What Is Organic Food?

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A lot of people think that organic food must be more healthy for you, but don't really understand what organic good really is or what it means for food to be labeled "organic." We explain what organic food is and why it may not be the healthiest food for you just because it's labeled as organic.

QUESTION: What food do you think is worth buying as organic what what foods aren't?

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this was the best explanation on organic i ever heard! Amazing job! Keep it up!


Organic highly processed food is still highly processed food. If you want cookies, buy the organic, pasture-raised raw ingredients and learn to bake.


The big 3 things for health: getting enough sleep, eating right (lots of protein is a must), and exercising. The differences between organic and non-organic are probably not going to kill you. But living unhealthily most definitely is.


You know, I never really questioned what Organic actually means.... This is fantastic. This subscription is already paying for itself.


I just thought that I didn't know I would need information backing it up. But thanks for responding, it makes me feel like you really care about your viewers.


I like how this channel actually makes sense about stuff without being too dumbed down.


Thanks for producing these quality truthful contents, which is in bite size so people can learn faster, better, sharper. Amazing Epipheo!


My family plant many vegetables but we only use chemicals to kill off bugs and weeds and that's all. We don't add in chemicals to make it bigger or last longer. Only put them in refrigerators so that they'll last longer, does that mean our vegetables aren't organic? Im still kinda confused


"organic" does use chemical pesticides, they're just chemicals that have been in use a long time, like copper sulfate, rotenone, etc. 
Many of these "organic" chemicals are actually more toxic than their newer, "synthetic" counterparts. 


The FDA does state, that organic foods can use the same pestisides, but authorized to not use as much of them unless something endangers the crops. Notate, "Level Three - Allows for the use of a wider array of biological and botanical products including allowable synthetics."


Very clear and concise answer to my simple question, “What is the truth about organic food?” I guess the only thing that could have been emphasized in the recap more would be… “If ingesting less synthetic chemicals (fertilizers and pesticides) is important to you, then buy organic.


grouchfan is actually right. Everything is a chemical one way or another, the citric acid in orange is a chemical, capsicum in pepper is a chemical, water is a chemical, sodium chloride is a chemical. Natural pesticides also contain chemicals, the only difference being is whether the chemicals are natural or synthetic.


That's a great video. I was looking for something to embed on my blog for an article about organic food. You've explained clearly and concisely a point I was trying to make.
Thank you!


Also, they still use pesticides and fertilizers in organic foods. However, the pesticides and fertilizers are derived from natural sources, if that's of any value. Organic fertilizers are manure (poop), while inorganic ones are salts of the required nutrients instead. Organic pesticides are just the same compounds extracted from living things rather than made synthetically in reactors. I guess killing things for something is more comforting to some people.


Start with meat, dairy & eggs. If you can't afford organic, look for local farms--support farmer joe! But certain fruits & veggies have very permeable skin ...peaches, apples, grapes, strawberries, carrots etc. Those should be purchased organically. Also, its good to look for the NonGMO Project Logo. This is an independent company that certifies foods. You are correct... not ALL organic food is healthy for you. Organic sugar still has the same affect on the body as regular.


I just shared this video on my google plus page!


Can someone explain, why all this is called "ORGANIC" food instead of, say, "natural" food? Organis means made out of organic compound. In this regards it doesn't matter how the food was produced it will be in any case organic, just because human can consume and digest it. It just doesn't make sense.
Or it is just playing on that stupid stereotype of "organic means good, friendly and safe, and chemical with synthetic means horrible poisonous stuff that will kill you and dissolve your body, or made you very sick at the very least"?


If you can pronounce all the ingredients on the label, it doesn't always mean you are on the right track. Maybe, you are just really good at pronouncing stuff?


milk actually doesn't matter so much as after working on both an organic and a non-organic farm i found they basically do everything exactly the same. the only real difference was the non-organic farm could not afford the label on their milk as it would lower their profit margin. but this really depends on the location of the farm. cows milk isn't very good for you anyways and most dairy farmers actually don't drink it; goats milk is a better substitute x


Organic farming is supposed to be healthier for the environment -IF- done properly. Organic food is also supposed to be less bad for you(again IF grown properly), since different methods are used to grow it and some things, that are mentioned in the video that are not good, are not allowed.
