How to Raise Kids Who Are Smart About Money | 5 Minute Video

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Parents are responsible for teaching kids how to manage money. But too few do. Personal finance expert and bestselling author Rachel Cruze reveals the three things every child (and adult) needs to know about money.

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Everyone knows the earlier you learn a language, the easier it is to master. Learning a foreign language at four takes a lot less effort than learning one at forty. The same holds true with managing your money. I can tell you this from personal experience.

I grew up in a home where the value of money was a frequent topic of conversation. Today, I teach people how to get out of debt and build wealth with my dad, Dave Ramsey. Growing up in my parents’ home, I learned a few things about kids and money.

Here are three:

One: Put your kids to work.

It’s very important that your kids understand that money comes from work – not from mom and dad’s wallet. As soon as your children can grasp the concept of cause and effect — and that happens at a very young age — you can start teaching them about the work/money connection.

Have them clean the playroom, take out the trash, put away their laundry – there are a million things they can do. Just make sure it’s age appropriate. Don’t have your five year-old mow the lawn. And pay them for some of the work they do.

Let your kids know that in the real world you get paid only when you work. And it’s with the money made from work that you can buy the things you want.

When children work for things they want to buy, the purchase feels like an accomplishment, not an entitlement. You’re sending the opposite message when you just hand your kids a $20 bill when they ask for it, or give them an allowance for essentially breathing.

Of course, not everything your child decides to buy will be a smart purchase. And that brings us to…

Lesson Number Two:

Let your kids make mistakes with their money.

Many adults make expensive mistakes because, as kids, they were never allowed to make small, inexpensive ones. Tears now will save a lot of tears later.

When I was young, my parents took our family to Opryland Theme Park in Nashville. Dad and Mom had one simple rule: If you want to play the carnival games, you have to spend your own money.

Of course, I ran to the first game near the entrance, slapped some cash on the table, and took my turn. I lost. So I put down more money. And I lost again — and again. And then came the terrible moment when I reached into my pocket and found nothing but lint.

We had a whole day at Opryland ahead of us and I had blown through my cash! I ran back to Mom and Dad and begged them for more money and promised I’d pay them back. What Dad said has stuck with me ever since: “Rachel, when the money’s gone, it’s gone.”

Your children are going to make some dumb choices. They’ll waste money on stuff that a week later they wish they had never bought. And as their parent, there are times you need to let them make that mistake and suffer the consequences. That’s how they learn.

Рекомендации по теме

As a child, all I wanted was an Atari. My dad told me I'd have to earn it.

I raked leaves, mowed lawns, and shoveled snow for a year. When I finally saved up enough to buy one, I decided I enjoyed making money more than I enjoyed spending it!

I went with my dad to the bank to buy stocks. I bought $250 of Apple stock in 1982.

Today, it would be worth $186, 012. I sold in 2007 for around $30 grand to open up my first McDonald's franchise. I now own 18 different franchise locations (McDonald's and others)

*I am really glad my dad didn't just buy me an Atari!*


Me: Hey dad, can I have an allowance?
Dad: Yes. I allow you to live.


My daughter has been working her first job for about a month. She spent most of her first paycheck, but is saving most of the others. She is showing a good work ethic. I’m so proud


It's always the people who are anti-money who can't manage their own finances.

Money is evil and bad, but would you mind paying for this dinner? I'm broke.


You want money, you gotta earn it. My philosophy.


This was one of the best videos for parents I've ever seen. Teach them that money comes from work, let them make mistakes, teach them to save... Heck, it's perfect for those of us who need to financially parent ourselves because we didn't get that as kids. Thank you!


I love conservative values. I'm bringing up a kid in Berlin. The youth office here actually recommends parents give a fixed waged which is guaranteed and never taken away no matter if they do work or bad behaviour. They love to program that socialist mentality in as young as possible.


Mom: You have to work to get paid
Child Karl Marx: *Autistic screeching*


I'm glad I was raised this way. I'll definitely be raising my children this way as well.


Good points.
But you should also watch out, if you pay your kids money for every small work they do, they are goin to to expect momey anytime you ask them to do the dishes


Dave Ramsey taught me so much about money with one of his books when i was in 8th grade. Now i'm 21 and have saved enough to pay the money up front for every semester of college before I start it. finished my Freshman year that way and will finish the next three debt free. Also taught me that opening a Roth IRA was a good idea, and boy was he right!


As my sons father, I’m obligated to give my son money to take public transit to school. I transfer the money to his bank account (he’s 13) and how he gets to school is his business. He rides his bike the 12 km each way and pockets the money and I call that working for cash.


basic conservative plan for success: stay in school, get a job, get married, have kids. Mix in some religion/general morals and BOOM, success. Don't forget hard work though, work ethic is important too.


To teach your kids about socialism, take the money they earn and give it to Timmy down the street so he can buy a new phone.


Smart money, smart kids! Good book of hers and Dave's.


Right on! Something tells me Rachel will never be a parasite on society. You can't help but feel the love, respect and adoration for her Dad being a great teacher of things that will help her live a happy and independent life. Happy New Year!


I just don't get it.
I'm one of the most hardcore leftisits out there and approve this video.
why would people ever want to dislike this?


Pfft...if I run out of money the government can always print more.


My parents had long listened to the Dave Ramsey Show, and I too became a huge fan of Dave and took a lot of what he says in his shows to heart. It pretty awesome to see Rachel on PragerU.


1. Pay kids for the house work they do as an accomplishment.
2. Let them make mistakes with small money so that they can learn
3. Teach them the habit of saving money
