Blessed Virgin Mary was born a Saint | Dr Taylor Marshall

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Most Holy Blessed Immaculate Virgin Mother Mary Queen of Angels Heaven and Earth pray for us Amen 🌹♥️💐♥️🌹💐


Dr Taylor Marshall
I can say that I truly believe that when my father kneels down and prays to our Holy Loving immaculate blessed Virgin Mother Mary while teaching me praying the rosary in English and Latin the true of love devotion glory praise
There is no greater example of a man father who loves God Jesus Christ and mother Mary
Real men pray the rosary prolife and love Our Holy Immaculate Mother Mary
Team Rosary ♥️🌹💐


Bless the hour as St. Jean Marie Vianney did:
"Blessed be God, time passes eternity draws near. Blessed be the Holy and Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God."


Today afternoon from 12:00 to 1:00 every knees should bend and pray to our Mary Mother of God this is the hour of Mercy let's pray🙏 pray with our heart pray with our soul begging for mercy for us for this entire world


Yes!! She is the most Blessed of all human kind, my Queen Mother and Mother of God 😇


Thank you Virgin Mary for being our role model- being pure and holy.


Happy day Blessed Mother. I love you- 😀


🙏🕊✝️🌹❤Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us sinners now and in the hour of our death ❤🌹🙏🕊✝️Amen


"I am The Immaculate Conception" is what The Blessed Virgin Mary said to Bernadette in Lourdes in 1858.
Let us honour Her, the new Ark of The Covenant, the Vessel that bore The Son of God.
O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recoursed to Thee!


Good day Dr. Marshall and thank you for showing the respect and responsibilities we all have for Our Holy Mother as Catholics and to be Sons and Daughters and little children to be proactive in every way defending and protecting our love in our life that Jesus Christ gave us. I will do all in my power given by God to be Her Holy Son. I do not know why any Catholic Pope would skip school in their life not to know their Holy Mother. The school of love, hope, mercy. I ask all today to pray the Holy Rosary today for the Holy Wisdom from the Holy Spirit to Pope Francis tongue that when he speaks with his actions they come with God Holy TRUTH. thank you to love my Mother as you do yours as Catholic sons and daughters and little children.


Mary is the ark of the new and eternal covenant. Therefore, she had to be, and therefore was, conceived without sin.


It makes me weep to hear the words of Pius IX and compare it to FrancisTalk.


What do you expect it’s Francis. Seems he’s getting better and better at contradicting the true faith unfortunately


More Roman false doctrine. I cannot find the Scripture verse that says this doctrine is relevant to our redemption and salvation. Matthew 5:46-50 - While Yeshua was still talking to the crowd, his mother and brothers stood outside, wanting to speak to him. Someone told him, "Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you." He replied to him, "Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?" Pointing to his disciples, he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother."
The genealogy of Yeshua (The Son of God, the God of Israel) can be found in Luke 3:21-38 and Matthew 1 which concludes with verse 25 - "But he did not consummate their marriage until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Yeshua - The LORD is my Salvation.


But where is that in Bible? I am confused about mother Mary, is she someone to pray on, is she someone to have statues, items, pictures of? Jesus died for my sins, and 3 days after rose again from the grave. Can you tell me why we came to worshiping Virgin mother Mary? ty


Dr. Marshall, Our Lady is trending now on Twitter!!


Thank you for the breath of fresh air called Truth.


A very important reminder is today Dec. 8, 2022 is a day of obligation for all Catholics.


St. Paul's letter to1Timothy 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus; who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. Does all include Mary since it is written that all humanity have sinned and fall short of the glory of God? I wonder why St. Peter did not mention Mary in the book of acts or in his epistles to the church, maybe there are scrolls yet to be


Hi "Dr. Taylor Marshall, " this is not too hard to figure out right? St. Theresa used a figure "a glass of water" to help many to understand this. Now, a clean glass without water, just like an empty glass, is this Person a Saint? No, but a clean glass with water, now, is this Person a Saint? The answer is Yes. "Full of Grace is Her Sainthood right?" And where is "God's Grace?" Isn't "God's Grace" given to me and through me but they're denying my Identity and Authority? Does it make sense? They will be held accountable on the Judgment day and all the blame will be directed to these 'evil doers' throughout the History of Church, especially in 7 years as of today where I was concretely and present in the midst with my Consecration and Installation Mass as the Church. I am the Church and they are the Communities, like Rome is the global Community, the Diocese is the local Community, etc. Lord Jesus Christ uses the word "Church" to refer to the "real Church" only and they were deviated from this Truth.
