The Effect of Organic Food

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Is Organic food just a fad or a buzzword? This family doesn't eat organic food because it costs more than conventional food and it just isn't convenient.
The Experiment.
For the next two weeks this family decided to eat only organic and measure the effect.
Before they begin, the family takes urine samples and discover they have a number of insecticides, fungicides and plant growth regulators inside their bodies.

Chloremequat chloride

They are not too happy when they discover they've not only been eating pesticides, but that these chemicals have taken up residence inside their bodies. So they clear the cupboards and switch to organic for this fascinating 2-week experiment.

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All documentaries should be this short straight to the point


Organic food is so important
You can't deny that it is the best !


I just started eating 100% organic this past week...lost 10lbs without exercise...and my skin is amazing as well as I have tons of energy and my anxiety level which is usually quite high from stress are completely gone....I will be eating only organic and heirloom..and grassfed meat....for the rest of my life...


The word organic didnt exist back in the 50s and before. It was all organic. Allergies were not as common either. It's not expensive to eat healthy. People are just to lazy. Me and the wife's meals are $5 at the most. $2.50 a person. Even cheaper when we have leftovers. Eating out every day and doctors Bill's on the other hand, that's expensive! That $1000 phone in you pocket, expensive! Cable, expensive! $70000 truck, (glorified grocery getter) stupid expensive! The list goes on...


Organic foods are expensive when you have a family and on a budget! It’s a little easier for single person but they should really lower the cost of organic food


I would prefer to eat the organic foods instead of the regular. This way I lower my risk. I also found organic food seems to taste better. I am sure it is not my imagination. I am very critical about what I eat and how it is prepared.


What a great visual demonstration of how much better our bodies do when eating organic foods. :-)


Organic really makes a different, I ate non organic spinach and it had no taste almost, when I had organic spinach it was so strong tasting.


We live in a sick world
..I'll die saying it..


My family grows our food my entire life. Vegetables, meat, eggs, milk, fruits and many other things. I assure you the food you buy is not even close to safe, 90% of it. The organic food is NOT EXPENSIVE and support the small traders instead of "organic" in supermarkets. Needless to say we were pretty much never sick or any other minor disease that happens (like high body temperature) is very rare. My grandpa has never been to the hospital and after he had an accident with his eye things totally went down for him and didn't live long after that because of treatments for minor injury that was transformed into catastrophe.


Thank you for the English subtitles! Great study! This information is astounding.


It's not the impacts of organic food... It's just the impacts of healthy food...


My husband and I don’t eat organic, but for our seven month old baby we are making sure all fruits and vegetables used to make her solid food meals are organic. Problem is, where we live, not all she can eat at her age is available in the organic section of the super market.


Organic is best always. This is why I am trying to get my Fall/ Winter garden going but when I can't I try to add cilantro to food to help remove heavy metals and detox the blood.


Thanks for backing up w testing! Great video. God bless


I remember when I was a child, all food was clean and fresh, we didn't care about the toxic of food. They were rare and expensive because they were planted in seasonal crops and natural conditions, not like now. Food is cheap but not clean and healthy.


Can I get the detail report of this experiment? Thank you in advance.


Its not so much about expense as it is availability. It is not easy in intercity life to find 100% organic.
Once co'ops become more available like corner markets then the shift can occur for many more.
I am impressed by how quickly their cleanse took place.
PSA commercials like this in mainstream media primetime would do wonders.


Having crohns disease its like night and day between eating organic and conventional. I'm addicted to carbs but try and limit them until I pig out.
I can eat a half box of gmo cereal and it tastes good then that night I'm sweating and ready to go to the hospital. If I eat the same half box of organic cereal which sometimes has more sugar I just get a little bloated but no night sweats feeling like I'm going to die. Organic Cereal is just carbs and sugar, not the healthiest choice but not nearly as bad as gmo cereal


The problems with organica foods are a lot. The First is that they are allowed to use natural pesticides, that sometimes are more dangerous than industrial pesticides, the second problem is that the little farms hasn't the money to buy the name "organic". So the organic food that We find is only of really big chain of organic food, so, sometimes the crops grows too close to the non organic food with pesticides. So you can't be sure the food is really organic. You should make some researches
