Rhonda Patrick Goes in Depth on the Benefits of Omega-3s

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80% of people globally (and ~95% of people in the US) don't get enough EPA & DHA. Why does this matter? For one, just as many deaths per year are attributable to trans fans as they are to not consuming enough EPA/DHA. Other key benefits of EPA/DHA include reduced inflammation (a key driver of the aging process) and protection against disuse atrophy.

In this video, expect to learn why it's a huge mistake for pregnant women to avoid fish, why having a low omega-3 intake is comparable to smoking, and more.

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My girlfriend’s grandma (age 96) & great aunt (99) grew up in Newfoundland and fish was the primary souce of protein throughout their lives. Her grandma passed last year but her great aunt still lives alone and is very independent. I’m amazed that she has all her mental faculties and can hold conversations recalling stories of her younger years.


In 2008 I started getting some hip pain in my left hip. It soon began in my right hip. I asked my GP about it and he said "let me know when it gets bad enough and we will schedule your hip replacement surgery." The pain gradually got worse til in 2013 it was bad enough that I quit a hike and came home early. I figured it would get debilitating so I wanted to have one more good volcano season first. So I started taking new supplements that would help my strength and stamina. In early 2014 I noticed that my hip pain was gone. I had a great season hiking 260 miles, 75, 000 feet & some great volcanos. After volcano season I stopped all my new supplements. My hip pain came back. I started resuming them one at a time to see which cured my hip pain. It was EPA/DHA. I took EPA/DHA for a year. No hip pain. I stopped EPA/DHA. The pain came back. I resumed EPA/DHA. It is now 2024. I am 74 years old and still have no hip pain. I am taking pills that have 500mg of EPA and 250mg of DHA, 4 per day. I have tried several brands. They all work.


I'm just a mathematician (from Denmark) with an interest in nutrition. I am happy that YouTube recommended your video that I find highly interesting! Thank you very much from a new subscriber.


🌷 Thank you so much for getting this information out to people, I so appreciate it!


This information has been a landmark step on my journey of good health and long a long life. Thank you, Rhonda.


Thanks for making these videos shorter. Appreciate it. Quality content as usual.


Thank you for going on that tangent about mercury in fish. My mom loves fish and I know it’s a great source of omega-3, but I would sometimes worry about how pollutants would affect her health. I’m glad to know that the omega-3’s counteract at least mercury.

It wasn’t totally clear if you were also saying that it counteracts other pollutants commonly fish.

I’m eager to find out more about this .


Thank you for this excellent video, Rhonda.


Have been following your channel for a long time now. Always useful and scientifically supported information 👍 thank you!


Hi Dr Patrick, I enjoy your knowledge and hope You
never stop sharing … Oh, I think YOU are flirting with a possible nomination for a Nobel Prize … Go for it ! 😊


super interesting!
when I was younger my stepdad was a commercial fisherman so we ate fish all of the time, and the best quality too. We ate fish majority of nights including clams, crabs and so on, in retrospect when I think about those times I remember how I was at the top of my class, never dealt with depression/anxiety (even though life wasn’t so easy) & I also had great blood work. I was 10-16 at this time. Now I’m 21, eat seafood maybe once a month or less and feel like I notice a change and it’s much harder for me to do well in school, stay focused, bloodwork is wacky, interesting to say the least. Not sure if there’s a connection but gonna make sure I get my fish oil in at least


Thanks for all the great information. If you take Vascepa, which contains only EPA, should you also supplement with DHA? Thanks for your response.


She is a beautiful person and I’m grateful for her, and her work. 🙏🏼


Nice nice valuable info and well explained, thanks❤


A D-3 5kIU and an omega 3-6-9 before bed helps me stay asleep better.
Krill oil is taken in morning routine.


I would be very curious to see a podcast episode specifically on inflammation in the body.
I say this because, while I am aware of the literature linking chronic inflammation with reduced lifespan, inflammation also plays a role in processes like muscle hypertrophy, which is shown to positively correlate to lifespan.
Is it the chronic nature of inflammation that makes it reduce lifespan? And if so, would it be reasonable to assume that chronic resistance training without enough recovery would actually be detrimental to lifespan via inflammation effects?
I'd love to hear a more in-depth discussion on this.


Thanks for the video! How much salmon should someone eat every day to get their Omega 3's up to 8% as you mentioned in the video?


Thank you, Dr. Patrick, thank you for taking the time to inform us on nutrients, health, and longevity. You are a treasure.


I try to include seafood in my diet but I live in a landlocked state so it’s not easy. I do supplement with cod liver oil and the neurological benefits I’ve experienced are huge!


Dr. Patrick, do you regard it as generally safe for a person, in overall general good health, to consume wild caught salmon or sardines on a daily basis?
