What If Anakin Skywalker Didn't Take a Seat

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In Revenge of the Sith, Anakin is allowed onto the Jedi High Council, but is not granted the rank of Master. If Anakin didn't take a seat what would happen? Would the Jedi try and deescalate the situation? Or would Anakin become too much for them to handle?

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I think Anakin got the most fitting ending here. He faced consequences for his immaturity, but he got his happy ending. I think it makes sense that he’s no longer a Jedi, but as a person being who he is.


5:05 I honestly thought that Obi-Wan would try to move Anakin to his seat and whisper "I swear to the Force Anakin if you keep this up I'm calling Padme"


I love how Anakin ended up. He was impulsive and disrespectful in that scene, but one can understand being from his perspective. I am glad that Sidious was defeated.


Slightly different approach.
What if Anakin didn't take a seat, not by having a continued hissy fit, but "calmly" refusing the "honor" after the council complains about the chancellor exerting his influence over them.


Palpatine: ah Anakin - oh. Master windu. I thought Anakin was coming...
Mace: nope.
Palpatine: oh. I see...
(Long awkward silence)
Palpatine: you wouldn't by any chance like to hear the tragedy of Darth pleigus the wise?


What if Ventress survived the Clone Wars and joined the Rebellion.


I like the fact that Anakin stood up for himself here in the council chambers whether he was ready for the rank or not, there is benefits to being like this in life.

Great fan fiction man keep it going bro 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾.


What if Anakin refused the position on the council by using the rules of the Jedi as the reason for his refusal.


What if Dooku was trained by Plagueis instead of Sidious and instead Sidious was trained by Tenebrous?


Thanks for the story. I love how you write your stories. Most people say that anakin would instantly fall to the dark side if so and so went wrong. But I think most writers don’t take into account how the Jedi aren’t stupid and will probably try to help him. Great writing Pente


The “live the life you deserve to live” from obi-wan made me tear up. Great writing my friend, well done.


Thanks for another great one, glad Anakin and Padme got happy ending. It hadn't occurred to me they would probably have another kid since they can live their lives more truthfully.


This one caught me completely off guard, but it was a damn good story, definitely unexpected but I ended up enjoying it a ton.


Well done I liked how you treated Anakin as being kind of being wrong. Like how Windu handles Anakin not giving into the bratty behavior. Not surprised he was kicked out in the end. Glad he had a happy life with Padme in the end.


Anakin should have just dropped all his shit and walked out the council door then go straight over to Padme's place.


What if Cin Drallig trained Obi-Wan? It'd be cool bc Obi-Wan is regarded as one of if not the best swordsman in the order, and it would be interesting to see how his skills grow by being trained by the Temple's battle master


The, hello at the beginning always gets me 😂😂😂


Looks like Anakin is about to throw hands(lightsabers). This’ll be interesting to watch and see.


What if Asajj Ventress killed Darth Tyranus(Count Dooku) during the clone wars?

What if Barriss Offee was trained by Darth Sidious?

What if Anakin on the Invisible Hand after Dooku's defeat, then revealed Palpatine's true identity as the Sith Lord then kills Sidious?

What if General Grievous was the Sith Lord?

What if Ahsoka turned to the dark side on Malachor, thus joining Vader?

What if Pong Krell survived Umbara?

What if Mace Windu was the Sith Lord?

What if Boba Fett was the Sith Lord?

What if Darth Tenebrous(Master of Hego Damask II) killed Darth Plagueis?

What if Darth Bane avoided the Rule of 2, thus many sith still exist?

What if Darth Vitiate/Tenebrae was the Jedi Grandmaster of the Jedi Order?

What if Darth Nihilus killed Meetra Surik, Mandalore/Canderous Ordo, and his former apprentice Visas Marr over Telos IV?

What if Darth Traya killed Darth Sion and Darth Nihilus on Malachor V?

What if Darth Revan never returned to the lightside?

What if Darth Malak killed Revan on the Star Forge?

What if Firmus Piett was the Sith Lord?


Brilliant! Short, simple, love it! Once again, perhaps the only what if guy out there not to fall into the trap of turning Windu into a bad guy, nor making Skywalker escape responsibility from his actions. Keep it up!
