Get the Best Armor in Fallout: New Vegas

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Get the Best Armor in Fallout: New Vegas


#Fallout #Shorts #TKsMantis
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I really questioned myself why nobody from the NCR did anything about my power armor, good to know my thoughts were planned for the game at some point lol.


I love that river spot so much. It's a great reward for someone exploring the river and for people who try to go everywhere, not just the locations the compass points out to you! Now if only there were more underwater loot bits to reward exploring with the rebreather


"We can find two prospectors with power armors"
Hmm i dont think they are just prospectors, this always make me wonder how they could use the power armor since it needs training....


How odd he didn’t show the sheriff’s hat and duster and claims this false prophet of armor is the best, conclusion: Mantis is a heretic


There's a remnant of the Enclave hostility idea that Sawyer had still in the game. If you wear the Remnants armor in the BoS bunker they'll all surround you and say 'Woah!' and other generic panicked phrases, although they won't attack you outright.


I remember the first time I went and got this armor. I just camped on big rocks using my anti material rifle for like 30 mins. Then a MAD DASH to get the helmet with the damn cazadors.


You should probably have mentioned... The LEGENDARY Cazador is in Silver Peak Mine


Enclave PWA in lore: OP AF
Enclave PWA in FONV: *Durability goes to to 50% by a single service rifle shot*


If you want more DT for your headgear, then consider getting Elite Riot Helmet (from The Divide) and the Spacesuit Helmet (from Come Fly With Me quest). It gives a total DT of 10.


Actually I'm surprised there isn't an "NCR Enclave armor" since we know from Arcade's quest they did attack Navarro and the base was most likely looted.


Hey so the first time you enter the strip, there’s a group of drunk NCR troopers to the right and you can see one puke on a sign. Also, they have some pretty funny dialogue between the MP officers. Would love to see that covered if you haven’t already.


wait.... I didn't know there's an unmarked place there


It might even be a deliberate callback to Fallout 2; where if you knew what you were doing you could leave the starting area, go down the map (dodging late game encounters the whole way), grab a quest that opens up another area, go to that area, and get the advanced power armor mk.2 (aka the set in the video) before you were level 3.

It took some skill, some preparation, and a whole lot of save scumming, but it could be done. The same applies here.


Your videos are making me want to do a playthrough where I collect one of everything in the game. From a single rusty can to this armor and the N.C quantum. Store it all in novac motel room


Here's my idea for a quest called Fight for your Right:

As a random encounter while wearing the X-01 armor, an NCR ranger will appear to inform you that, while most power armor models like T-45 and T-51b are considered illegal, they are equivalent to possessing a non-felony amount of Psycho or Jet. However, wearing THAT model of power armor is a crime against the Republic equitable to high treason.

As a result, you can either agree to the ranger's demands that you take it off, gaining rep with the NCR at the risk of them becoming hostile if they see you in the armor again, or you can inform the ranger that he is not in NCR territory and that this is your property, which starts a much more interesting version of the quest.

If you deny the ranger, NCR hit squads led by other rangers will periodically harass you. After killing around 3-5 of them, you get a notification to speak with Ambassador Crocker. Here you can kill the man in his own office, leading to a permanent bad reputation with the NCR even if you saved Kimball, or you can reason with him, and tell him that if he doesn't legalize all power armor in the Mojave Territories, he'd soon run out of rangers. Crocker will acquiesce, not needing much convincing if you have the Terrifying Presence perk, and from then on, you will be allowed to wear any power armor in the game without being stopped by NCR. However, this option has one major consequence: From now on, when encountering groups of raiders, there's a random chance that the boss will be wearing homemade/salvaged power armor, making the average raider encounter much more difficult than before.


I wonder if there is a mod for the "everybody is hostile to you while wearing Enclave armor
that would be cool for a full on Yes-Man/Kill everything run


"The remnants will only really have this towards the end game"
Yes, I typically fight through a dark cave of Cazadores and make my way through the Deathclaw Sanctuary in my mid/early game. Honestly not sure which is easier, iirc that cave even has the Legendary Cazador.


I remember knowing the spot from my friends telling me about so I went there hoping to get a sick set of power armor. But when I got there I used a lot of explosives causing the boddies to fly away. Good times.


I’ve found that using explosives can lead to the power armor being blown away so be careful not to do that, ive had to reload many a save to get that armor


Apart from the Remnants Power Armor, the Elite Riot Gear found in the Lonesome Road DLC has pretty high DT as well. I would use that when I got sick of paying to repair the Remnants armor. Pretty sure the DT was just a little under the Remnants armor DT, extremely effective
