Daniel Radcliffe 'Really Sad' Over J.K. Rowling's Anti-Trans Stance | THR News

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Daniel Radcliffe is responding to 'Harry Potter' author J.K. Rowling's anti-trans stances, saying her ongoing criticism makes him sad. The 'Harry Potter' author has made headlines in recent years for her social media campaigning against the trans rights movement. Rowling recently wrote on social media, saying she would not forgive those who have supported trans healthcare, including Radcliffe and his 'Harry Potter' co-stars Emma Watson and Rupert Grint.

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Daniel Radcliffe "Really Sad" Over J.K. Rowling's Anti-Trans Stance | THR News

The Hollywood Reporter
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You can criticise Israel without being anti-Semitic and you can criticise trans activists without being transphobic; don't let the extremists blind you with their binary arguments.


I love how she’s standing her ground, a rare sight to see these days.


Yes, saying men can't be women is horrible.


I feel bad for Daniel Radcliffe he is just trying to say what he believes is right and it is getting backlashed by all these people


Go JK Rowling, she is the one who is right! I stand with JK!


It's not anti trans. It's pro woman. So he's sad for her pro woman stance. He's a misogynist by definition then.


Can we stop labelling it anti trans! It's pro women's rights! ffs


I expect better from the hollywood reporter. She's not anti trans. Completely false.


Perhaps Mr. Radcliffe can explain how a person with a "Y" chromosome can be a woman. Thinking doesn't necessarily make anything so and biology is more important than a "feeling". If this weren't true I'd be a small furry creature from Alpha Centauri, despite being born in England, tall and totally un-furry.


He might disagree with her (fine) but he really should have spoken up at the constant barrage of vile abuse and violent threats JKR received. IMO, Radcliffe is a virtue-signalling coward.


Daniel RATcliffe can be sorry all he wants, at end of the day HISTORY would prove JK was right and he was WRONG!
And this video is getting a thumbs down from me, she's NOT "anti-trans" Rowling has supported Trans and anyone being allowed to be whoever they want to be. She's just standing up for WOMEN'S RIGHT'S!!


My best friend is trans and she loves Rowling to this day because her books saved her life.
She always says the only people who think she’s anti trans are “wokeists” and liberal feminists better known as man haters according to her.

Besides the people who hate people like Rowling are always the people that make claims with no source, those people live on a mode I like to call read and repeat.

When their friends on Facebook say something it immediately becomes fact in their mind and they go crazy over it, they never do research on the topic instead they just well Read and Repeat.

Anyone who has actually read her tweets and listened to what she has to say knows she disagrees with biological men competing against biological women and she also disagrees with the horrific agenda of teaching kids about the LGBTQ community and also the horrific number of trans and gay people forcing kids to support the community and some even forcing them to “join”.

Your childhood is created off of forming your own opinions, creating your own memories and joining your own friend groups. When you force children to listen to certain opinions and you try to label those opinions as facts then you’re stealing their childhood. You’re not allowing them to grow for themselves and learn for themselves.

When I saw a rainbow as a kid I wondered if there was a pot of gold at the end of it and me and my friends would bicker about what side was the start and what side was the end.

In reality Rowling supports the safety of women athletes and the innocence of children. What supports this claim? She never once has claimed to have an issue with ANYONES identity or what they choose to identify as, Therefore she obviously has no problem with the idea of transitioning itself. She also never talks about women transitioning to men which is logical considering it has close to 0 impacts on male sports.


Why is she wrong? Because she speaks her own truth? Just because you don't agree with someone, it doesn't mean you're right.


weII this isNonsense.. we aII knw what JKRowling meant. DanieI sad? IoI, stay sad.


It is really sad when biological science (e.g. X and Y chromosomes) is ignored in favor of a political ideology.


Am I the only one who heard sirens 🚨 in the background of the video, I thought it was on my end seriously listen to the video with headphones 🎧.


Shes not anti trans! Why can no one understand her!


I don't understand why people are calling Daniel Radcliffe a coward and insulting Emma, ​​people understand they just wanted to defend people, they are not judging her, they are just Defending women, and you are there insulting others, even though they only defended women, they did not commit any crime, and I am Brazilian, I am from Bahia, and I completely agree with Daniel and with Emma, ​​if you don't agree, that's okay, I don't judge, and you should do the same, don't judge others for what they do or the way they are, we are all human being, no one is better than anyone else, we are going to die, we are going to stink just like the others, so stop saying these things about both of them, they just wanted to defend women, and before you come Saying "ah, JK Rolling is not against trans women" sorry if I wrote it wrong, but I'm not saying anything about her, I'm just saying that Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson just wanted to defend Women!


wth! She is supporting women with that comment!!


She's right, you're wrong.

