Skyrim Get The Best Daedric Armor at level 1!

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How to get the best Daedric armor set at level 1 in Skyrim Anniversary Edition!

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👉 Note: if you don’t have Skyrim Anniversary edition you can use this alternative method to get the original Daedric armor at level 1.

Today in Skyrim Anniversary edition I show you how to get daedric armor at level 1 early on at the start of the game. There are now 3 daedric armor variants you can get early, in this skyrim guide I will compare each one, including; the original daedric heavy armor, heavy daedric plate armor and light daedric mail which were added as part of Skyrim annivery edition but are also available in the Skyrim Special Edition creation club mods for alternative armours. Having the best light and heavy armor in the game this early defintly makes the Skyrim gameplay allot easier though.

➖ Time Stamps ➖
0:00 Best Daedric Armor Set Comparison
2:23 Daedric Plate (Heavy Armor) Review
3:11 Daedric Mail (Light Armor) Review
4:03 Daedric Armor Location at level 1
6:50 How to pick your armor enchantments
9:56 Crafting the Daedric Armor set

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ESO, we are still playing the game that dosent die....Just wanted to thank you for what, nearly 10 years of your channel and bethesda games.Loved your anniversary edition coverage with the tribunal quest.Great upload, cant wait for starfield and of course ES6.I hope it has everything that makes skyrim playable, loads to collect, many many builds and so on.Ive been gaming since 1976, played and had every major console/PC and skyrim is my fav game and ive played the classics of history from space invaders on the orig atari t, to jet set willy on the spectrum 48k, sonic the hedgehog, street fighter on the super nintendo to golden eye on the name it, please bethesda make ES6 not just nice graphics and lots of char creation like a proper necromancer, vampire class and paladin class.Great upload keep doing hat you do mate :)


been playing for 10 years and it’s my favorite game of all time. crazy to think your videos have been here helping me enjoy my game over the years.


I'm new to Skyrim (pc) having tried several times through the years to play on Xbox. Your guides and how to videos have been just a blast to watch and implement in my own game. Thank you for making these. We truly appreciate what you do.


So ive found the solution for you if the books arnt appearing, first check if ur running special edition or anniversary edition. You need the anniversary edition if u have special edition u can upgrade to anniversary edition in the store. Once you have downloaded the anniversary edition head onto the home screen click on creations and then you will be taken to a store like interface, click "deadric plate armour" and install it. Once you go back to the homescreen it will say updating your files. Load back into your game and the books will be on the table in the dungeon. Youre welcome sorry for grammar.


It’s still so amazing how people can still make videos on an 11 year old game and still be helpful. Keep up the good work King 👑


Hey ESO I just want to thank you for all the guides that you have provided in your videos I'm thinking about the throwing mods to throw my weapons you are an amazing human keep up the good work


No way your still making Skyrim videos I used to watch you when I was younger this is insane credit to this legend 👑


I literally have just been watching your old guides on getting daedric at level one and void salt locations, crazy that this gets uploaded as im trying to use the dwemer forge! Thank you for the guides eso!


Hey ESO man, I gotta tell you, your videos are amazing man especially the VODs of your livestreams. Back in 2019 I was starting a new job and it was pretty stressful but every morning when I would get breakfast, I'd just chill and watch your ESO Elsweyr videos and it really took alot of stress out of my day. Flash forward to now and your videos have inspired me to finally start my first main quest completion playthrough along with many mods to make the experience more immersive and its really helping me take my mind off the more stressful parts of life now. Keep up the great work and on a personal note, I'd love to see you continue your Skyrim Survival mode series where you finally collect all the remaining Stones of Barenziah. Love from the USA. 💪💪💪


Thank you so much for this video! I'm a huge fan of this game and have been playing it since the Playstation 3 version. Replaying this masterpiece on the Ps5 has been a blast! I'm currently at level 51 and never had come across any piece of Daedric armor so far. You helped me a lot =) Thanks a bunch!


Still watching these for the passes 5 years.😁 Thank you


gUYs yOu cAn gEt iT aT LevEl 1 “proceeds to switch to high level character with crossbow and dwarven bolts”


I still play skyrim to this day will never stop playing my favorite game


Yo Eso ! Mad respect for sticking to skyrim !!!


I’ve played Skyrim so long, never really had daedric armor thank you for this guide fam everybody like + subscribe


*immediately* going to get my daedric plate armour, thank you!!


It's always exciting to find out about a new quest! Every time I think I have completed them all I find another. That's one of the reasons I enjoy this game. Thanks for the video!


Still helpful after all these years. Thank you.


I think the daedric plate and mail should definitely be swapped, the plate really does not look like heavy armour it looks like light armor and the mail looks more like heavy than light


The og armor looks and feels much more powerful, and in my countless hours of Skyrim, with a good skill level, nah, you won't even notice the difference between og and plate
