What is a Herniated Disc? Symptoms & Treatment Options Explained by Dr. Rey Bosita

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Have you been told you have a herniated disc or concerned you may have one? Learn more about this condition and how it is treated from Dr. Rey Bosita, Spine Surgeon at Texas Back Institute.

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Herniating a disc was the worst thing that ever happened to me. Having back surgery was emotionally traumatic. I felt so alone and scared. That was 2019. I am now pain free and living a normal life. YOU can get there too! You will not be stuck in this pain forever!


Honestly. Physical Therapy is the best bet or surgery. Not meds or needles.


I went to ER to get pain checked out that happened suddenly at work doing heavy lifting. They claimed to Medicare they "examined" and "treated" me when they did not even touch my back. They stuffed me in a back room, then discharged me. What is the pain like??? Still hurts horribly today.


He offered no solutions thats the pharmaceutical company talking


I swear I was in denial for 2 years, I’m 22 and at age 20 I remember starting to get aggressive back pains while offloading trailers by hand, I would get burning sensation going from my lower left side of my back all the way through my left leg, I didn’t want to believe I had back problems, I thought to myself there’s no way I’m too young to have back problems, 2 years later and I still get that same sensation after a couple hours of standing, if I’m not waking around at least a bit during my shift then it gets worse by the end of the day smh the worst feeling ever


I have that below my buttock very very painful I have had it over a year now and I'm going to see a physchio in a month I'm taking pain medications it sucks to have it by the time I'm done work my back is out sometimes I can barely walk and at times it puts pressure on my spine so my back really goes out and it affects ur legs too I hope they can find a better solution instead of surgery someday


My husband right now is suffering to a severe illness called herniated disc, he has a muscle cramps also in his whole body. We do nor have enough money to bring him to the hospital, the only thing I did is to hired a physical therapist (chiropractor), I paid him 10, 500 for 12 weeks. He did a walk slowly, but after 4 weeks of session he suffered a severe muscle cramps. He needs to buy a potassium which he takes so that the pain will stop but sad to say when I told my son to buy that particular medicine it is out of stock. I am a private school teacher, please help me, any small amount you can give is really a great help for my family. Thank you very much and God bless you all!


I’m having the same problem. The pain is unbearable. It feels like stabbing right above my left shoulder blade. It feels like my arm is being torn off. I’m getting spasms and Flare ups in the front of my traps. The only comfort is when I apply ice and my wife messages the area where it flares up. This happened last Wednesday and the pain is still the same.


Probably doesn’t help that I have scoliosis I got slipped disc a few years ago and just got another one


I’m always find ones in the lower back, I’m always searching for the upper back one but there are never any videos or articles on it


Why wouldn’t you do the MRI before everything ??


What specifically Dr do we request to see for herniated disc or pinch nerves and inflammation on spinal cord area for treatment and prevention on warser things of this kind


Hello, where can i get this treatment in California. Im 20 years old and my mri diagnosed a herniated disc with 2.2mm opening which was causing my pain. I have stopped working out and sports and the pain has basically decreased dramatically.


Tens Machines work WONDERS as well as ice packs.


I believe I have this problem can anybody tell me if it causes cold feet?


L4-5. there is a small left foraminal disc protrusion superimposed upon a diffuse dise annular bulge with mild facet arthropathy and endplate spurring. Mild left foraminal narrowing results. The central canal and right neural foramen appear patent.

I have my big toe numb and I feel numb around that areas of the big toe and calf sore. Does it need surgery? Or can heal by itself? Been on this since January I already had 3 injections and Theraphy


Hi I am 45 and i went on one of those kids obstacle courses on the water, i fell between 2 tubes that you were supposed to jump from one to the other, and my face and legs were held in place slightly as i fell through the tubes, as my back and body bent backwards so that it can fall down in the water. I felt a hot pain like it was 200F degrees. I thought i broke my back, but i was able to move my feet, i wasn't paralyzed! and i was able to walk. The first 3 days were painful but i could still walk, most of the pain went away, but now 3 weeks in I still feel stiff, and pain. I started taking ibuprofen and it helps a lot, if i don't take it, the lower back feels very tight and limits my mobility in terms of how far i can move in all directions. I will get it checked out, but just curious what do you think it is? is it muscle sprain? strain ? a disk problem? I can jug for a few min and i don't feel any sharp pain from my back


Informative but the dialog is very repetitive at times


bulging disc and you will have some problems when you step to the next level of herniation you pretty much facked for good


Yea I have a small disk herniation according to my doctor. It’s not like the most painful thing but it’s just so annoying and it brings a lot of discomfort. When I tend to bend forward and stay like that for a while my legs to tend to hurt and feel numb and tingly. And at work I have to be standing for 8 hours, so my back is literally on fire by the end of the day. The only relief I get is when I pop my back. I’ve had two of those injections already and my back still hurts. Honestly feel like the pain has gotten worse since the injections.
