Save Money with State Farm Drive Safe & Save in 2024? #statefarm #drivesafe

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I am saving money each month on my family's two vehicles by using this little device in both our cars and connecting it to the State Farm Drive Safe & Save app. Check out the video to see if you might test drive it too.
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Let me know if your experience with a similar program has been positive or negative. Or, if you haven’t, are you willing to try it?


I have had a few inconsistencies with the system. The phone use is a problem because I have kids and they are always wanting to use my phone while I’m driving. State Farm allows you to go in and change a trip to say that a passenger uses the phone, but you have to do that for each trip individually. We’ve also been docked for things like cornering and braking too hard in some cases where I feel that the problem was actually in the detection being inaccurate.

It took us a few weeks to stop worrying about the devices in our cars. I stay aware enough, though, for it to be a deterrent for me when it comes to speeding or using my phone.

With insurance rates rising everywhere, I still appreciate the discount. I have thought about canceling it, but so far I’ve continued to lean toward keeping it.


Wonder how the phone distraction use score works? Some people (my wife) use her phone for her music rather than radio. Just like using your radio, sometimes that requires “punching a button”. Hmmm seems unfair because you wouldn’t get penalized for changing the station on your radio.


State Farm is quite clear that they will not raise your rate based on the info collected. Instead, according to the company, using the Drive Safe and Save will only lower your rate.


Another YouTuber said they charged him a fee when he wasnt using it and also mentions driving at nite increasing prices. I see mostly bad reviews. Most claim the system just in not up to par and its not just state farm its all of these insurance tracking apps. Im with state farm also but am leery of this device. I also heard if you speed it dont count against you unless its 10mph or more over the speed limit. Also many say it reports sudden stops when they stop slow and easy or the oppisite. However if its working for you perhaps its improving.
