Forget About Your Ex-Partner - Binaural Beats & Isochronic Tones (With Subliminal Messages)
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This recording uses both Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones.
This recording starts at a frequency of 2.75 hz (Delta) and slowly decreases over the course of 45 minutes, down to a frequency of 2.00 hz (Delta) for the remainder of the recording. This recording also contains subliminal messages. You will find the list of subliminal messages below.
Q. Are headphones required?
A. Isochronic Tones and Subliminal Messages can be absorbed with or without headphones, so users can listen without headphones if they wish. However, headphones are recommended in order to benefit from the Binaural Beats
Q. Do I listen while sleeping or awake?
A. You can listen to this recording whilst asleep or awake, both methods are equally as effective.
Q. How do subliminal messages work?
A. Compared to regular audio, the subliminal affirmation messages are recorded at many different frequencies and volumes, therefore you will be unable to hear the messages consciously. Because you are unable to hear the messages consciously, they bypass the part of your mind that analyses information, thus enabling the messages to go directly to your subconscious mind, allowing them to be absorbed as a factual new reality.
Here is a list of all the subliminal affirmations/messages in this recording.
I choose to be at peace with the way things are
My ex is in my past and I am focusing on the future
I am a relaxed person that enjoys every moment of every day
I am a strong-minded person that can relax easily
I am growing stronger each day
I am looking forward to my future
I accept my loss
I am moving on
I feel safe and protected
I am safe and protected
I have moved on
My life is getting better and better each and every day
I feel good about myself
I am letting go
My life is peaceful
I am a happy person
I am a good person
Life is great
I have a bright future ahead of me
I am focusing on being happy
Everything happens for a reason
I focus my time and energy on the future
Each day when I wake up, I feel great
Each day when I wake up, I feel happy
Each day when I wake up, I am ready for anything
I will fall in love again
Love is on it's way right now
I feel peaceful and happy
I become more confident each day
Life is good
I feel good
Life is amazing
I feel so happy
I am an amazing person
I am loved
I am ready to meet new people
I have moved on and I feel great
My life is full of possibilities
My life is getting better and better each and every day
I am a happy, calm and relaxed person
I am safe right now
I am happy right now
I am a strong-minded person
I am in control of my life
I have lived and loved
I deserve to be happy
I am happy
The past has gone and I have moved on
I have the ability to overcome anything
I am strong, I am powerful
I realise that relationship break-ups are a normal part of life
My ex-partner is a distant memory
I am a great person
I am a very important person
People respect me
I am a happy person
I am an attractive person that deserves to be loved
I see all the beauty in the world
I am healing as I let go of my past
I am in total control of my emotions
I have a bright future filled with happiness
I am a kind person and people like me
I grow stronger each day
I am a fun, interesting person
I am unique and special in every way
I love myself unconditionally
I am a confident person
I am happy and ready to embrace my life
I am a happy person that can relax easily
I can deal with anything because I am a strong person
Each day is filled with amazing possibilities
My happiness grows stronger every day
I am ready for the next chapter in my life
(((((All of the above are repeated throughout the recording)))))
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