JK Rowling will NEVER forgive Harry Potter cast for Trans Rights Support (they don't care)

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JK Rowling changed her entire career from being one of the most famous and commercially successful authors of the last 30 years, to a crusader against some of the most vulnerable in society. She has long been feuding with the cast of Harry Potter due to their stance on Trans rights clashing, with Rowling being the figurehead of the gender critical feminist moment while the cast of Harry Potter have come out in support of Trans Rights in contrast.

recently she has said she will never forgive the cast even if they come begging for her forgiveness. In a recent interview after, Daniel Radcliffe has said he doesn't owe her anything and will continue to support LGBT Rights.

.00:00:00 - JK Rowling loves Free Speech
00:02:00 - She only cares about one thing
00:05:50 - why the Harry Potter cast turned on her
00:11:00 - Daniel Radcliffe says he wont change his mind

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That idea that the young actors from Harry Potter are ungrateful is unsurprising to me because it so strongly echoes the way toxic/abusive parents react to their estranged kids cutting them out of their lives. It's so heartbreaking to me that JKR went down this path, not because Harry Potter meant anything to me, but because it meant so much to so many of my queer loved ones, and to my own kids. It's reassuring at least that the majority of the cast has spoken out in support of trans rights.


Jk: Children can save the world through personal sacrifice and intelligent planning.
Also JK: Children cant possibly understand simple human concepts.

This disconnect should be studied. By professionals.


Woke up this morning to see that Elon Musk, of all people, basically told her to stfu about trans issues 😂


Someone should tell Joanne that just because she's rich from the franchise they starred in doesn't mean she literally owns those kids.


Imagine being so incredibly fragile that someone who very gently disagreed with you hurts you so much you start screeching about never forgiving them like a Batman villain.


Its a little ironic how the young characters in her books are cleverer than most of the adults, and she's written them as self aware enough to make decisions for themselves, but she denies that to young people in the real world.


The Trevor Project literally saved my child's life in 2021. I feel so grateful that people like Daniel Radcliffe and others are supporting trans folks.

I am also astounded by her hateful reaction to what was actually very patient and kind criticism from people who had respected her.


I love the audacity when no one, not Daniel, not Emma, not Rupert, not any of the younger HP actors have offered her any apology! In fact, they've been firm in stating that they don't agree with her ideas and they support the rights of trans people.


Contra Points made a really compelling video that JK Rowling is pretty much the Anita Bryant of our time. With JK Rowling being way more popular and way more influential than Anita Bryant ever was.


Rowling becoming Voldemort was the twist nobody saw coming…


Daniel Radcliffe, even on his worst day, is 1000x the person Rowling is on her best day.
Emma Watson has done more for actual women's rights advocacy than Rowling has ever done.


I just can't understand why this is the hill she wants to die on. I don't think many famous/rich people are beacons of morality or anything but most have the sense to know when to keep quiet if only for the sake of a clean public image. She just keeps doubling down and burning every bridge. She could have had a legacy where she was remembered fondly for creating a magical world, now she will only be remembered as a hateful bigot. The self-destruction is impressive really, it's like she has no PR at all.


It's kind of funny that JK Rowling is transphobic because in Harry Potter, people shapeshift and "transform" all the time 🤣


I like how she says this as if any of them had actually been desperately begging for forgiveness. Classic conservative move of making up, and getting angry at, scenarios that don’t exist


Its not as if she chose those actors out of some personal favor or connection to them. She didn't push for Radcliffe to portray Harry Potter out of nothing but positive feelings towards Radcliffe specifically. He won through the audition process by a combination of luck and talent, same as any other actor who gets a big break.

She didn't "make" him.


Dear God Almighty!

Rowling is acting out just like a passive-aggressive, narcissistic parent with the actors. And her fans claiming that the actors should be grateful to her "without her they would not exist" sounds not so dissimilar to exactly what an abusive parent would say to their kids.


I always thought she was a little off. I remember when american actor Liam Aiken was pretty close to getting the role of HP but JK put her foot down saying Harry had to be played by an "anglo saxon" but then back tracked on Hermione Grangers race for the cursed child and added more lgb elements to the franchise just to look "progressive" years later.


You're correct that a lot of us non-Brits were sheltered from some of her bad political opinions prior to her talking about trans issues. Until recently, I didn't know much about Tony Blair beyond "he was the Prime Minister of the UK at some point in the 2000s, " so her being an enthusiastic supporter of his wouldn't be that meaningful to me and I didn't hear anything about her comments on Jeremy Corbyn. The thing that did clue me in was her being strongly against Scottish independence to the point of donating a bunch of money to organizations, especially with her being English and living there, made me think "this seems like a red flag." And I was right.


To the point of her politics negatively influencing her books, you don’t even need to look at her “some slaves liked being slaves and you demanding they be let free is wokescolding” take to see how insane she is.

She supposedly thinks that she positively portrays people with hiv/aids via werewolves in her book. For the people that haven’t read the books, there is ONE main character who is a werewolf that isn’t a bloodthirsty Nazi insert.


She's probably also angry they don't deny WW2 violence like her 😂
