WOMEN PREY on MEN being naive to Female NATURE to CONCEAL their DARK manipulation

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This video will help improve your dating life.

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Attract and Keep ANY women you want using 'MBT' Below! 🔥


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Attract and Keep ANY women you want using 'MBT' Below!🔥


Women REWARD the guy who DOESN'T care. She'll try her best to get you emotionally attached, and then once you do, she'll reward you with heartbreak. Be carefree. Stop caring so much, and EXPECT her to act silly and goofy.


As a female here, I grew up with a mother and sister who were highly narcissistic and manipulative. I’d witness my mother manipulate and abuse men to the purpose of acquiring their assets, and mostly just to break them. My sister does the same.
I can remember as a child a multitude of her boyfriends crying to me after they had been cruelly and casually discarded. This always affected me deeply. My sister learned how to be that way as well.
I lost my husband of 17 years during the Covid shutdown.
I started dating because I was lonely, and it was a huge mistake because I was naïve as well.
My point here is, there are so many predatory women out there it frightens me. I live in Las Vegas, these men have no idea, they are walking in completely blind, and have no way to know they are about to be used and thrown away. I often refer them to your channel. I hope that helps even a little bit.
Cheers 😊


Three things that have worked for me,
1. Be charismatic with everyone
2. Always keep options and don’t be attached to any outcome other than practice your game.
3. Don’t be afraid to offend them, call them out on their bad behavior, they will be mad at you, that’s healthy, any emotions is better than none, they will respect you and that’s what you want, respect.


My first big love story confirms everything Casey teaches.
On holiday in Spain, I was at a party and ignored all the girls and talked to friends and some random girls. My future girlfriend was there and she made the first move to get to know me. She, blond, Russian, almost 1, 80 and model body, 23 years old, talked to me and we left the party to be together. I had literally done nothing. Only dress well and do sport. She saw that.
I met a friend and let her go to sleep alone because I cared more about the friend than her. After 1 week's holiday, we had our farewell and I took her to the airport. For the next 3 months, I ignored her and did not try to talk to her again. I had to work and even though she was fucking beautiful I saw no way she would come to live with me in Spain. Well, after ignoring her for three months she started texting me. After a week of talking, she left her job in Moscow and flew to Spain to move in with me. Looking back this was fucking insane. Well, she was crazy for me and the sex was incredible. After two weeks she started fights. She told me I have other girls. I was laughing and saying that I work all day and when I am off I go to the gym and spend all the rest of the time with her. Huge mistake. The relationship continued for another 3 toxic years full of accusations of me fucking other girls. One time I downloaded a dating app and she checked my phone and saw it. I told her that she annoyed me with her wrong accusations, so I actually started to feel like cheating on her. Funnily she was sweeter and more submissive after this, because I did not feel apologetic about it at all.
She was also sweet and submissive when I told her to leave my fucking house if she thinks I am cheating.
But after some years I got too attached to her and actually really started loving her. From that point onwards I got emotional in all fights and she left me. I was fucked up. I cried a lot. Later she insulted me a lot and showed me a picture of another huge muscular hairy guy and told me she had a new strong Russian boyfriend. Not a pussy like me. Well, I went to the gym trained my fighting skills, and prepared to go to Russia. Even though she told me not to. I did not care. And I got her back. She welcomed me in Moscow and no hairy Russian boyfriend there to fight me. But after 1 month in Moscow, she again started to be bitchy and make false accusations all the time. I could not buy a fucking coffee or talk to a neighbor without her telling me that I cheating on her. Well, she left me and I was in Moscow on my own. But I downloaded Tinder in Moscow and got an explosion of likes and matches. Replaced her in no time. In Spain, she was my trophy, but in Moscow, she was just another of thousands and thousands of beautiful young women.

I swear in the name of Jesus that every time I cared about her feelings and was nice to her, she would start being bitchy.
However when I did not care too much and acted like I sincerely do not care if she goes, then she was giving blowjobs and all crazy shit without me even doing anything. I was actually a shy guy and it was a crazy way to start my first real relationship. I was 25 already and even still a virgin when I met her. Later I told her and she laughed like a fucking witch. The same girl was painting heart pictures of us and putting a wall with pictures of us together.
I swear, women are fucking crazy. It all makes sense now, thanks to Casy s videos.


As a 50 year old man who "was" married and blue pill for a long time.... I give this man a 100% stamp of approval. He knows what the hell he's talking about. For some reason young men don't really want to listen to older guys so as an older guy I'm telling you young men this is the guy to go to.


My problem was I knew all this intellectually, but in practice I fell to my default system and that’s how I lost her. His advice doesn’t click in your mind until you experience it and then… boom the advice makes sense in a moment of epiphany


"Her entire game is built on you not knowing the game" - Casey


"Love is the delusion that one woman differs from another."

H.L. Mencken


The only thing keeping my Marriage together is the fact I dont fear it breaking up.


Someone said when a woman sleeps with you she’s subconsciously saying that she wants you to come back when you leave. Once you get married, live together, and she knows you’re locked down and not going anywhere it kills that. This is why the dead bedroom is so common in marriages. When a woman is really attracted to you, you might not even be seeing anyone else and she’ll convince herself there has to be other women. Some guys will do anything to convince her she’s the only one. It may be counterintuitive, but the best thing to do might be to let her believe there are other women.


"Strength is the only thing that matters in this world everything else is a delusion" - Vegeta


Oh my God. Casey… Your wisdom is far beyond your years. I once dated a super-hot 19-y.o. model who was cheating on her millionaire rock star (one of the biggest in the world) boyfriend with ME. An average looking guy (also a musician, which doesn’t hurt) but proof that it doesn’t matter how much money or status you have… if you slip, they will seek out someone else. Currently I am dating another super hot girl (15 years younger than me… yes I’m old) and brother… whenever I relax on “the game” she will go into what I call “squirrel-mode” and I start to doubt my own self-worth and sanity. That’s when I go back to my MBT module and re-learn the white hot truth. Then I reimplement your teachings and the girl falls RIGHT BACK IN LINE! Even an old player like me has to be reminded from time-to-time and brother… Your teachings are right on the money. Thank you


My wife is unlike any other woman I've met. Through 13 years I never felt I have to play games for her affection. She's a good Christian woman with good values and a good head on her shoulders. Most women I met were so cold blooded. Only interested in me when I was being a player.


Letting them vote was the worst mistake in human history


Excellent class on natural female narcissism.


It's fucking insane how much men need to know, and how much we have to have our guard up at all times. It's fucking insane, to the point that I actually and unironically want to become a monk.


Women pray on men that has a house, land and money. She knows she gets 80% in divorce. She knows the power she has. Men think she loves him because of sex. She cuts it off in one day. This guy is talking the truth.


If you don't show affection or give validation or have meaningful conversessions, then there is no point in having a relationship.


And people look at me weird when I say just can't be bothered by being single and working all the time or doing anything else than suffocate in today's dating space. Not that I can't swim I just got tired. I don't have the mental fortitude jacked up on pre workout supplements and aderol to preform at work, at gym, at basic household and then have to swim through dozens of dates just for a shimmer of hope to find a well adjusted female. The majority of the world is fucked in the head and I just can't be bothered anymore. If the universe wants me to have a relationship and it pushes a nice lady in my way I won't turn my back but I stopped running laps intentionally.
