3 Signs You Should Take a Day Off from Running

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A 2:52 Marathoner & Kinesiologist discusses 3 Signs you should take a day off from running.

Having recovery and rest built into your training is extremely important if we want to continually get faster. We get faster when we sleep, not when we're running. So it's important to pay attention to signs and symptoms that indicate we should take a step back from training. Mental fatigue, small running injuries, and minor signs of overtraining can all lead to major performance declines and larger running injuries later on down the line.


The 3 Signs:
- Complete Disinterest
- Potentially Injured
- Dead Legs

Sources Discussed:

- Type IIa fibers were 11% larger after taper

- Aerobic “chemicals” within your muscles increase after taper

- 7 days of taper improved distance running performance and running economy

- Citrate synthase, muscle glycogen, & total blood volume increased after taper

- Meta-analysis of the effects of a taper

- Just a fun overview of muscle histochemistry :)


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Super helpful. I had an intensive football match on Sunday. Wrecked my legs. Attempted my usual running session 2 days later (5k) had the worst shin splints, ankle pain and knee pain. Managed to finish the run and felt mentally great. Thursday, attempted the same run again (as I would usually do) and I have never mentally or physically struggled so much. My legs felt heavy and achy. My mind just wanted me to give up. The weather was horrible. Anyway, I've decided that I'm going to take a break for 3 to 4 days so I can get back to enjoying running. Hopefully I'll have fully recovered.


I hurt my left knee I increased my running from 4 miles a day to 9 miles a day pes anserine bursitis it’s painful I’ve been running with excruciating pain this video was helpful i should take a rest Ive been running for two months straight 7 days a week thanks


its true i have leg pain now because i am not takig rest


Excuses! stay hard! whos gonna carry the boats whos gonna carry the logs! They don't know me Son! Stay hard!


My ankles got swollen I guess I just didn't wanna stop cause I feel good after but I deal with the limping walking home and I let that go on for 3 days and I I don't even know much about running, but my ankles are swollen a bit and my knees had some pain. So I put my feet in cold and warm water 5 min each do that for like 30min I feel better but I did mess with my mood caus ei wanna keep running and it's boring at the house. So I do planks and push ups but that's the most i could do.


Lmao 🤣 I feel little bit pain on my Achilles
