How to get THE BEST ARMOR in Minecraft - You've been doing it WRONG!!!

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In this video, we conduct various experiments to better understand armor enchantments, and then use what we learn to find out how to get the BEST armor in Minecraft! I'll teach you which enchantments offer the best protection, and how you can get those enchantments for yourself in Survival Minecraft!

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Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
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Straight to the point and no obnoxious voice. Underrated


Good editing, not annoying person, actual good information, this guy 10/10.


Everybody is gangsta until "Too Expensive" pops up.


"The other enchanments for the boots and the helmet doesn't reduce damage at all."
*Feather Falling* = Am I a joke to you?


For the people wondering how the actual system works in numbers:

Minecraft protection enchantments work via a percentage damage reduction, with the maximum amount of damage reduction being capped at 80%

protection IV (4) gives a static 16% reduction in damage, regardless of what armor piece it's on.

Projectile/blast/fire protection IV (4) gives a static 32% reduction to their respective damages, also regardless of what armor piece it's on.

So a full set of protection IV armor is 16% + 16% + 16% +16% = 64% all-round damage protection, which doesn't reach the damage reduction cap of 80%

Now let's swap one of the protection IV pieces with Fire protection IV

Now, we have 16% + 16% + 16% = 48% all-round damage reduction, that includes fire damage reduction. If you add the 32% fire damage reduction on top of that, 48% + 32% = 80%, that's the perfect 80% cap you're looking for: you basically sacrifice 16% allround protection for 16% extra fire protection.

If you enchant a full armor set (4 pieces) with fire protection, that means you get 32% + 32% + 32% + 32% = 128% fire damage reduction, which is WELL over the damage reduction cap of 80%

I still use full protection IV armor, but having a fire or blast protection chestplate laying around can be useful for nether trips or terraforming.


drinking game: take a shot every time he says “protection”


His voice plus the background music brings me so much nostalgia and feels like an actual guide


Fire Protection enchantment reduces the burning time by 15% for each level (on normal survival it is capped at 60% due to max level of 4), meaning if you touch lava, you will burn for 6 seconds (additional fire ticks when you were in lava for longer than 0 seconds are also removed) instead of 15 or more, that saved me from death a lot of times in the nether.


8 year old me making armor with every enchantment: *no*


Him: "Fire protection is surprising very effective against fire and lava"
*Hmm, yes, the floor is made of floor*


I wouldn't recommend putting the special enchants on the chestplate since that armor piece gets swapped out when you have an elytra on


4:00 thorns: "am I a joke to you?"


Ro11en: There are other enchantments for the helmet and boots but none of them actually reduce damage taken
Feather Falling: Am I a joke to you?


The amount of effort you put into testing and explaining is insane.


There's one thing that your missing, it's like a "set bonus" but not really.... If you have a total of fire protection 7 (So a minimum of one fire prot4 and one fire prot3) then when exiting fire or lava, the fire on you is extinguished as soon as you leave the fire source. I thought you might want to test the total over all damage with the ticks of damage from being on fire after with 1 peice of armour with fire protection on compared to 2 peices fire protection 4 without the fire damage as in the nether you won't have water to put it out (I know potions are available)


The thing that makes this video so good is that it's actually right. Most youtubers would title a video like this and then say what we've been doing the whole time. But you were actually right, I didn't know that special protections didn't stack, so I would be using all fire protection IV on my armor. And the video overall is just amazing, thank you <3


So here’s what I’m gonna do
Helmet: Prot 4
Chestplate: Prot 4
Leggings: Fire Prot 4
Boots: Prot 4
(Edit It doesn’t matter what armor piece you put fire prot 4 on) Also you don’t want to put Fire Prot on chestplate in case you use elytras. And you should put fire Prot on leggings because leggings only need a couple enchants unlike boots and helmet


The best tutorial guy straight to the point with no annoying voice or anything unrelated


Simple and informative. Great video.

A couple more points:
- Like the video says, there's almost never a situation where you don't want 3 pieces to have regular protection. It's especially important to have 2 pieces of regular so Feather Falling IV can meet the 80% damage reduction cap vs fall damage.
- Feather Falling IV is nearly impossible to get with lv30 enchants (less than 3% chance). Use a villager or block a bookcase with a torch to get the best chance of it at lv26.
- Elytra crash damage (when a wall is hit) is considered separate from fall damage (when the ground is landed on). Make sure the 3 pieces of pieces of armor with regular protection are helmet, pants, and boots so that when the chestplate is swapped you have maximum protection against it as Feather Falling does not reduce it.
- Projectile Protection is still good for end city raids since the only naturally hostile enemies are shulkers which it will maximize damage resistance against. It's not really good anywhere else unless you know you'll get in a PvP bow-exclusive fight.
- Like Feather Falling, Projectile Protection is nearly impossible to get with lv30 enchants. Use a villager or enchant at lv21 for the best chance.
- Fire protection IV also reduces time spent on fire by 60%. This is also useful in the overworld not just for accidental lava baths but also for Fire Aspect swords. If a zombie hits you while on fire it will take much less time for the screen obscuring flames to go away. More pieces of Fire Protection don't help any further with this though.


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