Are some meth addicts sociopaths?

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... It is great to hear level-headedness like this


We re all different. A huge part of what I see is it’s seriously how your raised.. treated.. GUIDED. Taught.. if theirs hope.. I’d say one addict gets bk on their feet with hope of a less stressful transaction.. And the other person gets situated and they can t get a job or have security as to where their sleeping on a daily.. It turns you mean & very hateful.. Theirs so many factors.. And meth just made me off the wall.. And very sexual.. coming down.. We re all different..


I have ASPD and been using drugs my whole life, we get extremly bored fast which is why we chase a high doesnt matter, sex, drugs, violence, any type of thrill. ive smoked weed, took shrooms, drank, snorted coke, smoked crack, smoked meth, popped xanax, took pain killers, snorted heroin, fentanyl, tranq, you name it ive most likely done it. My biggest issue is obviously opiates and fent cause of the physical withdraw happening so fast, ive gone cold turkey off benzos plenty times but opiates the withdrawl is just so painful and so incredibly addicting.


Maybe the Drug addict feels more than the average bear, maybe it overwhelms them to the point that the relief of the drug is to great to pass up
Let me know when we can measure physical or emotional pain and I’ll answer your question…


The discernment is for reals Dr clarified in a very methodical and strategic way that the behavior of a drug addict may be similar to that of an antisocial lol. Hilarious “diabetes” yup people sociopaths can also be diabetics lol


Don't say "all drug addicts do." That's simply not true. It's typically the ones that have severe issues with addiction that end up seeing professionals. You're not accounting for millions of others who get through it at home on their own or are functional enough where they aren't out doing horrible things. Stereotypes are formed because of statements like that. The most extreme of every group is always the ones that get the attention. Nobody considers the silent addicts out here that don't do horrible things.
