Good friends who ask personal questions and my own dilemma!

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Does a person who is pretty close to you have the right to demand an answer to a personal question?
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I have learned the value of keeping silent. I am very prone to sticking my foot in my mouth and/or "self-sabotaging" ironically -- especially when I go with my tendency to go into the big long spiel with my explanations, justifications, assertions...Yikes!. Silence is (often) golden.


Good video Marie! I can't stand when people ask me personal questions, especially a person who I don't even know all that well! I blame television because we now live in a reality show era and people think that just because people are real open about their personal lives on TV then they expect everybody else to be open as well. Also, people just want to be nosy and have ammunition to gossip about you that's another reason why people be asking you so many personal questions.


I was once asked: how much is in your 401K? I just looked at her. Geeze


My close friends know not to ask. It's usually acquaintances who assume we're close bc I'm polite. And yes, they ask in front of people which I find more rude. They're also very entitled. I understand the "when will you get married" questions from time to time (said with care and caution) but people (I haven't seen in forever) will straight up say, "SO WHEN ARE YOU MOVING IN TOGETHER? Like when? Next month?" Wow...but yeah, this has been bothering me for a while


I have this friend who wants to be a lawyer. She is always up for an argument and will get offended extremely easy. She also acts as if everyone is afraid of her and she is so much better than everyone else. I just don't know how to deal with her.


This is what happened to me a few times and this helped me SOOO much just like ur other videos I think your advice is amazing!


That was funny but seriously the road to finding new favourite places can be rocky. Good coffee is hard to find. Some I have had the misfortune to get tasted like they just waved the coffee beans over the water.


Follow the baristas/workers! After working for a stint at a coffee chain I can guarantee you that the extent to which you enjoyed the atmosphere/experience is almost wholly dependent on the staff - not the shop itself!


Hi Marie, can you do a video about "how to handle people who don't listen to you." I'm 29 and I'm starting to see a pattern (even though i think its always been there) that people don't listen when I say; i'm tired, I don't feel well, I want to see that movie (then we see a dif. movie). I don't understand, etc. I notice that they dismiss what i feel and go along and do what they want while i tag along. It happens a lot with my mother, a select number of friends and some co-workers. One friend is the same as me and she said it's probably because we both are passive, chill, agreeable ppl. But, I'm finding it frustrating as i get older, like I can't keep it up like i used to! To the point where I get really upset inside and want to give up on those ppl. Why be around people who don't listen to how you feel? Thanks!


Im sooo glad i found u in my life now !your a big deal to me thanks for all that u do. I love your videos


They have no manners?? It’s bizarre, don’t they understand??!


It's a eastern european thing I think as my family is hungarian and many of them have no boundaries when it comes to asking personal questions. Like did you get fat? How much money do you make? Are you a lesbian? And 2 sisters I know who are hungarian both asked me same questions at different times if I inherited any money from my parents when they died? I just skip over it but it sure seems odd to ask no matter what.


marie can you please do a video on how to get along with the parent of your child when your separated. or family members who are difficult. Also i want to tell you how i appreciate your videos they have helped me soo much!


I should also note that the first time I watched any of your videos and a lot of your videos point in the direction of what you're saying towards me I just could use some help in this particular situation a lot of your videos Point towards friends and family but what you're talking about is a friends and family that you see on a day-to-day basis what do you do when you meet your mom for the first time and all the sudden communication stops I'm really confused on what to do and it sounds like you can be really helpful


Hi Marie, I can relate to both topics, the first one, awkward, while the second is just one more change to be navigated. Something that is working well for me is to get on Yelp and try the hot, new coffee shops in town, rather than the same old, same old. This switches up the routine, and when you find that next great cup of joe, your friends and family will look at you as the hip woman about town! Cheers!


Hi Marie,
Speaking of personal questions... I have this friend who ... when she wants to see me, she needs to have her support system around for some reason. Like we're going out for dinner (and she invites me, but usually I end up paying for the dinner), she always brings her husband and her kids. That is fine, I love to talk to people but you know, most of my friends live in other towns and I am not in a relationship now, so I go on these dates on my own. I need to update this, so I went to this dinner, and that was a mistake. I am getting my second and third graduate degrees, purely for personal reasons - personal satisfaction, this is what I always wanted to do - and the husband told their little kid that I am still at school because I didn't do my homework!! I thought it was stupid, didn't think much of it but the kid started to be rude to me. I took the high road and stayed friendly to all of them till the end, but what is this? If they don't like me why on earth do they invite me just to be mean to me? And when I talked about a guy I know they ignored me as if I was lying!! I'm not going out with them I guess ever again. But why would anyone do this?

Thanks Marie, sorry for taking so much of your time.


Hi Marie!

Today, a friend of ours came by to see my mom and me. Something always comes back to me from other people, I work with in my department, from another company these 2 women I work with! My boss, told me, "If I hear another word about me"They will get written up". I don't think it is going to be done that way? Because, I have told this to my boss a few weeks ago, that something always comes back to me from someone we know! Some of these people I work with make up stories and bad rumors about me!


That's a hard one. Yes you like the people who quit and want to see them but they are scattered all over at area coffee shops. Then the dilemma becomes which one do you pick. Was there a favorite employee out of the bunch? If so start going to that new shop. If all these people quit at the same time then it probably was for a very good reason, like they were being treated badly by management or the working conditions were no longer acceptable. Whatever the case you probably don't want to continue supporting that shop and want to show solidarity with the employees you know and love. Unless you really adore the coffee there and can't get it any place else then keep going and hope that you hit it off with the new staff but be sure to let management know that the old crew is missed and they were the reason you came in so regularly. As for the friend who is trying to get all up in your business, I have had this same problem. I was with a group of girlfriends. We were sitting around and one of them starts telling me about how she was offended by something my husband said to her months ago. I apologized and explained that it was his attempt at making a joke and said that I thought it was not right of him etc. She kept on going with it though in front of all these ladies. I said okay you know what I'll talk to him about it and I will be sure to tell him what you said about him and how offended you were and you won't ever have to worry about it again. Them another girlfriend decided to jump in and pile on and start complaining about him too. That's when I got very upset. I told these ladies if there was a problem like this then you address me in private, not in front of an entire group. It got very heated. I am glad that I did that because I felt like if they had the nerve to try to embarrass me in front of the group I am going to embarrass the hell out of them in front of the entire room. I think they will think twice before they pull that again. I have tried giving them the screw face before like you suggested but these ladies are like piranhas and sometimes we have to have it out. I think that most other people would respond to your style but some ladies need to be taken to task and you really need to let them have it!


Hi, I like your videos they are great! :) I was wondering if you could do a video on how to deal with internet trolls on the internet? Like on political or religious sides or something?


Hey ☺ I love you videos! I was wondering if you could help me, I have a housemate who is quite sexist. He says that periods are not that bad and that I a going against my moral duty as a woman for not wanting children. I don't know what to do 😥
