The Best FREE Secret Legendary Armor, Every Piece Over 5,000 Armor! Cyberpunk 2077

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Today in Cyberpunk 2077 we show the locations for ALL of the corporate armor, not just some and pretend other random pieces make it the full set. We also explain how armor mods work and how to basically become invincible in cyberpunk 2077.

Cyberpunk 2077 Tips & Tricks

Cyberpunk 2077 is an action role-playing video game developed and published by CD Projekt Red. It is scheduled to be released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Stadia, and Xbox One on 10 December 2020, and for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S in 2021. The story takes place in Night City, an open world set in the Cyberpunk universe. Players assume the first-person perspective of a customizable mercenary known as V, who can acquire skills in hacking and machinery with options for melee and ranged combat.

Cyberpunk 2077 is played in a first-person perspective as V, a mercenary whose voice, face, hairstyles, body type and modifications, background, and clothing are customizable. Stat categories—Body, Intelligence, Reflexes, Technical, and Cool—are influenced by the character classes that players assume, which are NetRunner (hacking), Techie (machinery), and Solo (combat). V must consult a "ripperdoc" to upgrade and purchase cyberware implants; black markets offer military-grade abilities. The rarity of any given equipment is shown by a coloured tier system. V can take cover, aim, run, jump, double jump, and slide. Melee strikes can be dealt with close-combat weapons. There are three types of ranged weapons, all of which can be customised and modified—Power (standard), Tech (which penetrate walls and enemies), and Smart (with homing bullets). Ranged weapons are equipped to ricochet bullets in a target's direction and slow them down in bullet time. Four types of damage can be inflicted and resisted—Physical, Thermal, EMP, and Chemical. Weapon use increases accuracy and reloading speed, which are manifested in character animations. Gunsmiths repair and upgrade weapons. The game can be completed without killing anyone, with non-lethal options for weapons and cyberware.

Night City is an American megacity in the Free State of North California, controlled by corporations and unassailed by the laws of both country and state. It sees conflict from rampant gang wars and its ruling entities contending for dominance. The city is reliant on robotics for everyday aspects like waste collection, maintenance, and public transportation.

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Had to re-upload the video! This is what happens when you try to upload content with 2 kids attacking you haha. Hope everyone has a great holiday week! ALSO PSA: Apparently there may be a restriction on crafting EPIC Armadillo mods until lvl 33? I dont see anything in game that specifies this, but some people in the comments are mentioning it.


For those who do not know, the "Stylish" clothing store is located in Wellsprings area on the western shore overlooking the sea. It wasn't showned in the video.


I think a lot of NPCs are wearing insanely cool outfits and I'm kinda sad that the player's outfit selection is fairly limited.


I spent hours grinding for all Legendary armor 10k+, collecting all the Legendary cyberware and weapons, pretty much unkillable. I stepped between two rocks, and died instantly. Money and time well spent.


Tips for everyone, wait until you're level 50 and THEN start looking for legendary armor in the game, because the the armor stat depends on what level you are when you pick it up. And the other thing is only the INNER TORSO gets 4 mod slots, all the other clothing pieces caps at 3 mod slots, Mr.Tag here got insanely lucky with the jacket because it has the "empty mod slot" replacing the fourth mod slot which is a god roll.


Should also note, this equipment scales to your level.. So, if you get it at a low level you'll have to upgrade the shit out of it to get to that level of armor.


Worth noting that you can get to these numbers with nearly any of the legendary pieces (especially if you reload to get full upgrade) if you pick them up at the right time, right level.


I wish the devs would add a "HIDE" feature to any piece of gear. Of course head gear but also some jackets look good without a shirt under. And like wise some shirts are so nice I don't want to cover it with a jacket.


Those wondering about the armor, there's a perk in blades the gives 30% armor at tier 2 while moving and the cool tree has increased armor per stack also. In assuming that's what he's running cause base with just the blades perk for me with fully crafted 5% bonus armor gear with full epic in art 5589 while moving.


First Piece-1:27
Second Piece-2:43
Third Piece-3:24
Fourth Piece-4:51
Fifth Piece-5:53


Hey a quick tip for people who dont wanna keep saving and loading to reroll the stats if you move 150 meters or more away the item will reroll it's much faster then loading until you get what you want


I have been searching for hours and hours for that bandana. Thank you for your service!


You’ve helped me a lot throughout this game


Great guide. I'll have to pick these pieces up. I'm a Nomad, though, so for most of the game, I'll want to look like a drugged-out vagrant. That means Johnny's gear - the original drugged-out vagrant!


On a serious note, your videos are really helping me out.. thanks man, and morning Night City... Stan here and wanted to let you know that you are doing a great job...👍


5:10 the container thing is part of a quest or at least I remember reading about it. They guy inside got "hired" by another company. They motivated him to change company by kidnapping his family. They then continued to "smuggle" him via a container that was marked as Biohazard but had no biohazard stuff in it. However it seems his own company found out and as in various reads in game and trivia about the game from other sources companies prefer to kill their own employees rather than them going to rival company and possibly revealing secrets and yes they dont care for the reason why you would leave the company.


Just started a Corpo playthrough. This looks perfect! Thanks for uploading!


*BRIEFLY demos easy mode, vs a single enemy in a low level area while taking damage*
"I'M A GOD!"


You are the man!!! Thank you for this, they fixed it to where you can only get 2 mods so far on the jacket but so happy about this


Great vids man! I’ve learned A lot from you about the game and I’ve grown to really enjoy the game now. I’m subscribing fasho!