve ever have😀. I failed lateral rotation, over 120 degree side up and a bit pain, tight on scratching test, I have more pain on lateral pulling. Follow your recommended stretches, feel much better now. And still searching more of your videos to solve my lower back pain. Thank you so much. Of course, I subscribed.
Happy new year from


I have pain in the right shoulder and scapula every time I tilt my head in the other way, 45% to the left side. The pain is intense and starts from the neck to the back between the scapula and the spine and spread top the right to the entire scapula or even further around the ribs. I use to carry a lot of bags and many times in one hand.... Your videos are very detailed and very well explained. Thank you.


Just want to thank you for the free e-book which I just downloaded. YOU ARE VERY HELPFUL!!!
Bob in Minneapolis (91 years old and still rollin' on!)


Very helpful thanks. I've been in slight pain for a few days but I woke up in the middle of the night in more pain hearing what sounded like a tearing muscle so this video has helped me rule a few things out and how to deal with it at 1st. So thanks


Been having pain in my Right shoulder for a couple of months and just started looking into it because it hasn't gotten any better and maybe a little worse. I have been getting better at not putiing my shoulder in awkward/painful positions or movements but occasionally will move it to the point where I get severe pain that last for 10-20 seconds... I loved how you showed the anatomy of the rotator cuff muscles.. Well Done! I started doing the test and am get medium pain in abduction, little pain in internal rotation but I get severe pain doing external rotation to the point where I can't even get my arm around my back to do the Scratch Back Test... With that said I can't do the band exercises... I will try to do the tennis ball massages. I have been doing RC exercises for the last week and it seems to have lessen the extreme pain senarious but I still cant reach behind my back... Anyone else having this and how did you resolve it. Thanks, Dan


Fantastic video Ashley with very detailed information on the shoulder mechanics. After having almost 10yrs of shoulder problems in both shoulders that have included calcification of the suprispinitus i now have poor strength in both shoulders and pain beyond the 120° test mark that you mention could be tightness in the shoulders. I've had injections into the bursa that gave temporary relief. What sort of exercise do i need to help relieve tight muscles?


hello from Florida! wish you was my primary doctor! I! 'm very pleased with the guiding and explanation Ashley and I downloaded your great book, my respect and many thanks!!!


Your videos are very informative, and I have watched most of them, thank you for sharing them. I have chronic shoulder pain, it is over 14 months now. The pain goes down the arms, and I also have tension and pain in neck and upper back as well. I got frozen shoulder for a while and had cortisone injection and hydrodilatation which helped with the frozen shoulder. Then one more cortisone injection and lots of rehab/mobility exercises to reduce the pain. I felt much better after months of exercise but for only three weeks I was not able to do them and had a huge setback and the pain came back stronger. The current diagnosis is impingement, but I don’t know what else to do. I think I am still in phase one and not sure how long it will take to see more improvement.


Do you have any videos related to hyper-mobility caused shoulder pain? The muscle group in the front side of the should blade seems to be the source of pain. Thank you for all you’ve shared on hips and neck too. All this information has been a tremendous help!!


Can you give information regarding distal clavicular osteolysis and possible treatments available.


Great video very informative thanks 🇦🇺


Thank you for sharing this video. I think I have Supraspinatus tendinitis or bursitis after doing the test. Do I need to visit a doctor ? Please advise


Btw, I've watched a lot of your videos, so informative coherent, well explained ... for free! Well done and thank you!


10:21, when doing this test, I have a cracking sound but not pain while lifting my arms up. The same cracking noise occurs if i lift my hands up from the front of my body. Is that a sign of an impingement and what should I do about it?


Very informative. I'm in ao much pain...8/10 and I believe it may be frozen shoulder bc I can't lift my arm more than a couple inches. Does that sound right, Ashley? I haven't watched your frozen shoulder video yet and I'm going to do that now. This sucks so bad. When I look in the mirror I can see that my right shoulder is low and even rotated inwards a bit.
