Blessed Virgin Mary Interrupts the Dr Taylor Marshall Podcast

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It’s not an Interruption. 🙏 It’s a greeting to Our Lady to whom we honor . Thank you Dr.Taylor


I was taught this prayer by my mother, when I was a child. I have not prayed this as an adult, am now 60 years old. Thank you for bringing this prayer back to my life.


Love the Blessed Mother! never, ever let go of her guiding hand that will lead us to Jesus. Pray the Rosary daily for her intentions. Thank you.


Dr. Taylor Marshall, I love what you do for all of humanity to bring us closer to Jesus, God and Blessed Mother Mary!! Your devotion is exemplary and so are your explanations. It was enjoyable watching you converse with Father Ripperger!
One itsy bitsy note, ,,, over the course of years maybe starting around 2016 I would pray the rosary on different channels and some I felt we're saying the prayers so fast I thought of as a quarter mile racetrack, running through the HAIL MARY, not being reverent enough and low and behold some other channels whereupon Motherary Speaks to Humanity IN REAL TIME ! Right on u toob right now and Our Blessed Mother Laments, LAMENTS at how HURRIED the Hail Mary prayer is said . She actually, you could " my words, Complained"
And we all know she is sweet that she suffers silently but she Had to bring it to our attention!!
And before Mother Mary ever brought it up I felt the same
I just a regular Joe, far from me to be able to criticize but maybe look at your broadcasts and in the future before you get a Spiritual Speeding Ticket, , , , . Think of that famous and wonderful TV Sitcom where the funny tall burnt out dude asks " What Does Yellow Light Mean"?


You’ve just introduced a new prayer to me.
I looked it up and I will add it to all of my prayers ✝️
Thank you 😇


I just found the Angelus prayer a few months ago in my Pieta book. Looking for that painting by Millet of the children praying in the field. We Catholics are blessed with so many gifts of prayer.


Thank you Doctor love your show keep up the great work God bless you!


So funny!! I have been prompted to say this prayer again 6-12-6 about 3 weeks ago. Thank you 😊


So awesome !!!! Blessed Mother wants to break through everywhere and at all time with her Son, The Word Made Flesh. We don’t have to wait for a new apparition. Although that would be beautiful too. ❤


Our Mother is never an interrupter just love to remind us of the awesome love God has for us!!! There is a reason you recorded this at 12 noon. The first Sunday of lent. Wanting us to know she is here with us . Happy Lent🙏🙏
God bless 🕊💜🕊


I have a heavy heart and wanted advise and prayer. I attended St Rita’s mass yesterday and upon seeing a young woman whom I thought was an altar girl with the incense in front of the priest blessing the Bible, before the priest went up to read the gospel shook me to the core. All I could think of was, women deacons will soon be acceptable. Then the priest read the gospel and his homily was about acceptance and loving others. He kept saying all the modern buzz words, diversity and inclusiveness. I had to walk out, unfortunately, before I received the Holy Eucharist. Was I wrong? Can you please advise what I can do and please pray for me as I feel so low in the holy spirit right now. I am a cradle Catholic but all I know is Vatican II growing up, but the mass I was used to has changed so much. I am dumbfounded by Pope Francis attack on good priests and praises on heretical pervert priests and giving the LGBT? Approval for their misdeeds. I am praying the rosary every day but today I feel so hopeless and I know it’s an attack from the enemy of darkness.


You're becoming very click baity Taylor. Poor form.


I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me.


Dear Dr Marshall. Please remember to bow your head when you speak the Blessed Lord's name.

God bless you and all who follow your work.

Viva Cristo Rey
Ave Maria


Dr. Marshall can you please slow it down next time I cannot pray along with you when it is that fast.


Thank you Taylor Marshall! We appreciate all you do. Please pray a little slower and please say a Hail Mary for my family. 🙏🏼


Thank you Dr. Taylor for all your podcasts an leadership, an teaching us💙never an interruption, Jesus Mary Joseph be with us📿🙏Glory to God


Loved this interruption.
Blessed Mother, pray for us.
(Dr. T....I really like these evening prayers. Thank you.)


God Bless you brother, continually give you a Revelation through reading the Word of God. JEREMIAH 33:3 SEARCHING THE SCRIPTURES .


Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none...
