Why You Shouldn’t Sleep on the Bard in BG3!

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You shouldn't sleep on the bard, you should sleep WITH the bard!
-Every bard ever


Bards are dope. 1st play through was a Bard and when you have over 20 Charisma, you are basically a Jedi using the mind trick. Can spot heal, put out solid damage and provide support where needed. Def worth trying out.


The only change I'd make is changing rogue 4 for rogue 3, and getting Battlemaster for extra maneuvers with fighter class. That way you still get the bonus actions, and cool maneuvers, plus 1x feat/ASI from bard.


The issue is that nearly everything the bard can do in this setup, the gloomstalker ranger does better with arrows. Go 3 Fighter for the champion subclass. Equip the shattered mountain king knife. Sharpshooter feat at 4 rogue. 5 levels in Ranger gives you extra attack, twice a turn with action surge. Couple that with the added crits of gear and elixir of viciousness, and you can almost clear a room with 2 arrows of many targets. Astarion on this build absolutely demolished the raphael fight for me.


Bard is the PC class in the game, but try a different build. Go 10 levels of College of Lore bard, 2 levels of warlock. Start bard level 1 and continue until level 8 so you get to 20 charisma. After that point you can do the 2 warlock levels whenever. Take Agonizing Blast and the Mage Armor invocation at warlock level 2, make sure you take Hex as a warlock spell too.

You get absurd Persuasion, Deception, Performance, and Intimidation, so you can pass pretty much any conversation check easily. You have insanely strong spells as a full caster, you have bardic inspiration, you can take wizard spells like Fireball and Counterspell, you have Cutting Words.

And once you have Potent Robes, +2 Charisma hat, Ethel’s Hair, and the Sharran Mirror your Charisma goes up to 24 for a +7 modifier. With Agonizing Blast you have stupid at-will damage casting 3 Eldritch Blast cantrips that each hit for 1d10+14 damage. So as a full caster that’s also good at all skills and has access to any class’s spellbook, you also have at will damage that’s dealing 58 force damage (almost never resisted by enemies) divided however you like among 3 targets per turn


10 Swords Bard, 2 Paladin was my first build and i loved it


I don’t get why people think you have to either go gloom stalker or bard. If you take 6 bard 3 rouge 3 ranger you can get extra BAs, gloomstalker shot, and short rest flourishes. You get more spells as well which can be good for 3rd level control spells or maybe spot healing. You don’t even need a high wisdom since the gloomstalker bonuses aren’t tied to wisdom like in 5E. And you don’t get action surges but isn’t two flourishes exactly the same as action surge? So technically you can “action surge” 2.5 times a short rest. I don’t see the idea of combining them online ever and it’s pretty good I’ve done it!


Pretty much every build you should make starts with 2 levels of fighter. Starting the game out as fighter gives you all armors, weapons, and shields, proficiency in constitution saving throws, second wind for some healing and action surge at level 2.

Gameplay wise this is just being a fighter for the Nautiloid tutorial, the beach and ship crash area, the first dungeon that frees Withers and the area leading up into the Grove. Once you hit level 3 expanding into bard or Rogue to get the extra skill/expertise is perfect as you begin to do more things like explore or do social interactions.


Level 5 Gloomstalker Ranger will give you an extra attack plus the Archery Skill making bows do more damage. Level 3 Rouge Thief for Bonus Action
Level 4 Fighter for Increased Crit Chance and the dual weapon skill increasing you off hand damage further. Did this on my Durge with Bloodlust Elixir. He could attack 8-10 times on the first turn doing minimum 25 damage a shot. He solo’s most of the time so I had the party buff him to around 26 AC then sit in camp and let the murder hobo off leash


Add the band of mystic scoundrel to this build and you can cast spells like hold person or hypnotic pattern as a BONUS ACTION, which you have two of 😉


This was my first playthrough build I loved the dual wield bows and short swords with certain items to help lower crit when obscured its goated


So I'm a big fan of 5 gloomstalker ranger, 4 rogue assassin, 2 fighter, 1 claric war domain. Broken build


Playing sword bard sword + battle master fighter is basically playing Dante, slashing flourish + manouver is his style, double crossbow (ne'er meser + hellfire) as Ebony and Ivory, Phalar aluve as Rebellion or Balduran giantslayer as Sparda, Mystic scoundrel ring so you can vicious mocker for taunt, Risky ring for hit harder but thematic cause he got hit alot (disadvantage saving throw)
and being a Bard gives you perform action like Dante when he does his wacky performance. And once you reach act 3 you can stack on Pizza for camp
And i like to add 1 War cleric level in the with Tymora just for thematic, while Dante is not religious, he is incredibly lucky. so to summarize it's 6 fighter + 1 cleric + 5 bard

Also, if you want Devil Trigger, play Durge


Just go full bard, no need to add multi classes to it. You will be able to do huge damage with spell and if the enemy get to close you can can beat their ass easy with swords or spells.


I think 3 rog, 3 gloomstalker is more valuable than another feat with this build


Fighter is hands down the best. Extra attacks good at range and magic if you chose too they can do everything and they do more damage. Eldritch knight over anything medium armor or heavy with good magic spells and range my dudes badass


My first durge run was bard college of swords mixed with rougue thief as a female drow and did exactly this with half illithid and it was sooo strong, honor run worthy too especially with the durge cloak


Imagine this build but use a high damaging weapon like a greatsword and then use mind sanctuary via partial illithid.
Then use a haste potion.
You can literally have 10 main hand attacks in a single turn.


I'm gonna have to try this around act 3 this run


Yes, but 4 battle master fighter for percision. 4 gloomstalker ranger for dread ambush and 4 thief rogue for extra bonus action. Take crossbow expert and sharpshooter this is my solo build.
