Use this for Acne Scars #shorts

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Acne scars and marks are super common!!

✔️ Post-acne marks are NOT true scars but merely discoloration that will slowly improve over time.

✔️ Depressed (atrophic) scars are most common type of true scars from acne.

✔️ Raised (hypertrophic/keloid) scars, although are less common, are more frequently seen in skin of color patients, and can be very devastating and challenging to treat

👉🏻Most important is to control and properly treat the acne!!!

👉🏻20-30% of scars will resolve by itself overtime

👉🏻Topical retinoid (tretinoin, tazarotene, adapalene) used alone over 24 weeks have shown to improve scar severity

👉🏻Best treatment is tailored towards specific type of scars, skin color, and skin type

What you had treatments for your acne scars?
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Hi dr lui what is the best moisturizer for retinol serum/retinol for begginers. Thanks
