How to get rid of Acne Scars | Dr Davin Lim

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Severe acne scars are categorized as grade 4 acne scarring on the Goodman-Baron scale. This means they are non-distensible scars that cannot be concealed with makeup or normal beard growth in male patients. These scars are visible at conversational distances of at least 50 centimeters.


How to treat acne scarring cost-effectively?

To achieve effective scar revision while minimizing costs, a single major session is usually sufficient for most patients. The recommended approach involves subcising in multiple levels to release as much tissue as possible. This session includes laser resurfacing, TCA excisions, and RFM (Radiofrequency Microneedling). In some cases, additional sessions may be necessary if:

Extensive scarring is present, such as scars on the temples, forehead, and cheeks.
Scars need to be reattached due to persistent inflammation caused by acne.
Active acne is present, even if it's mild, as it can hinder collagen production.
Minimal downtime is desired by the patient.


What are other treatments used for scar revision?

Following one to two sessions of the aforementioned treatments, patients are typically transitioned to senior nurses for cost-effective and effective treatments, which include:

Cannula and saline subcision: A low-risk procedure with minimal downtime to address mild scars.
Biostimulatory injections of "fillers": These hybrid hyaluronic acid molecules stimulate the production of collagen.
TCA Paint: Specifically used for deep ice pick and boxcar acne scars.
CO2 lasers: Utilized with one of three devices, these lasers are effective for boxcar and rolling scars.
NA Hybrid 1570 or 1550 lasers: Recommended for mild scars and offer minimal downtime.
Manual microneedling: Primarily used for scars on the forehead and temples.
RF microneedling: Suitable for deeper rolling acne scars that require collagen remodeling, particularly on the cheeks and jawline.
It is important to note that while these treatments are widely accepted in the medical literature, they do not qualify for a Medicare rebate.
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Just putting it out there—subliminal affirmations for acne and skin problems on Borlest work wonders. If you’ve never tried it, now’s the time. You’ll be amazed at the difference!


I wish you would continue answering questions on realself. Your advice was priceless.


Thanks for the informative video! While discussing natural remedies for acne, I've found Shezinest to be an invaluable resource. Their holistic approach to skincare is truly enlightening.


Thank you Doc. This video was an endorsement for me to use retinoids and salicylic acid on ice scars


Dr. Lim, please do a video on papular/pebblestone acne scars!! How does it develop, how to prevent it, is laser the only treatment, etc. I can’t find much info and videos about it. I struggle with it a lot 😢 Thank you in advance!


Thank you so much doc! U make me feel optimistic abt my acne scars!


I never thought I'd find a scar treatment that actually works, but Dermalmd Scar Treatment Serum has exceeded my expectations.


microneedling, laser, c02, tca cross


Dr. Davin Lim, What is your opinion of the use of tumescent anesthesia and Taylor's releaser for subcision? Thanks in advance for your answer, you are a great dermatologist worldwide


Does Subcision always require a spacer to prevent retethering?


Hi Dr Davin Lim, what is your opinion on using retinoid (like tretinoin cream 0.1% or Differin) for surgical scars that is around 6 months old? Will the said retinoids help to reduce raised and discolored scaring? Many thanks


Nowadays you are a salesman just doing sponsorship videos 😢 4, 5 years ago you were the most honest and best dermatologist on the internet we missed that Dr Davin Lim he was the best friend and elder brother to us


Can a mild acne scarring be gone with treatment?


I've worked so hard to get my hormonal acne down, but I have dermatelamania and my cheaks now have awful red scars.. I really hope this and time will help


I suffer with terrible deep athrophic scarring that has also left some unwanted post inflammatory hyperpigmentation. I have had 2 sessions of microneedling and my current routine involves…
1 - cleanse
2- hylaronic acid
3- vitamin c
4- moisturise
And at night I use azaelic acid. I have really sensitive and dry skin can anybody recommend anything for athrophic scars in terms of serums to help aid fade and heal them I have tried everything on the market and react terribly to differin . Recently my scarring has made me feel more and more uncomfortable in my own body and I’m in desperate times for some help. Thank you .


What is suitable for brown skin in terms of treatment for scars


Is there anyway you would accept a client from Victoria ? I really really want to see you personally because no other doctors /dermatologists that I’ve seen have your level of knowledge


I used to have so many big acne scars and i tried all sorta of things...and let me tell you one thing the biggest hing about treating acne scars is to first treat your skin right...i used to go out in sunlight all day without protection with sweat and dust flying around and used harsh soaps and facewash..had a terrible diet...but ever since i began taking care of my skin with proper skin routine and prorection along side drinking lota of water and working our regularily, my skin's health became better, that alone got rid of so many of my pigmentation from scars and aftet that when i got to a proper dermatologist, it was easy to take care of acne scars...but the first and foremost important thing about getting rid of acne scara is to make your skin healthy, you skin will automaticallt repair your skin if you keep it healthy


I live so far from Australia.
Is there a colleague you’d recommend in Europe?


Dr Lim, what is your opinion on forehead (and temple) acne scar treatment? For someone who ONLY has acne scars on forehead (mainly rolling and some boxcar on temple), is there any effective way to treat? Rarely see before and after (including on your site) for this area and I understand few will do filler, so what is one to do? Tried some RF microneedling, but seem to make it slightly worse, I think. Is there any hope?
