Why Ancient Sith Lords Would Have DESPISED Darth Sidious - Star Wars [Canon]

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Darth Sidious was the culmination of the Sith Grand plan, finally completing the goal that began with Darth Bane a thousand years before. He was the peak of Dark Side power and used it to claw his way to the top of a Galaxy that was divided. But these ancient Sith Lords in their spirit forms, like Darth Revan which we saw in the Clone Wars deleted Scene, Darth Bane and Darth Momin would have absolutely hated the way Sidious conducted himself… #starwars #darthvader #darthsidious

The First reason that the ancient Sith would have despised Sidious was his utter obsession with the Jedi Order and wiping them out. From a very young Age, Sidious already developed a strong hatred of order for many reasons. He believed that they were arrogant, blind to the struggled of the Galactic Citizens and far too self-righteous. It was this hatred for the Jedi that pushed Sidious deeper into the Dark Side than he had ever gone before and it made it his sole goal to destroy them.

Ancient Sith Lords though thought so little of the Jedi Order that they barely even considered them. They would have considered Sidious’ obsession with a useless order of Light siders to be weak and detrimental to his own power. In the end, we know his obsession with the Jedi was ultimately his downfall, and a fallen Jedi returning to the light took him down…

Now the other reason that the Older Sith beginning with Darth Bane would have hated Sidious was his disregard for the Rule of Two. This really started with Darth Plagueis before him, but Sidious continued the tradition by allowing his apprentice to have their own apprentice also, breaking the rule of two. Sidious and Dooku tell themselves that Ventress is only a Sith Acolyte, but come on we all know that he doesn’t care about the rule of two. Pure copium. Not to mention, Darth Maul was taken on when Plagueis was still alive, so there was no regard for the rule of two at all by then…
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Ancient Sith Lords: "Professionals have standards."


Ancient Sith Lords Discussing Palpatine "Soooo palpatine. should we despise him or like him?" Revan: Hate Him. Ancient Sith: Ok. We all hated him from the start anyways.


He also disregarded the rule of two in the way he killed Darth Plaguis.
Sith apprentices are supposed to surpass and overpower their masters.
Sidious killed Plaguis in his sleep.


Most ancient sith like revan, nihilus, and bane were more powerful then modern jedi.


1:18 Palpatine: "I prefer the term: Work Smarter, Not Harder."


0:21 Shame that we will never see those unfinished animation be used in The Clone Wars show.

Perhaps in the upcoming Tales of the Jedi show.


Palpatine: *disobeys Rule of two*

Bane: *press Y to shame*


I don't know I think he did have some respect for the rule of 2 when he went to take out Maul and Savage he even stated the rule of 2. I'm willing to bet even in earlier times there were more then 2 "Dark Side users" they just weren't true Sith. He probably let Ventress continue because she was alone and no real threat, but if she ever became one he'd take care of her like he did Maul


ancient sith lords: so we only accept people with jawlines


Once more the sith well rule the galaxy


Wowowow this is the EARLIEST I’ve ever seen one of your videos and try is was a killer as all


After plagueis the rule of two became obsolete. With the discovery of essence transfer and manipulating midichlorians to extend life, both plagueis and sidious thought themselves to be immortal. The only need for an apprentice would have been to use as a tool or weapon.


The Ancient sith would despise Sidious also for Transforming the Galactic Republic into a Empire. The Empires the Ancient sith always felt proud of ruling and leading... the verry enemy they swore to destroy out of vengeance for the Genocide they commited on Korriban.
While Palpatine's plan was absolute genius, the Ancient sith would NEVER think about transforming the Galactic Republic into a Empire, they'd rather destroy it.
Not to forget, The Galactic Republic is the reason why the sith are who they are. The Jedi just had to follow along. The Jedi were Against the Genocide, but they were ordered by the republic to do it.

I think the Ancient sith would've despised the Rule of 2 though, The Ancient Sith viewed the Sith order as a Religion that is thrived by Conflict and war, limiting the amount of Sith that can exist would severly weaken the order and make themselves vulnerable if they would ever be discovered.
Ofcourse in Ancient times, that's impossible, since the Sith was also a species then.

Also, Palpatine Completly disregarded the Sith Code. He promised Peace in the galaxy... If Anakin knew atleast how the Sith code entailed, he should've figured out that 'Peace is a Lie' for the Sith...


Holy shit this is the first time I’ve ever seen a “no views” on a video


and Palpatine was worried when Vader hunted so many jedi


If palpatine meet the spirit of bane bane will be mad at how palpatine do to the rule of two


Dawg u gotta make ur videos longer, 3mins isn’t enough of my favorite Star Wars channel


Sidious isnt a Sith Lord. He's a dictator who uses the force to reach his goal of everlasting power. He doesn't care about Sith teachings he just sees the dark side as the easiest path to unlimited power.


What I understood
1. The Sith rule from the shadows.
2. They work to serve the Dark Side.
3. They do not start public Sith Incidents

There many selfish Sith to the point they used the true Sith agenda to their own ends. The only true Sith I understand in canon is the first Sith, Darth Bane, Darth Revan, Darth Zannnah, and Darth Vader. The rest I deem are heretics unless Malgus and Marr are canon.


I wish they made a show or movie that talks about the sith, theres so much potential.
