5 Tips on How to Make Your Ex Love You Again

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Follow the steps from Get Your Ex Back Super System in order (don't skip a step) and you will get her back.

That is the guarantee my program comes with.

It's the best, easiest, fastest and most effective way to get your ex back.

Get Your Ex Back Super System also comes with two bonus gifts:

1. Texting and Calling Your Ex.
2. Ultimate Make Up Sex.

Your situation might feel hopeless (that's how 95% of guys feel when trying to get an ex woman back), but you CAN get her back.

How do I know?

I have received countless success stories from all over the world and in most cases, it was a difficult ex back situation (i.e. the woman wanted absolutely nothing to do with him anymore).

As long as the man follows the steps from the program, the woman suddenly changes how she feels and wants him back.

It's amazing how it works.

Get Your Ex Back Super System really does work and I actually guarantee it.


Use the techniques from Make Her Love You For Life to regain and reawaken her feelings of respect, attraction and love for you.

When you use the Make Her Love You For Life approach, she will feel attracted to you in new and exciting ways, which will make the relationship feel like it was when things were at their best between you and her, or the relationship will become even better than it ever was.

As a result, she won't want to leave you and will begin showing you more respect, appreciation, love and affection.

The relationship will also feel secure again, you'll both be in love with each other and will want to continue building a future together as a couple.


ModernX supplements only use ingredients that have been scientifically proven to work.

I personally take Max Man and Genius Brain every day.

Taking Max Man makes me feel stronger and more driven. It also gives me more energy and boosts my mood.

Taking Genius Brain makes me sharper and puts me in an even better mood.


- If you want to increase your libido (sex drive) and have increased physical pleasure during sex, take Libido Plus:
- If you struggle to gain or maintain an erection during sex, take Ready to Go:


Here are 5 tips on how to make your ex love you again:

1. Get clear on why she stopped loving you.
2. Prepare to attract her in new and exciting ways.
3. Allow her to experience a new, more satisfying love for you.
4. Build on her new feelings for you.
5. Get her to look up to and respect you as her man.

Note: The tips are explained in the video above.

Where guys go wrong when trying to make their ex girlfriend (or ex wife) fall in love with them again, is either by sucking up to her, getting annoyed with her or worse, annoying her by telling her how much she means to him.

Here’s the thing…

Unless you first make your ex feel attracted to you again, she isn’t going to care how much she means to you.

She knows that you want her back and that you’d be happy to get another chance with her.

She doesn’t care about that.

What she cares about is how she feels.

In other words, when you interact with her, do you make her feel sparks of love and attraction for you, or does she feel turned off or annoyed by your approach?

That’s what really matters.

The secret of how to make your ex love you again is to focus on making her feel a renewed sense of respect and attraction for you first.

When you do that, she will naturally begin to feel sparks of love for you.

From there, you can quickly build on that and get her back.

To learn more about how to get your ex back fast, go to:

Рекомендации по теме

Hey Dan, I’m currently dating my ex again and a lot of my success so far has to do with the info in you provide in your videos. I still have a long way to go but just wanted to say thanks... cheers


This is on point. Literally all you have to do is show confidence. That’s literally it. You’re doing no favors to yourself by trying to be cute, needy, whiney. The cuteness and loci was comes AFTER they’re attracted to you and feel respect for you again. Just cal down, and be cool my dudes ✌️You got this.


From a 40 yr old woman's perspective, Dan nails it EVERY time.


Best dating and relationship expert ever.


Hi Dan, I've discovered your channel and I couldn't be more pleased. I've understood some valuable things that I put into practice with success. My ex told me that she wasn't feeling the same about me anymore, no love/no respect. I know I was emotionally weak, not manly enough, with fear and anger, controlling, etc. So she broke up with me definitely. After a few days of "please dont leave me I'm sorry" that didnt change her mind, I friendly accepted her decision and let her go. I tried the NC rule for 2 weeks, then I stumbled upon your videos and rethink the whole approach. I messaged her in a funny confident way, sounding casual, and making her laugh about something we went through once. She replied a bit cold, but I didnt let that defeat me. I kept at it and I finally called her out of a sudden. In the conversation I mix confidence, laughter, love, respect, interest about her and flirting a bit. I was "dominating" the conversation with coolness. She didnt put much resistance and went along for 30 minutes. I propose to see each other the following week so we can chit chat in person before I'm away for work for 2 weeks next month. She said she'll like that. Then I lovingly send her a kiss and end the conversation. Now my concern is how to approach the meeting in person. I still think she's not wanting to get back with me, she is quite committed to her decisions, family and friends know about this situation, and overall i feel that is not an easy thing at all.. How can I move from here? Small steps? Going all in? Please advice!


Hey Dan, Thanks for all the lesson, I watch all your videos when I follow this, I literally heard my Ex said that " you really are an awesome guy" under her breath. Right now I'm dating with her again although I still have a long way to go. I can feel the sparks are happening again. Thanks Dan for helping us out. Love ya!


Hi Dan, I love your videos. So much great advice that I was clueless of before. My ex broke up with me just over two weeks ago, we were together for over 4 years. She broke up with me two times before this, but we ended up getting back together each time within a month. Now she says this time it’s different. She’s talking to another guy from her work. When she dumped me, she had nothing but nice things to say, even looked at me and said she loves me. But she has gut feeling she needs to do this. Somethings missing she says. I realized in the past two weeks that I was very insecure, jealous, emotionally weak all the time, as well from this video, I didn’t do enough to show her I loved her. I’ve told her these things. I’ve called her once a week after, and we talked for over an hour. And I just recently got her two meet me for dinner for almost two hours. Had some laughs and she had some tears when I admitted my mistakes, but she’s still convinced that she needs to take a new road. Then we hugged and that was it. She’ll text me like once or twice day. She I be optimistic? And what should I do from here?


Dan you are the man!  We are on track, working out our life together.  Could NOT have done this without you brotha~!


For any one thinking this is too much work...this is more than just about women. This is about finding true balance as a man. Not too sensitive and not too arrogant.


Hey man, thanks for the advice. I’m currently in the process of trying to get my ex back using these methods instead of the begging and pleading that I’ve been doing a week after we broke up. Now it will almost be three weeks and I feel more confident than ever!


To those who dislike his videos or post poor comments. His videos are inspirational and a great tool for just life in general. I myself don’t want my ex back but I still use his tools for future relationships and for just showing my ex what she is missing out on. And to make her want me back. To Dan I say keep it up. Ur words of wisdom are always spot on.


Im that guy who was too nice too sweet and she walked over me and gave me attitude and didnt want me. I was different today and she was more sweet hugged me and stuff. It works


My boyfriend of a year and a half broke up with me two weeks ago. He said he has lost feelings for me he was loving me at like a 60 and I was loving him 100. He said he was feeling this way for about 3 months. He still wants to be friends with me but said he loves me like a friend now who knows what the future holds. Will we ever be together again


the world needpeople like dan whu work more than a father


I love her so much... And it's my fault that she's gone... I miss her so much.. I will do whatever it takes to get her back...ANYTHING


Thanks mate this is helping l trying to get my girl back.


Thanks, I'm trying to get my boyfriend back I know its ment for a girl but the situation your talking about is the same one I'm in, I'm insicure and things like that


Trust this guy. He knows whats hes talking about.


You are amazing dam. I love your tips. It working. You changed my life.


Hi Dan, me and my gf have just recently texted back, I still love her and so does she ( i know that because she told me) . But, she doesnt want us to be back together. Maybe because I treated her badly in the past and now she's scared of being like that again, but I've changed myself a lot since then . How can I show her that and what should I do in this situation ? We are still care of each other, texing everyday ? Pls answer me, thank you so much.
