Quick Tips That Helped Me Gain MMR

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I'm still gaining a lot of MMR, so I thought it would be helpful to share some tips that helped me grind not only from 7.1k to 9.1k in 2 months, but also even from my starting MMR of 2.6k Some points include map awareness and the laning phase.

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"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all"

dota needs more players like you. Thank u!!!


This isn't about MMR, this is about Dota. If you don't enjoy the game, then the mmr going up wont mean as much as you think anyway. Truthfully, I found everything in this video to be very refreshing to hear and it would benefit everyone to watch this video at least once. Everything here I've been making conscious steps towards, some even unconsciously. This and your other mmr climb video definitely convinced me to sub. I started playing in 2014, we were kids and flamed as much as possible while never comprehending why we never improved. Now, as an adult, seeing a fellow adult make concise and sane observations, it really makes me feel positively for the future of this game. Awesome video.


Love the empathetic approach brother keep it up. This is what the community needs .


Exceptional patience often win fights. I love waiting really long to ulti with Treant, sometimes the enemy is so afraid of the ulti that it leads to them not fighting when they should; them being afraid actually have even more impact than the ulti itself.


9:55 I never hop on the hate train. I'm the conductor!


Adrian, I really appreciate your emphasis on monitoring enemy items and checking the minimap. These are fundamental yet often overlooked aspects that many of my students struggle with. Now, I can save time and direct them to this video for a clear and concise explanation.

Thank you for highlighting these essential concepts!


pointing to something positive in the game is an ok strategy, but the best one is to point out something fun in the game. mb your teamate just hit a sick stun that changed a fight. hype the team up off of that.


On the note of checking inventories you can look for smokes in enemy inventorys and when they go off map if you can still ping the smoke they haven't used it yet but if you can't ping it (it won't send a message) then they have smoked.


I can't empathize enough how true that last tip is. I've learn not to hate ppl for their gameplay (but instead from their behavior instead) through pure experience, but most of my teammates don't seem to learn this shit yet. There's been countless times where someone would lose/feed in early game, got flamed then the entire team got fking toxic towards each other to the point where even if we win a huge fight sometimes later that gives us high chance of winning the game, they would just refuse to work together properly or do their job of pushing the lanes and opting to farm instead out of pure fking spite, thus losing an easily winnable game. This shit just prevents me from ranking up man


3:10 i actually found pretty usefull bug, if enemy has smoke, you can click it and it appears in chat, if they use it, it will stay in the inventory, but when you click on it it wont appear in chat, can be used for all consumables and wards


that's lovely man, you deserve the better. Thanks for your videos and good luck on your journey!


Regarding the minimap, you can also ping missing a specific hero to find out where was the hero last seen on the minimap. It's a good additional info for predicting next moves.


The message at the end is very true and can be applied to most situations where team work is involved.
Criticism is important but it should never be a personal attack and it should be after the fact to help with learning.


Helpful tip: ping uncombined items more often (especially after lost fights). If you can't ping it in chat that means that this item is combined into something bigger. This is also the reason not to deliver to yourself some components for items that will win fights for your team later, like bkb, refresher or nullifier.
I can guarantee you that only ogre axe and mithrill hammer in your inventory will get my attention on you.


"or maybe someone close to them passed away."


This guy man, you came up jin my feed when you had like -1k subs, you have helped me alot, i watch all your videos and try to implement your wisdom in my games. THANK YOU, from a lowrank trash player!


If there creeps near the enemy tower and nobody is taking the xp and farm, there is a good chance you’re playing at or below 2500 MMR, cuz they’re probably 5-stack farming the triangle. Believe me, I am there and see this every day.


In NA server if you ask someone to go back so they don't die, then they die, they'll proceed to blame, mute and report you. So PMA that one bro. Otherwise, I've been doing all those tips from Archon to Legend, currently stuck trying to make sense of headless chickens running around lmao. Thanks for the tips


I went from 4.3k to 6.2k in around 2 months changing my mindset. As support, i start spamming like 4-5 heros only, and try my best not to be toxic, and insta mute any toxic behaviour.


Ya know it reminds me of what i tell my buddie some one has to lose mid, but im not w crazy good mid nor do i play really strong heros, i got good at losing mid well
