PS5 Disc Doesn't Work - Easy Fix

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Your PS5 won’t read discs or says unrecognized disc? In this video I'll show you all the ways to fix not working discs on a PS5 console. There are a couple different ways to fix not readable discs for PlayStation 5. Hope this guide is going to help.
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Dude, the first solution sounded so ridiculous I thought "no way that's it" and it was


Hi guys, let me tell you my story, maybe it happened something similar to any of you, or maybe not, cause I haven’t found anything on the internet and It’s driving me nuts. I installed three disc games, but unintentionally stopped the installation processes before they had finished, which I found out later. Then, my console started not reading any disc other than those three games. I tried repairing the database, reinstalling the system software, uninstalling those games and fully installing them again, literally everything, but my console kept doing the same. It’s been more than a year since I bought this ps5 and it has never had a malfunction before. Now I found this video and I’m trying repairing the storage, which I hadn’t tried yet, but thats my last resource. If it doesn’t work I’ll have to send it to the technical service. Has any of you guys had a similar experience? Thx for reading!


Repairing the storage helped for me. Thank you very much!


Rebuild the database worked for me. Thank you


Idk what’s wrong with mine. It will play dvds but won’t play any video game disc. Anyone else having that issue


Bought ps5 brand new and auto disc wasn't working. The safe mode and repair system fix it. Thanks


My problem relates to my physical copies of uncharted 4 and TLOU 2 but also disc drive in general. When I try playing the 2 games mentioned, it will constantly send me to the ps5 Home Screen (not a game or app crash) and tell me there’s an error, it will say there’s not enough storage to download the ps5 versions of the games, I’m using and playing the ps4 versions, why does it keep saying ps5 version can’t install and kick me from my games constantly
And for other disc games, it sounds and works fine but also does a skipping sound occasionally


I was having an issue with my ps5 disk drive I had just set it up but my Internet went down because of a plane crash nearby no lie but new disc new PS5 the first method worked for me if anyone else had a similar issue
