Все публикации

Running in Spain: Granada's Mountains

Injured runner returns to the flock #shorts

Inflamed intestines from store-bought steak in Morocco #shorts

Emirates air hostesses takeover my vlog #shorts

Keto for athletes: diet info, effects, running performance #shorts

Runner nutrition: roadblocks #shorts

When to run if poor air quality and pollution #shorts

HOW TO RUN Daniels R-PACE intervals to improve SPEED and ECONOMY

A Tale of Overstriding

Kipchoge vs Bikele London Marathon 2020, Stride Length, Ben True, & FARTLEK | RuNews 24AUG2020

Workout worthy? A run in the Jardin des Plantes

2 Ways to Overcome Coronavirus Demotivation to Run

1000 Subscribers 😍

CoronaRunUpdate: Living in Germany, fixing running form issues, & some lockdown workout ideas.

Failed Sicily Travel Vlog

I Have a Weak Psoas & It Almost Destroyed Me :-(

3 Ways to Run in Air Pollution: 200+ AQI

1 Tip to be Mentally Positive During a Running Setback

When the Race is Tomorrow: Self-negotiation, Positivity, & A beautiful Paris run [Sick Series Pt. 3]

A Workout Two Days Before a Race [Sick Series Pt. 2]

A Runner's Dilemma: It's race week and you're sick. To run, or not to run? [Sick Series Pt. 1]

Muscle Tension & Running Performance: Feeling Flat on Race Day?

How to Dress For Running in Any Weather

UPDATE: Where I've been & Paris MARATHON Results